I have made some tools on the toolserver.



Linkcount is used to count outgoing pagelinks from a wiki page. It can also list all links to redirect and disambiguation pages.

Input form

You can select one of internet domains used by the Wikimedia Foundation's projects from the drop-down list, and type the subdomain (which is typically a language code) for the wanted wiki in the text box (except for Wikimedia Foundation Wiki which does not use subdomains). The subdomains for Commons Wiki (commons.mediawiki.org) and MetaWiki (meta.mediawiki.org) may be abbreviated to c and m.
The page in the selected wiki to analyze
List links to redirect pages
Check this check box to get a list of all links from the selected page to redirection pages.
List links to disambiguation pages
Check this check box to get a list of all links from the selected page to disambiguation pages. A disambiguation page is defined as a page that transcluses a disambiguation template. You will get a warning if you check this box and no disambiguation templates are found by linkcount.
A disambiguation template is defined by the MediaWiki software as any page that is linked to from MediaWiki:disambiguationspage in the wiki, but linkcount for the sake of simplicity only considers pages in the template namespace. However if some wiki actually uses disambiguation templates placed in other namespaces, please file a bugreport and I will consider to support this.
The MediaWiki software also supports that a disambiguation template can be specified as the only text in MediaWiki:disambiguationspage, i.e. not as a link but as pure text. Linkcount does not support this method for specification of a disambiguation template, and will most likely never do. If your wiki uses the method, please ask a local administrator to edit MediaWiki:disambiguationspage so it links to the template instead of only lists its name.



The output consists of:

  • A table with the number of pagelinks for each namespace to respectively existing pages (called blue links) and non-existing pages (called red links). The namespaces is named in the local language of wiki.
  • A list of links to redirection pages if the redirect check box was checked.
  • A list of links to disambiguation pages if the disambiguation check box was checked.
  • A list of links to redirections to disambiguation pages if the disambiguation check box was checked and if the list is not empty.

Regression test cases


(Mostly for User:byrial's own use for testing changes)

List members of a category

List all articles which are direct or indirect members of a certain category. Possibly limit the listing to articles which either transclude or do not transclude some template.



Catmembers is used to list all members in a category and possibly its subcategories. Furthermore the listing can be limited to member pages which either does or does not transclude a certain template, or member pages where the corresponding talk page does or does not transclude the template. The tool is currently limited to max. list 5000 category members.

Input form

You can select one of the internet domains used by the Wikimedia Foundation's projects from the drop-down list, and type the subdomain (which is typically a language code) for the wanted wiki in the text box (except for Wikimedia Foundation Wiki which does not use subdomains). The subdomains for Commons Wiki (commons.mediawiki.org) and MetaWiki (meta.mediawiki.org) may be abbreviated to c and m.
The category in the selected wiki which members will be listed
Include members of subcategories
Check this check box to recursively include members of subcategories in the listing. When the box is checked you will see the progress as the tool finds the subcategories.
Only show category members in the main namespace (articles)
Check this check box to limit the listing to pages in main namespace of the wiki; that is articles for the Wikipedias.
Enter the name of a template if you want to limit the listing to category members which do transclude or do not transclude the template.
Only list pages which use or do not use the template on the page itself or the talk page
Check the check box at the left if you want to use the template from the line above. Then select whether to list the pages which use or do not use it at the first pair of radio buttons, and if the template shall be seached on category member page og its corresponding talk page on the second pair of radio buttons.
List each article on a separate line
Check this check box to list each page on a separate line. The default is to list all category members in one large paragraph.



Noimage is used to find dead image links in a wiki project. It is image links where the image or media file is not found neither locally nor at Wikimedia Commons. The search is limited to give max. 1000 dead links.

Input form

You can select one of internet domains used by the Wikimedia Foundation's projects from the drop-down list, and type the subdomain (which is typically a language code) for the wanted wiki in the text box (except for Wikimedia Foundation Wiki which does not use subdomains).