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Wikimedia Foundation Inc. (známá jako nadace Wikimedia) je mateřská organizace různých projektů se svobodným obsahem, z nichž nejznámější je encyklopedie Wikipedie.
Jaké jsou cíle nadace?
Cílem nadace Wikimedia Foundation je podporovat a motivovat dobrovolníky z celého světa ke shromažďování a rozvoji naučných informací pod svobodnou licencí nebo jako volné dílo, a dále tyto informace efektivně a globálně šířit.
Ve spolupráci se sítí poboček poskytuje nadace základní infrastrukturu a organizační systém pro podporu a vývoj mnohojazyčných projektů na bázi wiki společně s dalšími prostředky k uskutečnění cílů. Nadace bude vytvářet a uchovávat užitečné informace, které budou vždy dostupné zdarma prostřednictvím Internetu.
Viz také naše programové prohlášení.
Jedná se o charitu?
Wikimedia je nezisková dobročinná organizace řídící se zákony státu Florida ve Spojených státech amerických. Je vedena v seznamu dobročinných organizací Guidestar a na jeho partnerských stránkách. Ve Spojených státech amerických se na ni vztahuje daňová výjimka 501(c)(3).
Její založení bylo oficiálně oznámeno zakladatelem Wikipedie Jimmym Walesem 30. června 2003. Stanovy nadace Wikimedia Foundation Inc. jsou dostupné online.
V lednu 2004 Jimmy Wales jmenoval Tima Shella a Michaela Davise do Správní rady nadace Wikimedia. V červnu 2004 se konaly volby pro obsazení dvou křesel zástupci uživatelů. Po dvou týdnech voleb byly zvoleny do rady Angela Beesleyová a Florence Nibart-Devouardová.
Které projekty podporujete?
WMF podporuje Wikipedii, slavnou online enciklopedii, která byla jednou z 15 nejnavštěvovanějších webových stránek na světě na konci roku 2006. Od založení Wikipedie v lednu 2011 a začlenění nadace Wikimedia Foundation v červnu 2003, je náš růst ohromující. Anglická Wikipedie, náš první projekt, se rozrostl ze 135.000 článků v době začlenění do 1,5 milionu článků dnes. Wikipedií v 12 jiných jazycích se chlubí více než 100.000 jejich vlastních článků.
Nicméně, nadace také provozuje několik projektů vedle Wikipedie, jako je Wikimedia Commons, úložiště svobodných obrázků a jiných médií, které tak předčilo 1 milion snímků v listopadu 2006. Wikislovník, otevřená encyklopedie, má 8 slovníků s více než 50.000 položek, z nichž tři mají více než 200.000 definicí. Wikizdroje, původní zdrojové úložiště obsahuje téměř 150.000 stránek. Wikicitáty (citace), Wikiknihy (spoluprací psané knihy), Wikizprávy (občanská žurnalistika), a Wikiverzita (rozvoj vzdělánání) všechny spolu i nadále rostou ve stejném vývojovém trendu.
Celkově naše projekty mají více než 7,8 milionu stránek, 2,2 milionu obrázků a 5 milionů registrovaných účtů.
Wikitravel, Omegawiki a Wikia jsou oddělené wiki, které nejsou spravovány Wikimedia Foundation.
Další informace lze nalézt na našich projektech. Například zde je zpráva o stavu Wikizdrojů.
Jak nadace pracuje?
The Wikimedia Board of Trustees manages the nonprofit organization and supervises the solicitation and disposition of donations. The Board of Trustees is the ultimate corporate authority in the Wikimedia Foundation Inc. (article IV, sec. 1 of the Wikimedia Foundation bylaws). The Board has the power to direct the activities of the foundation.
This site includes a complete list of notes from Board meetings till the end of 2005.
In 2006, we switched to a dual system, featuring both meeting minutes (usually not published), and resolutions. We also set up a collection of committees and hired our first Executive Director, Brad Patrick, in June 2006. Most of the interaction between board members, staff, committee members, developers and community happens online, on our wikis, on mailing lists, and through electronic chat (IRC). We do, however, have face to face opportunities, during Wikimania (our annual conference), during board retreats or real life board meetings.
We have only one office, located in Florida (USA), where four of our employees and one board member are working. All other board members or staff work remotely. The staff is made of six people (as of the end of 2006); this does not include the many volunteers (which include board members).
At the end of 2006, major changes in the organization took place, including four new board members in three months, change of the chair of the Foundation, setup of an advisory board, and bylaw revisions.
More information about Foundation activity may be found at
- Policies
- Resolutions
- WMF Annual Report 2006 (which actually features 2004, 2005, 2006 - soon online)
- Founder letter Sept 2004
- Founder letter January 2005
- Founder letter June 2005
=Kdo jsou členové správní rady nadace Wikimedia Foundation?
V lednu 2004 Wales jmenovat Tima Shella a Michaela Davise do Správní rady nadace Wikipedia. V červnu 2004 se konaly volby pro obazení dvou křesel zástupci uživatelů. Po dvou týdnech voleb, Angela Beesleyová a Florence Nibart-Devouardová byly zvoleny do rady.
V lednu 2004, Jimmy Wales jmenoval Tima Shella a Michaela Davise do správní rady nadace Wikimedia Foundation a později udělal výzvu k přihlášení kandidátů pro zástupce komunity [1]. V červnu 2004 došlo k uskutečnění voleb pro dva uživatele členů zastupujících rady. Po měsíční kampani a dva týdny v online hlasování, Angela Beesley(ová) a Florencie Nibart-Devouard(ová) byly zvoleny připojit se k tabuli. Ony byly znovu zvoleny následující rok v červenci 2005.
V červnu 2004 došlo k uskutečnění voleb pro dva uživatele členů zastupujících rady. Po měsíční kampani a dva týdny v online hlasování, Angela Beesley(ová) a Florencie Nibart-Devouard(ová) byly zvoleny připojit se k tabuli. Ony byly znovu zvoleny následující rok v červenci 2005.
Od ledna 2007, seznam členů správní rady je
- Florence Devouard(avá)
- Kat Walsh
- Michael Davis
- Erik Möller
- Jimmy Wales
- Oscar van Dillen
- Jan-Bart de Vreede
Biografie a podmínky současných členů představenstva lze nalézt na desce.
How does the Foundation serve its mission?
First, the Wikimedia Foundation owns the Wikimedia servers along with the domain names and trademarks of all Wikimedia projects and the MediaWiki software. It generally supports all the costs of having the projects up and in working order. Contributors retain the copyright to their own content but must release it under a free license, most commonly the GNU Free Documentation License, allowing anyone to continue to use it for any purpose, in perpetuity. Through this principle of free content, we ensure that our work will never be lost to humankind.
The Foundation also plays an important innovative part in further developing the projects, connecting people, promoting collaboration with other parties, and so on. In particular, each of our projects has unique technological requirements, which are met by our small but efficient team of software developers. The highest priority in 2007 will be a renewed focus on quality assurance. This will include mechanisms to identify trusted versions of content such as Wikipedia articles.
Ensuring success in all endeavors of the Foundation will make it necessary to collaborate with organizations and companies around the planet. Our financial planning includes professional staff who will pursue such strategic partnerships, as well as coordinate our growing network of chapter organizations in various countries.
How is the revenue spent?
The majority of WMF expenditures support our programs. Foremost are our expenses for the hardware and bandwidth that keep our websites up and running.
The single greatest expenditure for WMF is hardware, followed by hosting and bandwidth costs. The WMF has seen its inventory of computer hardware increase steadily to meet demand. Here is a frequently updated status of this hardware: Wikimedia hardware status.
The main reason for the increase is our growth in traffic. At the end of the year 2006, Comscore listed "Wikipedia Sites" as the number six site in the world, measured by unique visitors (*). Wikipedia, our flagship website, received about 285,000 page views per minute. The WMF is concerned about the capitalization and operational commitments necessary to keep these systems running reliably. These costs alone will exceed $2.5 million in the year 2007.
(*) Excludes traffic from mobile phones, PDAs, and public computers such as Internet cafes.
Domain registration and trademarks are another part of Wikimedia's expenditures. The Foundation already owns some of its active and secondary/tangentially-related domain names, while others are still free or already owned.
Due to the increase in office staff, administrative costs increased. Overall, however, the allocation of expenses for fundraising is low, due to WMF's reliance on online donations for the majority of its revenue. WMF does not engage in "direct mail" advertising campaigns. Given WMF's presence online, it makes sense to communicate and ask for donations in the same virtual space. To date, it has been effective.
Costs have been kept low in the past three years, in particular because the largest majority of people helping are volunteers.
See also: What we need the money for
Where does the money come from?
As of January 2006, Wikimedia is funded primarily through private donations, but also through several grants and gifts of servers and hosting (see benefactors).
The WMF receives donations from more than 50 countries around the world. Most of the donations to WMF come from English-speaking countries (US, UK, Canada, Australia). Over half of these donations are anonymous. Though individual donations are relatively small, their sheer numbers have ensured our success.
The Wikimedia Foundation aims to increase revenue by finding alternative means of support, including grants and sponsorship as well as selling WikiReaders (textbook or PDF versions of articles from Wikipedia). There has also been discussion of selling a print version of a significant portion of Wikipedia, such as a "Wikipedia 1.0" project.
We are presently not considering advertising as a source of revenue.
The Wikimedia Foundation has 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in the United States. Donations made from other nations may also be tax deductible. See deductibility of donations for details. Please see our fundraising page for details of making donations via PayPal, MoneyBookers or by postal mail. For all other types of donation, please contact Danny Wool, our grants coordinator, at dwool at
Do you have audited financial statements?
Our financial statements have been audited for fiscal years 2004, 2005 and 2006 by Gregory Sharer & Stuart [2] and are compliant with generally accepted accounting principles.
Links to the financial statements and management letter:
What is Wikia? Is it part of Wikipedia? Is it one of the Wikimedia Foundation projects?
The Wikimedia Foundation is a registered not-for profit dedicated to the development and promotion of free content. In 2004, Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley founded Wikia,Inc. with the idea of using the same model as the Wikimedia projects to create a vast collection of wikis devoted to content that does not fit the model of any Wikimedia project. Among the initial members of Wikia were Jimmy Wales, Angela Beesley, and Michael Davis, three board members of the Wikimedia Foundation. It is, however, a completely separate company.
In some ways Wikia sites are similar to Wikipedia: both offer free content which anyone can edit. In others ways they are different: Wikia tends to have more specialized content, and features fan guides, travel information, how-to wikis, and Uncyclopedia, a popular parody of Wikipedia. Unlike Wikipedia, which is funded by donations, Wikia is funded by investors and by advertising.
Wikimedia and Wikia have a healthy relationship, and people from one often contribute to the other. Until recently, Wikia helped the Wikimedia Foundation get organized by donating office space in St. Petersburg, Florida. They are, however, separate companies with different business models.
See CentralWikia:Wikimedia for further details on the relationships between Wikia and Wikimedia.
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