Template:Community Wishlist/Focus area/Full/pl

This page is a translated version of the page Template:Community Wishlist/Focus area/Full and the translation is 92% complete.
Untitled In progress


This is the short description.

This is the longer description. Sometimes it's difficult to find exactly what you're looking for in Wikimedia projects. This topic would focus on making it easier and more precise to specify what is being searched for, as well as making search results more useful.

Reported issues that could be addressed in this area:

  • It's difficult to find pages with typos.
  • It is not possible to search for words with special characters from other languages.
  • No search results from other language versions are displayed.

Inne szczegóły

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 14:41, 19 March 2025 (UTC)

Utworzono: 07:25, 30 April 2024 (UTC)

Życzenia w tym obszarze zainteresowań

Below is a list of wishes that have informed this focus area. More wishes may be added to this table over time. Voting for the focus area is not a guarantee that each wish will be explicitly delivered; rather, the wishes are suggestive of the problem at large. Once a focus area is adopted, the respective team will work alongside communities to prioritize and deliver on the most impactful solutions.

{{ Community Wishlist/Wishes/{{{slug}}} }}
Życzenie Zadania na Phabricatorze Type Projects Date (UTC) Status

Teams and affiliates


Community members

  • TheDJ, and Nardog: general assistance
  • Xavier Dengra: Wishlist maintenance
  • Xaosflux: General technical feedback


Ten obszar ma aktualnie {{{vote_count}}} zwolenników. Głosowanie na niego jest otwarte aż do momentu ukończenia. Okaż poparcie, korzystając z przycisku poniżej.

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Zwolennicy tego obszaru

Jeszcze nie ma zwolenników.

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