User:Bachounda (WMF)/sandbox

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Community Content Campaigns
Event Registration

Project vision


With this new feature, campaign organizers will save time, since they will no longer need to develop alternative registration solutions. Also, they will be able to collect better data on campaign participants and their needs while respecting participant privacy. Meanwhile, campaign participants will be able to join campaigns with minimal effort, and their first point of contact in the campaign will be fun and inspiring.

We have big plans for the future of registration. First, we hope to integrate the registration feature with existing tracking tools, like [[<tvar name="1">Special:MyLanguage/Programs & Events Dashboard</tvar>|Programs & Events Dashboard]] and [[<tvar name="2">Special:MyLanguage/Event Metrics</tvar>|Event Metrics]]. This means that, after participants have registered, their usernames will be automatically pushed to the tracking tool specified by the organizer.

Second, we hope that an on-wiki registration solution fosters a greater sense of community. Right now, many campaign participants don’t know who else has registered, especially if they register through third-party platforms. With a new registration solution, participants can see who joined the campaign and who shares common interests or motivations with them.

Third, we envision the registration system being integrated with an events calendar. Once we have built registration, we can incorporate registration support into various calendars and event discovery tools.

Finally, we want this project to be a deeply collaborative effort. In preparation for this project, we consulted with about 50 campaign organizers. We want to sincerely thank these organizers, who provided us with a richer understanding of the organizer experience and its greatest challenges. Now, we invite all campaign organizers to share their feedback on the project talk page!

Why we want to improve registration


We believe that registration is a strong project choice for the team for the reasons listed below.

  1. There is currently no standardized, on-wiki system. The Wikimedia movement needs a robust registration system designed for its needs.
  2. The current registration alternatives used by organizers have many issues, including being:
    • Time-consuming and tedious for organizers to configure and manage.
    • Data-light. They provide minimal information on participant needs and make it hard for organizers to understand who participated in what events.
    • Technically challenging and confusing for newcomers to register.
    • Difficult for participants to edit information after registration.
    • Not preventing multiple registrations of the same person from occurring.
    • Not multilingual or built for diverse language communities.
    • Not fostering a sense of community and inclusion among participants.
    • In conflict with Wikimedia values (i.e. many tools require disclosure of private information on a third-party platform).
    • Not integrated with any wiki pages or platforms, adding additional complexity for newcomers.
    • Not integrated with existing tracking systems, like the Programs & Events Dashboard.
  3. Organizers, affiliates, and other movement stakeholders want better data on participants and their needs. Developing a registration system is the first step in making this possible.
  4. Registration is the building block for future work. Once we improve registration, we can begin to integrate other features into the campaigns workflow, such as improved tracking tools or improved communication tools.
  5. The project is manageable and within scope for the team.

Nearly every organizer we have spoken to has designed their own registration solution. Some of these solutions are learned from other organizers and some come from previous organizing experience. Others are designed around specific technical requirements. Our goal is not to design the first registration system, but to provide an improved solution that helps create a consistent workflow for organizers in different contexts.

Open questions


Thank you for reading our analysis. Now we want to hear from you! We kindly request that you respond to the questions below (or share any other feedback!) on the project talk page:

  1. What do you think of our plan to create a campaign registration system? Do you think it would be useful to you, as a campaign organizer and/or participant?
  2. What do you think of our analysis of the current registration processes? Are we missing anything important to you?
  3. If you are a campaign organizer, what registration system do you use? What does and doesn't work well with that system? If you could change one thing about it, what would it be?
  4. If we create a registration system, how would you like it to work? Please provide as many details from what you would like or, if you have them, examples from other registration tools you have used before!
  5. We are a new team (check out the [[<tvar name="1">Special:MyLanguage/Campaigns/Foundation Product Team#</tvar>|new landing page]]). What are your hopes, questions, or concerns for our team?
  6. Anything else you would like to add?

Your feedback is very important to us and it will directly impact the choices we make as a team. Thank you, and we look forward to reading your comments!


Status Updates


March 4, 2022


Hello, everyone! We have had an eventful past few months, and we are happy to now share some updates. Also, we apologize for the delay in posting an update. Our work slowed down from October to December, both due to the holiday season and new people joining our team. Then, in the new year, we needed time to solidify and finalize our technical plan. However, our work is now picking up pace and the building phase of the project has officially begun. Also, we thank everyone who has shared feedback so far! Now, we invite you to read our new updates and share your feedback on the project talk page. All feedback is helpful, and we hope to continue learning from all of you. Thank you!

Proposal to create new namespaces


The Campaigns team is proposing that we create two new namespaces in MediaWiki, which will be called “Event” and “Event Talk.” You can see the proposal in T302040 on Phabricator. The purpose of this namespace would be a designated place in the wikis for all events, such as campaigns, conferences, meetups, office hours, or other events. We want a way to easily determine what is an ‘event’ page, so that we can:

  • Add registration to event pages (and avoid adding registration to inappropriate page types, such as article pages)
  • Display all events in an event calendar in the future
  • Begin getting more accurate data on event activity as a movement (such as how many events & which types of events are going on)
  • Make it easier for everyone to know what is an event page, since right now event pages often look very similar to article pages
  • Highlight the fact that organizing or participating in events is a critical form of movement activity, and that someone can be an impactful Wikimedian in more ways than just contributing to the wikis

Engineering updates


Between October and January, three engineers and an engineering manager joined our team. Since that time, we have been able to conduct technical planning and to officially launch the building phase of the project. The engineers will be focused on building the core infrastructure of the campaign events platform and the registration tool. Once they have built something that is testable, we will share it with all of you. In the meantime, you can track our work in the Registration project board and project profile on Phabricator.

Design updates


The design team has developed a new version of the desktop wireframes, based on the feedback we received in usability tests, the project talk page, and other channels. Now, the design team is conducting a second round of usability tests on the new version of the desktop wireframes. Once we have finalized the desktop wireframes, we will share them in a status update. Additionally, the design team is developing the first version of the mobile wireframes, which we plan to share in a future status update as well.

Ambassador updates


Three product ambassadors have joined our team: Antoni Mtavangu (Swahili community ambassador), Georges Fodouop (French community ambassador), and M. Bachounda (Arabic community ambassador). The product ambassadors will be working with the team to conduct outreach and collect feedback from Wikimedia communities, and they will share ideas on the vision and strategy of the project. They will also help us understand the needs of organizers beyond our first project, so we can continue to plan for future work.

Open questions

  • Do you think it would be useful to you (or other Wikimedians) to create two new namespaces for Event and Event talk? Why or why not?
  • What questions or concerns do you have about creating these new namespaces?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share about the status update or project in general?
Please share your feedback on the project talk page!
Meet the Team