The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Resources/Organizers Guide/Dashboard resources/da
Oprettelse af dit program i kontrolpanelet
- Click any of the campaign links suggested above to create your program for the respective campaign (January, May)
- Once you arrive on the page, click the login button labelled 1 and follow the on-screen popup wizard to login using your Wikipedia account
- After you are logged-in, click on the create program as labelled 2 in the diagram above
- On the next screen you are required to fill in the blank text boxes with the respective information about your program
- Click next button as labelled 1 in the diagram above after you are done completing all information in the blank text boxes
- Fill out the scheduled time and dates for the program
- Click create my program to complete the creation process, now your program is live!
- Your program is has been created and automatically added to the campaign as circled in the diagram above
Signing up participants to your program
- På dette tidspunkt er dit program blevet oprettet
- Copy the link in the area labelled 1 as indicated in the diagram above
- Send et link til dine deltage for at indskrive dem i dit program
- Deltagere kan just indsætte linket i deres browser
- Returning participants or participants with an account on Wikipedia can just click the login button as indicated with the number 1 in the diagram above
- New participants should click the sign up button labelled 2 as indicated in the diagram
- All participants should follow the on-screen popups wizard to either create an account or log in
- Once you account creation or log in is successful, you will be redirected back to the dashboard page
- You will then receive a welcome message at the top of the dashboard page as circled in the diagram above