
This page tracks the status of the {{{en name}}} (lc-status) request. It is unofficial, and does not necessarily predict committee decisions.

This page was last updated 15 February 2025; you can request an update on Talk:Language committee.


The following criteria for final approval must be met before the wiki can be created. Criteria that are crossed out with a black box have been satisfied.

  • Criteria for eligibility
    check that the project does not already exist (see list).
    obtain an ISO 639 code (Lc-status).
    ensure the requested language is sufficiently unique that it could not exist on a more general wiki.
    ensure that there are a sufficient number of native editors of that language to merit an edition in that language. (For constructed languages, there must be sufficient recognition as determined by discussion.)
  • Criteria for final approval
    develop an active test project; it must remain active until approval (automated statistics, recent changes). It is generally considered active if the analysis lists at least three active, not-grayed-out editors listed in the sections for the previous few months.
    complete required MediaWiki interface translations in that language (about localization, recent translations):
    most-used MediaWiki messages (list untranslated);
    all MediaWiki messages (list untranslated);
    main extensions used by Wikimedia Foundation wikis (list untranslated).
  • Approval process
    verify test project content with a reliable neutral source, such as a professor or expert.
    approval by the committee.
    notify Board of Trustees for possible veto.
    final approval.

See also


| open: Lc-status]]

 |en name   =
 |updated   =

 |new       =   | done
 |code      =   | done
 |unique    =   | done
 |scope     =   | done
 |test      =   | done
 |l10n main =   | done
 |l10n core =   | optional | done
 |l10n ext  =   | optional | done
 |wb ext    =   | done
 |ws ext    =   | done

 |status    =   | eligible | approved | rejected
 |verified  =   | optional | done
 |langcom   =   | done
 |board     =   | done

 <!-- overrides -->
 |category   = 
 |iso639-3   = 
category for test projects on the multilingual Wikisource or Beta Wikiversity, where pages are grouped by category. The value shouldn't include the "Category:" prefix.
If given "none", displays "No test project".
iso639-3 for the SIL lookup when the project is using an ISO 639-1 or -2 code.
test-project Overrides test project link (don't use this simply to remove broken links in normal cases, these should remain for future creating!)
twiki code Overrides language code checked on translatewiki.