Translation requests/WMF/Wikimedia thanks all contributors/zh

The Wikimedia Foundation, the organization operating Wikipedia and its sister projects, would like to thank everyone who contributed to our 2006-2007 fundraising drive. With your generous support, we will be able to continue our mission to provide free knowledge to the global community. You've made this the most successful fundraiser in the history of the Wikimedia Foundation. Thank you very much.

You can still donate to the Foundation or one of its chapters. You can also purchase merchandise in the Wikipedia Store at Please help us achieve our key goals for 2007: reliability and sustainability.

"I feel I have a personal relationship with Wikipedia. It is durable, inspirational, it is the future. Thank you." — Michael Neglia

主要捐助者 ($50,000 或以上)

  • Special thanks to a friend of the Wikimedia Foundation, who has made a matching donation of $286,000 in stocks, and who has chosen to remain anonymous.
  • The Virgin Foundation, operating under the working name of Virgin Unite, is the charitable arm of Virgin Group. The "Virgin Unite" campaign was launched in 2004. The Wikimedia Foundation would like to thank Virgin Unite for its generosity in matching donations during this fundraiser.
  • Dell Computers is providing significant discounts on hardware purchases by the Wikimedia Foundation as part of the fundraiser.

"I'm donating to the fountain of all knowledge so that it may grow to help others like it has me." — Martyn Hill

重要捐贈者 ($5,000-$49,999)

Two Sigma Investments LLC
Alan Bauer Charitable Gift Fund
The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
$5,000 (2份禮物)
Burt and Diana Cutler Family Foundation
Craigslist, Inc.
Graphics Press, LLC
The Sims/Mae's Foundation, Inc.
The Zephyr Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. William Richley, P.A.
"Great to find information in all languages including GREEK!" — Vassiliki Kekela

大額捐贈者 ($1,000-$4,999)

  • 暱名人士......
  • John Baldridge
  • Andrew Bloch
  • David Bydeley
  • The Chien family
  • Community Foundation Silicon Valley
  • Eamon Daly
  • John Eckstein
  • Peter Flamini
  • Elaine B. Fortowsky
  • Gary Frisch
  • Dominic J. Froio
  • Hitz Foundation
  • Jewish Community Endowment
  • Lawrence Lessig
  • Bennett Lewis
  • Jeff Moe
  • Elon Musk
  • Wikia, Inc.
  • Michael Webb
  • Ali Webster



The vast majority of donations to the Wikimedia Foundation come from individuals visiting our websites — too many to list here. A full list can be found in our reporting system. We appreciate your support!