
 Croatian language file for the CatScan tool.
 Copyright (C) 2006, Admiral Norton at
 This file is licensed under the GPL and the GFDL:
 Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
 under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
 with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
 Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
 Free Documentation License".
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
 $messages['set_language']= 'odaberi jezik';
 $messages['wiki']= 'Wiki';
 $messages['search_in_category']= 'traži u kategoriji';
 $messages['with_depth']= 's dubinom od';
 $messages['for_pages_by_category']= 'stranice u kategoriji';
 $messages['for_pages_by_template']= 'stranice s predloškom';
 $messages['inverse']= 'obrnuto';
 $messages['untagged_only']= 'bez predloška';
 $messages['for_all_pages']= 'sve stranice';
 $messages['all_pages_hint']= 'ako upišete naziv predloška u polje iznad, stranice s predloškom će biti markirane';
 $messages['for_stubs']= 'nedovršene članke';
 $messages['and']= 'i';
 $messages['or']= 'ili';
 $messages['main_namespace_only']= 'samo u glavnom prostoru';
 $messages['having_less_than_x_bytes_1']= 's manje od $1 byteova';
 $messages['less_than_x_links_1']= 's manje od $1 poveznica';
 $messages['for_changes_in_the_last']= 'promjene u zadnjih';
 $messages['hours']= 'sati';
 $messages['hide_minor']= 'sakrij manje';
 $messages['hide_bots']= 'sakrij botove';
 $messages['only_new']= 'samo novi članci';
 $messages['for_all_images']= 'slike';
 $messages['for_all_categories']= 'kategorije';
 $messages['csv_output']= 'izlaz u CSV formatu';
 $messages['catscan_go']= 'Traži;
 $messages['recursing_categories']= 'tražim kategorije...';
 $messages['category_tree']= 'Kategorijsko stablo';
 $messages['category_as_tree_1']= 'Prikaži kategoriju $1 u obliku stabla';
 $messages['articles_under_1']= 'Članci u $1';
 $messages['highliting_template']= 'markirani su s predloškom $1';
 $messages['category_intersection_2']= 'Članci koji su i u $1, i u $2';
 $messages['tagged_in_category_2']= 'Članci u $1 koji sadrže predložak $2';
 $messages['untagged_in_category_2']= 'Članci u $1 koji ne sadrže predložak $2';
 $messages['images_under_1']= 'Slike u $1';
 $messages['images_used_under_1']= 'Slike korištene u $1';
 $messages['categories_under_1']= 'Kategorije u $1';
 $messages['changes_in_2']= 'Promjene u posljednjih $1 sati na člancima u $2';
 $messages['stubs_under_4']= 'Nedovršeni članci u $1 s manje od $2 byteova $3 manje od $4 linkova';
 $messages['stubs_by_size_under_2']= 'Nedovršeni članci u $1 s manje od $2 byteova';
 $messages['stubs_by_links_under_2']= 'Nedovršeni članci u $1 s manje od $2 linkova';
 $messages['found_categories_1']= 'nađeno $1 kategorija';
 $messages['no_matches']= 'ništa nije nađeno!';
 $messages['found_articles_1']= 'nađeno $1 članaka';