Código de Conduta Universal/Linhas diretrizes da aplicação/Votação

This page is a translated version of the page Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting and the translation is 27% complete.
Código de Conduta Universal

The UCoC enforcement guidelines were subject of a community vote from from 7 until 21 March 2022, via SecurePoll. This follows the completion of the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines, and the recent announcement by the Board of Trustees supporting community ratification. Ratification of the enforcement guidelines is necessary to finalize enforcement pathways, processes, and actions for the UCoC. See also Voting Results and Results Announcement.

Eligible voters would have the option to support or oppose the Enforcement Guidelines and add comments on the guidelines. Community members are encouraged to share the Enforcement Guidelines with their communities to represent their community's needs. Details on the voting process can be found on the voter information page. You can read more on the UCoC policy and the Enforcement guidelines.

What is being voted on? - The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines

The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines were created for the enforcement of the Universal Code of Conduct, which was previously ratified by the Board of Trustees. Enforcement Guidelines include prevention, detection, investigation, and other actions to address violations of the Universal Code of Conduct. Enforcement will continue to be handled by the community with the UCoC setting a baseline for evaluating behavior.

The UCoC Enforcement guidelines consists of two parts:

  • Preventive work
    • Promoting UCoC awareness, recommending UCoC training, among others
  • Responsive work
    • Detailing a process for filing
    • Processing reported violations
    • Providing resources for reported violations
    • Designating enforcement actions for violations

A new global committee called the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) will be formed. U4C is intended to be a final decision-maker if local bodies fail to enforce the Universal Code of Conduct. The U4C will be in line with other decision making bodies, like Arbitration Committees and Affiliations Committee. The U4C will be set up by a building committee. This building committee will have members from the volunteer community, Wikimedia Foundation staff, and affiliate staff. This building committee will plan the steps necessary to have a functional U4C.

Why is the UCoC Enforcement guidelines ratification vote important / Why should you vote?

Ratification of the enforcement guidelines is necessary to finalize enforcement pathways, processes and actions for the UCoC. The vote on the Enforcement Guidelines is designed to evaluate the community’s support for the UCoC and gather feedback if voters have reservations about the present proposals. It is important to make your voice heard through your vote. If voting "no", it is important to share which part(s) of the guidelines you have concerns about, and why.

Objetivos com a votação:

  • Certifique-se de que os pontos de vista do seu projeto da Wikimédia são representados na votação global
  • Ajudá-lo a articular quais as partes das linhas diretrizes que tem dúvidas ,e porquê