The Wikipedia Library/Newsletter/March-April 2022/da

This page is a translated version of the page The Wikipedia Library/Newsletter/March-April 2022 and the translation is 6% complete.
The Wikipedia Library
Books & Bytes
Issue 50, March–April 2022

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In this issue we highlight new partnerships, 1lib1ref and, as always, a roundup of news and community items related to libraries and digital knowledge.

Nye partnere

The Wikipedia Library is announcing free, full-access, accounts for a new partner:

  • SPIEone of the largest collections of optics and photonics applied research.

A number of existing partners have also moved to allow immediate access to all eligible editors, without requiring an application; these include Cambridge University Press and Cochrane Library. To see which partners are available to you, visit your My Collections page.

#1lib1ref: May 2022 edition

1lib1ref is a campaign inviting librarians, researchers, and other knowledge enthusiasts to add just one reference to make Wikipedia more reliable. The May 2022 edition runs from 15 May to 5 June 2022.

For this campaign, organizers are adding a new contribution method focused on thematic/topical contributions and new languages from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. If you are interested in learning more, consider joining the Libraries (libraries(a) and 1Lib1Ref mailing lists (1lib1ref(a) or joining the Wikimedia + Libraries User Group. If you're planning to organize an event, join the campaign on Outreach Dashboard.

Bytes in brief

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