User:Cnyirahabihirwe123/Sandbox/Wiki Loves Rular Work

Rural Work Are any works done in rural areas rather than cities or large municipal areas. Rural jobs often focus on agricultural tasks, rural works are mostly informal, with no written contracts and little or no protection. People tend to work for long hours. WIKI LOVES RURAL WORK initiative is to invites rural communities, Wikimedia volunteers, differents organizations and authorities and any other interested persons around the world to document and share rural works together on Wikipedia and its sisters Wikimedia' s projects.
Why to be involved in WLRWs?
The overall purpose of Wiki Loves Rural Work project is to increase the amount of free license materials regarding available Rural Work and related documentation and photographs( Rural work, industries, religious, Schools, Hospitals,....) in Wikimedia Commons and develop the quality and quantity of Wikipedia/Wikidata/Wiki Source articles in this regard and particular documentation of Women engagement/gender inequality. In this regards, this project will focus:
Creating Vast documentation on Wikipedia: about rural activities such as industries located in rural area, work of women in rural area, environmental impact on rural activities ,....
Translate existing Wikipedia articles
- On Wiki common there are a lot entries from different Wikimedia campaigns (Eg: Wiki Loves Africa: theme of 2017 People at Work ). In the this project there will be the creation of articles, adding images to articles without images relate to the topic.
- There is a need to promote open access, sharing and reuse of the collections of cultural heritage institutions in the digital environment, WLRWs will focus more on GLAM:
- Writing articles on Gallery Shops, Owners, take photos and upload them on Wiki common: They are abondance handcraft activities country, a lot of handicraft shops,
- Visible online free use, free accessibility: Library located in Rural area especially in Schools.
From this new initiative Wiki Loves Rural Works many different topics will be developed
Such us :
- Agriculture activities ( Coffe, The, Sericulture,....) Highlight the impact of Climate change issues on agriculture sector in that area....,
- Commercial activity,
- Industries activities,
- Religious activities,
- Education program activities,
- Political activities
- Youth work in rural areas
- Women work in rural areas
- Children work in rural areas...