Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Election/2024/Candidates/Vision L1

Account Vision L1 (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
Candidate details
  • Languages: Dagaare and English
  • Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Active wikis: Dagaare Wikipedia,Wikimendia Commons and Wikidata
  • Wikimedian since: 2023
Selected home wiki Dagaare Wikipedia
Type of seat (regional; community-at-large; or both) (division of regional seats) community-at-large
Candidate Introduction
Introductory statement / Application summary (maximum 200 words): Why are you running for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee? What would you contribute? am Linus Konkor who have interest in language and culture. A final year student of University of Education, Winneba, Faculty of Ghanaian Languages Education, Ajumako, from Kaleo. I join Wikipedia in 2022 but active in 2023. I deem it fit to join U4C for the passion I had for Wikipedia, joining U4C will branding my knowledge and skills in other to be able to build a better Wikipedia and serve wikimendians to my best of knowledge. I will be glad to be part of the U4C, as a wikimedian, to help the U4C develop and implement it project policies and contributing to free access of knowledge on wikis.
Please describe your Wikimedia experience (such as contributions to the Wikimedia projects, memberships in Wikimedia organizations or affiliates, experience working on conduct issues in your community, activities as a Wikimedia movement organizer, or participation in building Wikimedia policies). contributing to Wikipedia is fun and engaging. My journey in article creation, training newbies, assisting fellow wikimendians to address their problems and editing on Wikipedia has made great impact on Dagaare Wikipedia.
Professional Experience, Skills and Education
Please briefly describe 3 situations that show how you worked on, or advised others on, a complex conduct or policy issue. How did you work with others to address the situations? being honesty, the foundation of any relationship, both personal and professional, is honesty. People want to work with a leader that has morals, values and integrity. Inspiration,it is important to get your works invested in the vision and future of the company or organization. Communication, without clear communication, your works will not understand your mission, goals and vision.
Leadership Experience
Can you describe a policy, on wiki or off, that you helped to create or change? What did you learn from this experience? I did not help create or change any police but to the best of my knowledge, having quality leadership skills that will enable you to be able to influence your follows to achieve a desire goal, is key.
How have you been able to empower people to make their voices heard? through investigation and organizing open forum, providing multiple communication channels.
Sometimes in professional situations, there are personality conflicts. Explain how you remain productive even with personality conflicts. when you bite your tongue by mistake what you need to do is to be careful, but not cutting it off
Strategic Thinking
In your opinion, how can the U4C be a positive influence in the Wikimedia movement? by clarification of expectations and projecting Wikipedia Foundation to it standard
How would you help the Universal Code of Conduct develop and improve over time? coordinating activities and execution of policies