Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Election/2024 Special Election/Candidates/Боки

Account Боки (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
Candidate details
  • Languages: Serbian, English, Croatian, Serbo-Croatian
  • Region: Eastern Europe
  • Active wikis: Serbian and English
  • Wikimedian since: September 12, 2018
Selected home wiki Serbian Wikipedia
Type of seat (regional; community-at-large; or both) (division of regional seats) Regional (Eastern or Central Europe)
Introductory statement / Application summary (maximum 500 words): Tell us who you are, why you are applying, and your relevant experience. My name is Bojan, and I am applying for the Coordinating Committee for Creating the Universal Code of Conduct at Wikipedia. With over two decades of experience in coding and a pivotal role as a CheckUser at Serbian Wikipedia, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise, community involvement, and a commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all Wikipedia contributors.

Who I Am:

I have been an active contributor to Wikipedia, primarily focusing on the Serbian Wikipedia, for several years. As a CheckUser, I have gained invaluable insights into the operational and governance aspects of Wikipedia, ensuring compliance with community guidelines and addressing issues related to user behavior. Additionally, my professional background includes over 20 years of coding experience, during which I have developed a robust skill set in various programming languages and software development methodologies.

Why I Am Applying:

The creation of a Universal Code of Conduct is crucial for promoting a safer, more inclusive, and respectful environment across all Wikipedia projects. I am passionate about contributing to this initiative because I believe that a well-defined and universally accepted code of conduct is essential for the sustainability and growth of our global community. My technical background, combined with my experience in Wikipedia governance, positions me uniquely to understand and address the challenges we face in creating and implementing these guidelines.

Relevant Experience:

As a CheckUser at Serbian Wikipedia, I have been directly involved in monitoring and mitigating disruptive behavior, protecting user privacy, and ensuring adherence to Wikipedia’s policies. This role has enhanced my ability to handle sensitive situations with discretion and fairness. Additionally, it has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the diverse perspectives and needs within our community, which is crucial for developing a code of conduct that is both inclusive and effective.

My extensive coding experience further complements my suitability for this role. Over the past 20 years, I have worked on numerous projects that required meticulous attention to detail, problem-solving skills, and the ability to collaborate with diverse teams. I have developed and implemented complex software systems, often serving as a bridge between technical and non-technical stakeholders to ensure successful project outcomes. These skills will be invaluable in the collaborative process of drafting and refining the Universal Code of Conduct.

Final Words:

I am deeply committed to the mission of Wikipedia and to creating an environment where all contributors feel valued and respected. By joining the Coordinating Committee for Creating the Universal Code of Conduct, I aim to leverage my experience and skills to help establish guidelines that uphold the principles of respect, inclusivity, and collaboration that are foundational to Wikipedia. Thank you for considering my application.

The following section is transcluded. You can add comments and questions on this page: Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Election/2024 Special Election/Questions.


  • Your home wiki is listed as Serbian Wikipedia. What are your thoughts about the issues that happened with Croatian Wikipedia (e.g. as discussed in Croatian Wikipedia Disinformation Assessment-2021 and elsewhere)? Izno (talk) 17:18, 23 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    @Izno As someone who has not contributed nor has been involved at all with Croatian Wikipedia, I cannot really comment on what has happened.
    My personal thoughts, from what I have seen by visiting Croatian Wikipedia when observing some of the articles, is that Croatian Wikipedia has been one-sided for a long time and that there is specific group of people "controling" that part of Wikipedia.
    I perssonally think that anything related to politics should not be involved when it comes to encyclopedia but that's just my opinion in the sea of other opinions that do not align with mine.
    I hope that answers your question.
    Боки 18:57, 5 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • With relation to the previous question; looking through your contributions over at the Serbian Wikipedia, a pattern of behavior emerges that raises concerns about your suitability for this Committee. Section 3 of the UCoC prohibits harassment, which includes insults. However, here you call a fellow editor "a spoiled and rude brat who has not yet grown up and who still has a lot of work to do on growing up", here you call the same editor "undesirable in the community", "treasonous", and "insolent", and then you later say that you "don't understand how expressing an opinion directly and openly without mincing words is considered a personal attack". Section 3.3.2 also prohibits "systematically manipulating content to favour specific interpretations of facts or points of view", but in this comment you suggest organizing off-wiki canvassing by saying "who said we can't do that?" when responding to supposed canvassing by other people on the English Wikipedia. There have been some other comments, such as saying that there have "always been Serbian national traitors" and people who "aim for the spreading of Serbian history in the correct way", as well as a recent comment dismissing an article criticizing the right-wing swing of the Serbian Wikipedia by claiming that the swing is actually a "great success" for editors, and dismissing the negative picture the article might paint of the wider Wikimedia community. Given these examples, how will you assure voters that you will serve on this Committee with impartiality and fairness? — IмSтevan talk 09:28, 24 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    @ImStevan It's funny how you are referring to yourself as "other editor" yet you are asking me question about something that has to do with Code of Conduct. Anyhow, you and I have had some issues in the past but that is long gone and it has nothing to do with me following code of conduct when it comes to Wikipedia, otherwise, other editors on Serbian Wikipedia would have had an issue with me or warn me.
    Just to let you know, in case if you are not aware, if you look at most of my votings when it came to the fact whether or not I deserve certain higher position in Wikipedia, outcomes have been (mostly accepted - except one when I apply for admin position) with lots and lots of people involved so lots and lots of people appreciate and follow my work at Serbian Wikipedia.
    Regarding your valuable research at my comments from the past (at which two of them involve you), I really do not want to spend my valuable time, considering I am a parent of 6 year old, to answer to you as to why I was sarcastic in the most recent comment which, if you knew me, I do a lot when it comes to certain subjects. Regarding comment that was involving Ruach, I do believe that there should be no IP addresses involved when it comes to commenting, editing and anything that has to do with Wikipedia because everyone should stand behind their words and their comments and their involvement in Wikipedia. Alas, I am not the decision maker so my comment to Ruach was an honest opinion about what I think because yes, there are lots of communities and groups outside of Wikipedia that are connected in order to have some "action" going on when it comes to Wikipedia. I mean, Serbian Wikipedia has two discord groups that involve members of Wikipedia discussing stuff so I don't see how my comment was "organizational" when we clearly have invitations all over Wikipedia where we call other members to get involved outside of Wikipedia.
    With that said, I think that my assurance that you are asking about is the fact that I have been heavily involved in everything related to Serbian Wikipedia to ensure that it looks welcoming, it looks invitational and it looks as one of the best Wikipedias in the world. If chosen, I will definitely ensure that certain things on Wikipedia either get changed or get monitored closer than they have been.
    I hope this answers your questions. Боки 19:10, 5 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Боки: You can't just brush off any criticism with "I was being sarcastic", especially when it comes to insulting others. Votings regarding your positions on Serbian Wikipedia may have passed, but now we are talking about the entire Wikimedia community. You have not adressed my questions about your behaviour in relation with UCoC and how you would change your attitude and behaviour to stay in line with it.
Regarding your valuable time, you have now raised another question: if you do not have the time to answer to a question from the community properly due to other chores, how will you find time to dedicate yourself to this Committee?
I would not rate your actions on Serbian Wikipedia as welcoming or invitational, but I'm not the only one voting. Thanks for answering, although the answer should've came before the voting opened. — IмSтevan talk 07:32, 7 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]


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