Template:Steward elections/diq
- Kâhyay serdı ju fın weçineyênê. Kâhyay umuşinda wertaxin heta dosyayn dê wikimediaya u Politikaya Kahyayan telnik wezifanê xo anê herun* Çiyê bıbo se, resayısê karberi vındarnayış, şınasiya karberi mocnayış vs şenê bı kerê (bıvinên* teferruati).
- Rey dayış, açarnayış yana zi qandê kahyayin perkerdışi rê, rey dayışi [[Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Guidelines|buwanê]]. [{{{voter-check-tool}}} Etiya ra şıma şenê ezayina xo pers kerê].
- Candidate submissions are open from 25 Adar 2025, 20:53 (UTC) until 25 Adar 2025, 20:53 (UTC). [[Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Questions|Questions to the candidates]] can be submitted until the election concludes.
- Reydayış dı ra nata bıbo u hetana bıramo. Ezay [[Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Guidelines|xısusiyete kahyaya]] biyarê herun u %80'ra nezdi 30 rey grotış mecburiyo. Taqibê neticeya [[Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Statistics|etiya ra]] bivinên.
- The [[Stewards/Confirm/{{{year}}}|confirmation process]] of the current stewards is being held in parallel.
- [[:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Statements|İfadey pêro]] (bê reya)
Ezay |
![]() Yes |
![]() No |
![]() Noturo |
![]() Persiyayış |
Netice |
Confirmation of current stewards |
Komitey weçinayışi
Stewards organise the elections themselves. The Board of Trustees decided in 2009 that they will abstain from confirming the result of new elections. Therefore, stewards create an election committee for every election consisting of volunteers for the following tasks:
- Closing the steward elections;
- Certifying the outcome of the elections, after all votes cast in all candidatures were verified for eligibility;
- Appointing the elected candidates;
- Closing the steward confirmations;
- After the steward confirmation, weighing consensus by community and stewards, and then decide whether to confirm them or not.
You can contact the Election Committee by emailing stewards-electionslists.wikimedia.org.
Koordinasyon dê weçinayış kahayn dê 2016 rê desteg dayışi rê, Kerem ke: [[Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Coordination|Pelaya Koordinasyoni]].
Nara ke şıma rê desteg icab keno se #wikimedia-stewards-electionsconnect yana [[Talk:Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}|pelaya mınaqeşi]] dı pers bıkerê.
- [[:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Statistics|Stewards/Elections {{{year}}}/Statistics]]
- [[:Category:Steward elections {{{year}}} statements|Category of all valid candidacies]]
- [[:Category:Steward elections {{{year}}} statements/disqualified|Category of all invalid candidacies]]
- [[:Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Confirm/{{{year}}}|Stewards/Confirm/{{{year}}}]]
This template provides the text for the yearly steward elections "main page", e.g. SE17.
- year = e.g. 2017
- CandidStart = Day and time when nominations are opened
- CandidEnd = Day and time when nominations are closed
- VotingStart = obvious
- VotingEnd = obvious
- candidates = Candidates, one line
{{Se candidate indexer|2017|Example}}
per candidate - withdrawn = Withdrawn candidates, one line
{{Se candidate indexer|2017|Example|withdrawn}}
per candidate - disqualified = Disq. candidates, one line
{{Se candidate indexer|2017|Example|disq}}
per candidate - ElectCom = The members of the election committee, one line
* {{user|Example}}
per member - Elected = The elected stewards, one line
per user - voter-check-tool = link to the tool which checks voters' eligiblity, e.g. toolforge:meta/accounteligibility/38