Training modules/dashboard/slides/11308-move-your-page

Move your page


The new page will say "Move page." In a big window in the center of that page (marked "Move page") you'll be asked for two fields.

  1. First, to the left, you'll see a box that says "User." Click and change it to "Article." That tells the page that you want to change your sandbox into an article.
  2. To the right of that, you'll see a box asking for a title. Write out your article's title. Pay attention to punctuation and spelling, because this can be hard to change once you make it!
  3. In the "reason" box, enter the reason, something like "I'm moving my sandbox article into Wikipedia" will do.
  4. Review your title one last time, and then click on the gray "Move page" button.

You're done!