Translation requests/Wikimania/Visum/En
Visa information
- Auswärtigen Amt Deutschland [de]
- German Federal Foreign Office [en]
- Ministère fédéral allemand des Affaires étrangères [fr]
- Ministerio Federal alemán de Relaciones Exteriores [es]
- وزارة الخارجية الألمانية [ar]
European Union
- No visa required
United States
- No visa required for stays of up to 90 days
Other countries
Who needs a visa, who does not
How to get a visa?
- Complete information (en)
- Applications for visas will be processed through your local German embassy or consulate-general
- Applications for short stay visas *should* be processed within 2 to 10 working days, but allow at least a month for application in holiday time
- Requirements may vary depending on the country of origin (minimum insurance, invitation etc.)
Should you need an invitation for visa purposes, do not hesitate to send an e-mail to