Translation requests/Benefactors/ne


|intro = As a nonprofit organization, the Wikimedia Foundation relies on the expertise and generosity of thousands of people all around the world. This page reflects gifts received after May 1, 2009.

| प्रेस = प्रेस विज्ञप्ति
| अहिले = अज्ञात

| संस्थापना-हेड = संस्थापना सहयोग
| ्प्रमुख-ए = Major Benefactors 
| patrons-head = Patrons 
| leading-head = Leading Donors 
| sustaining-head = Sustaining Donors
| sustainingcorp-head = Sustaining Corporate Donors
| donations-head = Donations of Goods and Services
| special-head = Special Thanks to our Chapters
| special-intro = The Wikimedia Foundation would like to thank the following chapters for their donations:

| ch = Switzerland
| it = Italy

| contact-head = Contact
| contact-intro = Have questions about our giving levels or donating to the Wikimedia Foundation? Email [[User:Sma|Steven Ma]] at giving{{@}}

| भाषा = ne