CIS-A2K request page is a place where the Wikimedians can request for the support to the community event or activities, inspanidual support (enabling participation), technical support, swag request, outreach support. Please sign in to your Wikimedia account to post or comment.
Community discussion: Please discuss the request with your community members (on your respective Indic Wikimedia project village pumps and mailing lists) before placing a request. Timing: Please try to make a request 15 days before the event. If not it will be very difficult for CIS-A2K to support your request. We try our best to attend the request ASAP. Once your support is confirmed please give us up to 5-10 working days to extend support. Bills and receipts: Please ensure that you submit the original copies of the bills to CIS-A2K along with a statement of account, within 15 days of completing the event/activity. Lessons and reports: Sharing lessons and experiences from your community events and activities are useful for all of us. Once your proposed activity is done, please take time to document them (preferably on wiki). CIS-A2K will also be glad to publish them as a blog-post under your name and circulate them in our newsletter to the wider Wikimedia community.
Note: Sharing event report is mandatory. Failing to submit narrative/financial report in time may make your next requests/participation in CIS events ineligible.