Training modules/dashboard/slides/20803-scoping-options

Scoping Methods


Step 4: Choose scoping methods

Select each scoping method you want to use.

The available scoping methods are:

  • Categories - Track articles that are in a specific wiki Category. Optionally, you can include sub-categories as well.
  • PagePile - Track a set of articles within a "pile", using the pile ID from the PagePile tool. The articles in a pile do not change over time.
  • PetScan - Track articles returned by a specific PetScan query, using a PetScan query ID (PSID). The results of a PetScan query can change over time, and the Dashboard will periodically update to the latest set of articles for that query.
  • Templates - Track a set of articles based on a wiki Template that each of them includes. This also works for Talk page templates, such as WikiProject banners.

Each of these scoping methods can also be added from the Articles (or Pages) tab, after program setup is complete.

In addition to these scoping methods, an Article Scoped Program will track edits to any pages added to the program's Available Articles list and any of the participants' Assigned Articles.