Toolhub/Progress reports/2020-11-27

Report on activities in the Toolhub project for the week ending 2020-11-27.

Late report


The progress report for the week of 2020-11-27 was delayed by Wikimedia Foundation holidays. Reports are generally published on the Friday ending the week. That day was a holiday for US based Foundation staff, so the report is being compiled an published on the next working day (2020-11-30).

Display of toolinfo records

Tracked in Phabricator:
Task T264971

Srishti has been working on adding "card" and detail views to the Vue frontend for the toolinfo records gathered by the crawler. This is a very exciting milestone as it brings life to the prior work on the crawler and the url submission process.

The initial Vue integration work has surfaced several missing features from the /api/tools/ API endpoint that we will be addressing. We have managed to fix a few of these already, but will be continuing work in the coming week to make the API responses easier to consume.

Audit log backend


Bryan has started work on the components needed to track and report on changes to various models in the Django backend. This work is currently only in Bryan's local git working tree, but should show up in Gerrit in the coming week.

RTL support


Srishti has posted a patch bringing initial right-to-left language support to the frontend interface via Vuetify's built-in $vuetify.rtl configuration switch. The language-name-map library from NPM is currently being proposed as the source of truth for mapping ISO 639-1 locale codes to the proper LTR/RTL layout direction for the chosen locale.

Wrap up


We are now two thirds of the way through the quarter by calendar months. December will be a shortened work month with the Foundation end of year holiday break taking up a bit more than a week of calendar time. With around three and a half working weeks left in the quarter it seems very unlikely that the OAuth for API consumers work will be done. There is still a small chance that work will start on this component, but that will only happen if other work in progress on display of toolinfo records, audit logging, and integration with are completed or become blocked by external dependencies.

Bryan and Srishti have started discussing how best to demonstrate Toolhub's progress and user interface to members of the advisory board and other interested community members. As the project moves into work that is more visible to others, they would both like to get more diverse and informed feedback on issues of design and localization. Follow phab:T269018 to see what comes out of those discussions.