Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Election/2024/Candidates/NANöR

Account NANöR (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
Candidate details
  • Languages: Ar-N, Sv-3, En-3, Fr-3
  • Region: Middle East and North Africa
  • Active wikis: Wikipedia, Wikisource, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and Meta-Wiki.
  • Wikimedian since: 2019
Selected home wiki Arabic Wikipedia
Type of seat (regional; community-at-large; or both) (division of regional seats) Regional seat (Middle East and North Africa)
Candidate Introduction
Introductory statement / Application summary (maximum 200 words): Why are you running for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee? What would you contribute? As a dedicated advocate for inclusive and secure online communities, I am compelled to run for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) within the Wikimedia community. With a deep commitment to fostering environments where all contributors feel safe and empowered, I am eager to contribute my expertise and passion to this essential initiative.

Having extensively engaged with newcomers in my community, I understand the transformative potential of a robust code of conduct in nurturing a welcoming and supportive atmosphere. I firmly believe that by implementing and upholding clear security channels, we can enhance the experience of all participants, particularly marginalized groups.
Moreover, as a champion for women's voices in the Arabic-speaking community, I recognize the urgent need to safeguard their contributions. Initiatives I have been involved with like Wikigap and Wikimania sessions have amplified their voices, yet ensuring the security of their participation remains paramount for sustainable engagement.
Furthermore, I am dedicated to supporting emerging communities like Libya, where comprehensive policy understanding and implementation are vital for fostering a sense of belonging and continuity. By leveraging my experience and commitment, I am poised to make meaningful contributions to advancing the Universal Code of Conduct and creating a more inclusive Wikimedia community for all.

Please describe your Wikimedia experience (such as contributions to the Wikimedia projects, memberships in Wikimedia organizations or affiliates, experience working on conduct issues in your community, activities as a Wikimedia movement organizer, or participation in building Wikimedia policies). My Wikimedia experience spans various roles and contributions, demonstrating my commitment to the advancement of the Wikimedia movement.

Governance Coordination: I have been actively involved in local and global governance structures, contributing to decision-making processes and ensuring community representation in key initiatives.
Project Contributions: I have made substantial contributions to Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia, Wikisource and sister projects, focusing on topics related to my areas of expertise and interest. Administrative Roles: Within Wikisource, I am serving in administrative capacities, helping to maintain the integrity and quality of content while fostering a collaborative editing environment.
Advisor: I serve as an advisor for my region on matters related to the Wikimedia Charter, providing guidance and support to ensure alignment with the movement's values and mission.
Committee Memberships: I am an active member of the MENA and SSA Regional Grant Committee, participating in the evaluation and allocation of resources to support community-driven projects and initiatives.
Engagement in Activities: I regularly participate in local and global Wikimedia activities, including workshops, edit-a-thons, meetings and conferences, fostering community engagement and collaboration.
Organizational Leadership: I am currently leading the planning efforts for the upcoming Wikisource conference, overseeing logistical arrangements and program development to ensure a successful and enriching event for participants.

Through these diverse experiences, I have gained valuable insights into the complexities of our movement that would enable me to implement the UCoC efficiently.

Professional Experience, Skills and Education
Please briefly describe 3 situations that show how you worked on, or advised others on, a complex conduct or policy issue. How did you work with others to address the situations? Certainly, here are three situations demonstrating my involvement in complex conduct or policy issues, and how I collaborated with others to address them:

1. As a newcomer in a local user group, I encountered misconduct and promptly referred to the local code of conduct. Seeking guidance from experienced members, I navigated the appropriate channels to address the situation effectively. This experience provided me with a personal understanding of the importance of codes of conduct and their implementation, enriching my perspective on the universal code of conduct's scope and intentions.

2. Recognizing the underrepresentation of the Arabic-speaking community in the development of the Universal Code of Conduct, I actively advocated for increased participation and engagement from my community members. By encouraging newcomers to contribute their perspectives, I helped amplify our collective voice in shaping this vital policy.

3. When supporting a newcomer who experienced insult and adversity within the movement, I endeavored to preserve their continuity and well-being within the community. Though my efforts were not entirely successful, this experience underscored the urgent need for a robust and universally applicable code of conduct. It reinforced my commitment to ensuring its proper implementation to safeguard the integrity and inclusivity of the Wikimedia movement.

Leadership Experience
Can you describe a policy, on wiki or off, that you helped to create or change? What did you learn from this experience? I participated in the updating of notability policies on Arabic Wikipedia, particularly regarding the notability of movies. By closely following and engaging in policy-making discussions, I contributed to shaping the evolution of some of these essential policies and guidelines.

From this experience, I learned the paramount importance of collaboration and community engagement in policy development. By involving a diverse range of perspectives and soliciting feedback from stakeholders, we ensure that policies accurately reflect the needs and values of the community they serve. Additionally, I gained insight into the iterative nature of policy refinement, understanding that ongoing updates are necessary to maintain relevance and effectiveness in fostering a healthy and inclusive community environment. This experience reaffirmed my belief in the value of transparent and participatory decision-making processes, essential for the sustained growth and vitality of any community, both on and off-wiki.

How have you been able to empower people to make their voices heard? Empowering individuals to have their voices heard has been a cornerstone of my approach within the Wikimedia communities. I've implemented several strategies to achieve this:

1. Sharing Movement Updates: I regularly disseminate updates and developments within the Wikimedia movement, ensuring community members are informed and engaged. For instance, during the Universal Code of Conduct progress, I facilitated transparent communication channels to keep my community abreast of key developments, fostering a sense of ownership and involvement in the process.

2. Creating Feedback Sessions: I organize and facilitate feedback sessions and discussions, providing platforms for community members to express their opinions, concerns, and suggestions openly. These sessions not only allow for valuable input but also demonstrate a commitment to inclusive decision-making and consensus-building.

3. Innovative Projects: I spearhead innovative projects designed to showcase the breadth of opportunities within Wikimedia and inspire participation. For example, I organized a series of workshops to celebrate Arabic Wikipedia Day, highlighting the diverse avenues for contribution and encouraging individuals to explore and engage with the Wikimedia world.

Through these initiatives and others, I strive to cultivate an environment where every voice is valued and empowered to contribute meaningfully to the collective endeavor of knowledge-sharing and collaboration.

Sometimes in professional situations, there are personality conflicts. Explain how you remain productive even with personality conflicts. Despite personality conflicts, I prioritize productivity and collaboration by focusing on common goals and maintaining open communication channels. By emphasizing the shared mission of advancing the Wikimedia community's inclusivity and effectiveness, I ensure that personal differences do not overshadow our collective objectives. Additionally, I actively seek to understand perspectives, address concerns diplomatically, and foster a culture of respect and mutual appreciation for diverse contributions. This approach enables me to navigate personality conflicts constructively, ultimately promoting productivity and harmony within the community.

In addition, I encourage accountability within the community and hold individuals responsible for their actions. By fostering a culture of accountability, I ensure that conflicts are addressed transparently and that all members are held to the same standards of conduct. This helps maintain a productive and respectful environment, even in the face of personality conflicts.

Strategic Thinking
In your opinion, how can the U4C be a positive influence in the Wikimedia movement? The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) can be a positive influence in the Wikimedia movement by promoting inclusivity, safety, and accountability. By implementing clear and universally applicable guidelines, the U4C ensures a welcoming environment for all contributors, mitigating conflicts, and fostering productive collaboration. Additionally, by actively engaging with diverse communities, soliciting feedback, and facilitating transparent communication, the U4C strengthens trust and solidarity within the Wikimedia movement. Ultimately, by upholding the principles of respect, fairness, and accountability, the U4C enhances the sustainability and impact of the Wikimedia community, empowering individuals to contribute freely and confidently to the shared pursuit of knowledge
How would you help the Universal Code of Conduct develop and improve over time? I would contribute to the ongoing development and improvement of the Universal Code of Conduct by actively participating in discussions, soliciting feedback from diverse community members, and advocating for necessary revisions based on evolving needs and challenges. By fostering transparency, inclusivity, and accountability in the decision-making process, I would ensure that the code remains responsive to the changing dynamics of the Wikimedia community while upholding its core principles of respect, safety, and fairness. Additionally, I would collaborate with other stakeholders to identify best practices, address emerging issues, and enhance the effectiveness of enforcement mechanisms, thereby promoting a culture of trust and mutual respect within the Wikimedia movement.

I will advocate for case-based learning sessions to evolve the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC), fostering a deeper understanding of its implementation and impact. By analyzing real-life scenarios and their resolutions, community members can glean valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and refine enforcement strategies. These sessions will facilitate continuous learning, promote consistency in decision-making, and enhance the effectiveness of the UCoC over time.