User:Beetstra/CheckUser capabilities in AbuseFilter

CheckUser capabilities in AbuseFilter

  • Problem: Sockpuppets currently have free reign, especially when they have access to large ranges of IPs. That allows socks to edit for a long time, only until they get recognised and reported for CheckUser. Also certain sockuppets regularly make new socks, where 'inbetween' socks may get completely missed. In some of the cases this causes a lot of disruption.

    With the idea that was flouted regarding IP Editing: Privacy Enhancement and Abuse Mitigation this may become more important, because anonymized IPs will be more operating like sockpuppets - one user who is on two IPs will appear as two different users.

  • Who would benefit: Editors throughout.
  • Proposed solution: Have an AbuseFilter with capabilities to feed it the technical data that is available. Report 'hits' based on similarity of CheckUser data.

    we now have AbuseFilters that show hits when users are in a certain range, but that information is only available to CheckUsers in case of logged in users.

I fully understand that control and display has to be strictly limited to CheckUsers. Note as well that it is up to the

  • More comments:
  • Phabricator tickets:
  • Proposer: --Dirk Beetstra T C (en: U, T) 08:30, 1 September 2019 (UTC)

