The polygon map/New color scheme

2-level color system


Antarctic and seas get predefined color. Boundaries are black, except for disputed boundaries that are red (and wider).

Every country is assigned a main color, in a way. Specific shade is selected from one of these plates:


24-plate set is at

The globe

projection = equalarea
size       = 1200 600
lat        = 90 -90
long       = -180 180
out        = globe22.png
background = political


Comments please.

Comments to old versions


Much lighter and softer. Like it much better. Imho, the purple still too strong, I think it could still benefit of another green, or mostly brownish color instead. Browns are little used in this map :-) Thanks. Ant

I agree, it's much better, though still rather garish. Try making the ocean even lighter -- about #EBf7f7. I suggest making the state colors much lighter too; use more vivid shades only for their borders.
I also suggest changing the blue/purple/pink states to light yellow/orange/brown, and special-casing Antarctica so that it's always white. --Mpt
better. Why is it that Libya and Egyp appear the same color ? You should also lighten ocean even more. This is nice. Ant