Template talk:Int string

Latest comment: 11 months ago by GVarnum-WMF in topic Policies and guidelines

Merge Template:Name with Template:Int string?


Hey @Pols12: Great work on this template and thank you for starting this! I have similarly noticed an increasing repetition in basic names/strings being requested for translation. As such, I have started some work on Template:Int string. I would both welcome any help/feedback you may have on that effort, and also wanted to see if you thought it might be helpful to merge Template:Name with Template:Int string and then redirect/wrap Template:Name around Template:Int string as we are beginning to do with a few other templates in Category:Common messages. If you think it would be best to keep them separate, happy to go that route as well, but wanted to check with you first. Thank you again! -- Gregory Varnum (Wikimedia Foundation) [he/him] (talk) 18:25, 26 September 2022 (UTC)Reply

I’ve talked about this kind of “database template” with @Xeno (WMF) last year. I’m not cumfortable with a single huge template without any defined scope. I mainly fear a lack of readability of the wikitext ({{int string|yes}} is less readable than {{yes}}) and a lack of contextualization for translations (“Yes” can have many better translations than a simple “Oui”, in context). But I may be wrong, I don’t want to impose my point of view. -- Pols12 (talk) 20:02, 26 September 2022 (UTC)Reply
I agree that long-term there should be a better way identified and I believe User:MYacoubCriner-WMF and others are looking into (over a very long timeline to be clear) some "translation glossaries" and other likely better long-term solutions. In the meantime, I can absolutely appreciate the point on some of the entries like "Yes" - and am fine with removing them. Alternatively, we can use translation documentation to provide more specific contextual use - and document in the actual documentation itself what the use cases should be to avoid confusion. I can appreciate that a word like "Home" could have multiple meanings without that context. Hopefully over the coming months/years we can decrease the need for something like this. However, now multiple years into working on those various solutions, I feel a little bad asking translators to do so much duplicate work when we may be able to offer band-aid solutions. For now, I will merge these templates if that is alright, and also begin pulling from Wikidata since generally names of this nature are less disputed. I also welcome any improvement in documentation, etc. to help clarify these issues further. Thank you again for your ongoing work on this! I think the Foundation is increasing our capacity on this front, and I am pleased with progress - paritcularly over last few years - but recognize we still have a long ways to go. We shall get there together...eventually! --Gregory Varnum (Wikimedia Foundation) [he/him] (talk) 21:32, 26 September 2022 (UTC)Reply

Policies and guidelines



I propose to add:

| meta-policy-guidelines = <translate>Policies and guidelines</translate>

since it's a very common string to use in {{process header}} to link to Meta-Wiki policies and guidelines.

Not adding it myself to let others evaluate if this it is worth it. Feel free to change the meta-policy-guidelines to another string if needed too.

Thanks, —MarcoAurelio (talk) 15:20, 12 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

No opposition, that makes sense. However, I would use the full string “Policies and guidelines” as key, since it is not longer than proposed “meta-policy-guidelines” one. -- Pols12 (talk) 21:00, 12 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
@MarcoAurelio: I apologize profusely as I completely missed this request somehow. In any case, I have gone ahead and added it to the template, as well as queued it for entry into system messages for better cross-wiki translation. Thank you for the suggestion, and feel free to ping me with any others. --Gregory Varnum (Wikimedia Foundation) [he/him] (talk) 22:01, 12 March 2024 (UTC)Reply
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