I'd rather not have yet another Wikipedia story if possible - at least not as interview of the month.--Eloquence 01:48, 12 December 2005 (UTC)
Paul Mirecki, Kansas University professor famous for his planned anti-ID course, his polemical anti-creationist remarks and for being allegedly physically attacked for them. Some room for tough questions here if he's willing to take them.
Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, founder of Daily Kos, most popular political weblog today, which also makes use of a wiki.
Heidi Fleiss, internationally famous brothel owner, who has recently announced plans for a "stud farm" in Nevada to serve female clients.
Rick Wagoner, CEO of General Motors. It'd be great to ask about the economic stability of the corporation, which ultimately has an effect on many workers worldwide.
Electronic Frontier Foundation they are always at several political issues at once and getting someone from there shouldn't be too difficult.
Christoph Schultheis, editor of Bildblog, a very interesting German "watchblog" that reports on Germany's biggest tabloid newspaper. Almost always has some interesting developing story that could be used as a "hook".
Boris Johnson, British politician who stated intent to publish the Al-Jazeera memo. Links to his WP biography on his web site [1], which suggests he may be agreeable to it.
David Cameron, recently elected leader of the UK Conservative party. [2]