Name: dow = day of week, "a" refers to the alphabetic, not numeric result.
This template computes the ISO weekday for a given Gregorian date.
- {{dowa|2007|3|11}} gives Sunday.
- {{dowa|1907|3|11}} gives Monday.
- {{dowa|1807|3|11}} gives Wednesday.
- {{#time:l|2007-3-11}} gives Sunday.
- {{#time:l|1907-3-11}} gives Monday
- {{#time:l|1807-3-11}} gives Wednesday
- {{dowa|year|month|day}}
- The year must be astronomical (0 is 1 BC, -1 is 2 BC, etc.).
- The month is between 1 and 12 from January to December.
- The day is normally between 1 and 31.
The template used to be especially useful for dates before 19700101, because they were outside the range of #time.
See also: