Translation requests/Wikimania/Scholarships

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Scholarships page


Travel scholarships

Limited travel scholarships are available to Wikimedia community members planning to attend Wikimania. Community members from outside of the US, Canada, and Western Europe are especially encouraged to apply for scholarships. Both travel and visa support are available.

Please send applications to ; applications are due by June 26.

Application form: html | .sxw

Wikimania scholarship application form

Please fill out this form and email it to
An asterisk (*) indicates a required field
Feel free to translate this form; but please fill out the form in English; it is OK if the English is not perfect.
Please fill out the form in English; it is OK if the English is not perfect.
No personal information will ever be disclosed for any reason unless required by law.
Visa support -- including support in getting a visa processed quickly -- is available; see below.  

*1. Please provide the following:
 *First name 
 *Last name 
 Title [Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr/Prof/Msgnr]
 Sex [M/F/NA]
 URL / link to personal site:

 *Street Address/P.O. Box #
 *Postal code


*2. Please describe yourself and your work. Be creative, we don't care 
    what you did 10 years ago, we want to know what makes you laugh, or cry, 
    or jump. [< 200 words]

*3a. What Wikimedia communities (e.g. Commons, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, etc.) 
 are you involved in?  When did you become involved with each? Describe your involvement 
 in one of these communities, briefly. [< 100 words] 

*3b. (if 3a. doesn't apply). If you're not in any Wikimedia community, explain why 
 we should help you come to Wikimania.  Sell yourself well. [< 100 words]

*4. Which of the following describe you? 
[ ] Wikimedia Community member 
[ ] Student 
[ ] Researcher 
[ ] Developer 
[ ] Other (please specify)

(Note: we do not need more speakers, so if you aren't one, that's more than ok.  
 If you are one, that's ok too.)

1. Have you already registered for the conference? [Yes/No]

2. Have you been accepted as a speaker/presenter for Wikimania already? [Yes/No] 

3. Are you interested in giving a [5 minute] lightning presentation at the conference? If yes, 
on which topic?

4a. If you came to Wikimania, would you be interested in attending hacking days
(A developers' event, August 1-3)? [Yes/No] 

4b. If yes, what experience if any do you have with programming, and with 
MediaWiki in particular? 

*1. Origin of travel (city, country)
*2a. Planned date of arrival in Boston 
*2b. Planned date of departure from Boston
*3. Do you need help obtaining a visa? [Yes/No]
*4. If yes, please provide your nationality :

1. What kind of sponsorship do you require? Please tick one or more of the following choices
(note: prices can be found on the registration page at
[ ] conference pass 
[ ] accommodation
[ ] partial airfare 
[ ] airfare 

2. If you are applying for airfare or partial airfare, please provide the amount you 
require in US$.  The fairer you are in your assessment of what you need, the 
more people can come.  And the less you ask for, the more likely you are to get 
a scholarship.

3. If you receive a scholarship, you will be asked to write about your experience 
during the conference, and you may be asked to give interviews. Is that ok with you? 
[Yes/No] (if no: why?)

4. All scholarship recipients should make their own travel plans; reimbursements 
will be issued upon arrival at the conference.  Making your own arrangements often 
results in better fares, and surer plans, and allows more people to benefit from the 
scholarship fund. 
  If you *really* cannot make your own plans, please explain why.  We will take 
this into consideration.


Please note anything else you want the organizers to know about your registration, 
circumstance or any special needs. (< 200 words.)