Toolhub/Progress reports/2021-08-06

Report on activities in the Toolhub project for the week ending 2021-08-06.

Kubernetes deployment configuration in progress

Tracked in Phabricator:
Task T287716

The Foundation's main Kubernetes cluster uses a package management software called Helm to help manage the configuration for an application. Bryan is working on the necessary Helm "charts" to deploy and configure Toolhub in this environment. The "Migrating a service to Kubernetes" tutorial written by Jeena Huneidi has been very helpful in explaining the basic work that needs to be done, and Jeena has also been generous with her time in answering small questions that have come up as Bryan works through the process.

Production database created


Manuel Aróstegui from the Foundation's Data Persistence team has created the empty database and users that we will need in production!

Production Elasticsearch discussed


Bryan met with Guillaume Lederrey and Ryan Kemper from the Foundation's Search Platform team this week to discuss final steps for the Elasticsearch service needed by Toolhub in production. The meeting surfaced one issue to fix in the Toolhub codebase: renaming the index created by the application. Bryan expects to test creating an empty index early next week.

Security review status update


The security review of Toolhub is ongoing, but expected to return it's initial findings and recommendations on or before 2021-08-09.

Toolhub at Wikimania


As reported last week, we will have several Wikimania 2021 unconference for Toolhub sessions during Wikimania. We are happy to announce that there will also be a lightning talk titled "How to find tools to improve your workflows" on 2021-08-14 at 16:15 UTC in "building 4" of the conference. This session will be a short introduction to Toolhub focused on the general features of the application with an emphasis on the use cases for editors of search and featured lists.

Wrap up


Wikimania is next week! And so is our target deployment date. There is still some uncertainty about the hoped for deployment date. The initial recommendations from the security review are still pending, the Helm charts for the deployment need some additional work, and typical August holidays plus Wikimania prep may make it difficult to receive all the necessary approvals in time for a Thursday August 12th deployment. We do have a fully functional demo server in place and will be able to use that to show off live features during Wikimania if necessary. At this point Bryan is considering the production release prior to Wikimania a "nice to have" outcome, but cautions everyone that it may not happen. A release in the two weeks following Wikimania is a higher probability outcome.