User:G/Reflections on Waldmeister-Eis

By how much complication one has to bring oneself to until finally one reaches the simplicity.
Durch wieviel Kompliziertheit muß man sich durchringen bis man endlich zur Einfachheit gelangt. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach[1]
Nutshell.svg | Abstract This page was created by Gradzeichen with the only purpose to promote the use of Waldmeister-Eis, the most delicous condiment on the greener side of the fence. |
Rummaging through the attic, I stumbled upon some old stereoscopic photographs. I soon found out, that they were not originals, but modern reproductions (and if there ever had been originals, they would at latest have been lost soon after my family was late for the last boarding of the Wilhelm Gustloff). But there are actually many orignal threedimensial photos on commons. So wouldn't these be worth to be viewed in their original glory? There are many different ways to achive this: anaglypic googles in many different color codings, pol glasses, and so on.
My first thought actually was, to view this pics on a 3DTV capable TV set. Millions and millions of these have been sold in the last years and many readers of Wikipedia will have one of these ready at home (4K TV sets on the other hand often come without native 3D capabilities). Within minutes I had scanned the pics I had found in the attic, turned them with Gimp into SBS format, copied to an USB stick, set the TV to left-right side-by-side mode, and could relive the experience:
Locomotive No. 1 Engine the Active
Fast Friends passing the Gates of Sleepy Land
Some research showed, that it actually is much easier: Photos can be uploaded to commons in the jps format, vids as a webm file in sbs or cardboard mode. After setting a cookie, this media can be accessed from Wikipeda (through the magic of toollabs) in arbitrary anaglypic versions, on a 3DTV, projected against a wall with pol glasses like it is done in cinemas, with cardboard or VR glasses, without glasses on a holographic pyramid device, or actually on any monitor by emulating the 3Dready system with generic blutooth 3D glasses (this will work best with high frame rates, otherwise you will get the flickering known from PAL Amigas in interlace mode (and BTW ...)).
It would be easy to add this feature to the Media Viewer or to create a virtual name space like media: ([[3d: instead of [[file:). Also the creation of 3D content by Wikipedians is easy: Apart from commercial and DIY 3D cameras, it is possible to employ any action cam or smartphone by employing the stereocam app and the stereo editor desktop software.
DIY cam created in 5 minutes with a piece of wood, rubber band, a selfie stick, 2 or 3 Android/iOS/Winmobile/Blackberry phones (zoom with adapter lenses) and the Stereocam app
Holographic pyramid content can be shown on ebooks, digital frames, tablets, phablets, horizontal mounted monitors. The pyramid is available for less than 2€ or can be made from a jewel case
2 projectors (55€ each), pol filters (10€ each), chromecast/airplay adapter, duct tape, pol glasses, refurbished stock 2010 MacBook with Stereo app
cardboard glasses (2€)
For best results use a display with very high resolution, glasses with minimal magnification, a video app like AAA VR Cinema, that allows zooming, head tracking and 180° conversion. The resolution of the content is only secondary. -
generic bluetooth glasses (10€)
Anaglyphic glasses can be created from untinted sunglasses and some WindowColor. For best results paint the left side white and the right black, unless your heart is on the right side but your also right-handed, than only blach on the left side and light blue on the right will work for you.
binaureal audio
Adding 3D support to a wiki. Call with [[File:thumb.jpg|link=3d:1.jps|Description..., slideshows with [[File:thumb.jpg|link=3d:slideshow/user:G/slideshow/1.css|Description...
But as any new idea suffers from the hen and egg problem, I decided to create some demo content. At first I was going to identify some interesting sculptures by using Wikipedias deepcat query feature to find public art of german sculptors, but then decided to simply take some random pics and vids while carrying out my new years resolution of eating some Waldmeister icecreame in every German city in 2016.
Impressions from Germany 2016
editOver the year of 2016 I travelled across Germany on the Waldmeister quest. That taking photos can be dangerous, I had already learned at school: After I accidently took the photo of two kissing classmates, the girl swore revenge on me. When she finally had her run on me, her friend apeared as the deus-ex-machina, shouted at the assembled school, that he had come for my rescue, then wrestled down his girl-friend. I still think, that they had not fully understood the dragon/dragon slayer/princess principle. To stay informed, I used traditional media, including tabloid Bild, that after the war was the first to be called Lügenpresse, and that - in a time before Bumble, Hater and Shinder - was instrumental in Ina Deters search. I travelled meridies, occidens et orientis ..hierns et aestas, autumnus et tempus vernum.. deora a mo chroi go bron by train, tram, bus, taxi, car sharing and hiking. I spend travel time with Cute Videos on Napflix, Killpoint on Daily me, Gilmore girls, Rampage3, Ace and Neo Magazine Royal.
Winter Impression from Germany
The Brunnenbrunser sculpture is an example of public art and fountains in Germany.
See me getting wet from Herrn Stuhlmann's Fountain in first person POV. (Luckily the camera survived.)
English is not my native language and maybe the above does not fully express the meaning, but the Babelfish is your friend:
Stuhlmann beauftragte als Leiter der Wasserwerke dieses Wasserspiel des Künstlers Paul Türpe, der auch in Chicago ausgezeichnet wurde. -
German Law requires Kunst am Bau when building a hospital. Pi Chacan has gained some international notability, when an expat needed to be rescued from it. Actually only 2 fireman where needed for the rescue, but a full platoon was sent.
Julia from Shakesspeare's play is a tourist attraction. This tourist gets photographed by his two female companions. Doing this with a real person has been outlawed in Germany last year. When I did read §177[2], I was reminded of a sunny summer day many years ago. I was walking along a hallway at the office, then wondered, why I was alone - maybe I had come to work on a holiday accidently. Seconds after looking around, the person I was reporting to entered the hallway, run towards me (which I didn't notice because of the carpet) hit me on the rear, then grined at me and made a comment to finally establish the nature of the communication. I never decided how to think about that, but it is unsettling that 605 MdBs made a decision, I never wanted to make.
Protest against Korean President Park Geun-hye
Silvester 2016 was anticipated with tenseness after the incidents in Cologne, Hamburg and other places the year before. There was police and boolards because of the Breitscheidplatz attack. Nothing bad happened and I walked away eastward. Crossing Holstenwall I came across a man, who on passing me casually slapped his fingers at my torso.
Dragonboats in Pfaffenteich
Hanse Sail
Wacken Open Air
It started raining during the day -
Parsifal was given in Bayreuth. The director had been invited earlier, but Stasi intercepted the letter, so he had his debut only in 2016
Fifth season starts at 11/11 11:11:11
The Wasn 2016 was the lergest Beerfest in the world3777027
Minden at Night
A small party on Therese's lawn
Elphi was aptly opened with a concert by Einstürzende Neubauten
Emden is the home to Henri Nannen's art collection
Reopening of Otto-Dix-Museum with Silberstift works
Some co-workers and I visited Documenta and after a long day we reclined in front of the Documenta shop. Soon we attracted the interest of a photographer and in an instant became involantary art ourselves
Decadence exhibition in Schweinfurt
Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart, Director von Maur created Oskar Schlemmer's catalogue raisonné
Battle of Sexes at Städel. Städelschule once held a live class. Afterwards the professor and his students (and my parents) went to one of Sachsenhausen's signature Äppelwoi taverns
Cat-walk in front of Porta Nigra
Paulskirche (the place were political terms left wing and right wing were forged) during Weihnachtsleuten
Sommerdom is a family event
The Teepott in Warnemünde resembles the Schwangere Auster
Bad Kleinen
Olympia 1972
Geschwister Scholl: Flugschriften were the Twitter of their time
Colani, Dresden, Tag der Einheit
Kraftfahrtbundesamt. I tried to open an account with its popular Verkehrssünder promotion, but only got a low-res, black-and-white photo at 30 Euro, when I inadvertently imitated an acquaintance, with whom I only share a near identical name. She once complained about a police officer, who tried to get run over by her, when she drove at 80 kph in the city.
Testtrack of VAG, where the Bugatti speed record was set, just ...
... a bus ride away from Transvaal
The AutoBahn
Travelling from Munich to Hamburg with insane horse powers on the autobahn, but I was not allowed on the controls -
Motor Show in Garbsen.
The Stingray is nearly as beautiful as the Isabella, Karmann Ghia, Opel GT
List of good automobile memories:- Crusing in a Smart Roadster greeted by road workers
- Driving a custom modified Skoda Pickup to work
- Being driven to the railway station from a business meeting by the founder of a fintech (I decided to buy stocks at the imminent IPO, but the company folded)
Back to the Future
List of bad memories- Dring at 100 kph into a fog wall
- Being driven at 200 kph into a fog wall
- Driving a Superb at 200 kph
- Full break to a standstill avoiding a frontal crash by centimeters
Siemens discontinued spare parts: the train driver uses a key to unlock the track
Waiting for a train in the night in Cologne a man approached me and started to talk about the Silvester night and that this people who did it, needed their balls cut off. He did not realize how disturbing his closeness was, even so I told him. At least I was never harrassed by a migrant.
Karlstadt was a soldier in WWII, but also the partner (Hosenrolle) of Karl Valentin
Some towns
Rothermund flew fighter plains in WWII, after the war started a business in Ehe-Hygiene, that today has specialized in Halal article for Muslimas
Heringsdorf, home of the von Ardenne observatory
Magdeburg, good and cheapest Waldmeister ice at the university
In my childhood Zugspitze featured CJK signs, today arabic prayer room signs
Horb - most photos failed: among them a school, that looked like a grim version of Hogwarts before renovation
Mühringen - home of Berlitz founder Berlitzer, once 47 % jewish. My arts teacher scolded me for butchering the perspective, when retracing a postcard of Hohenmühringen castle
Because of the burial of President Walter Scheel trains where stopped in Freiburg on 28th of August, while Raelian society held a protest march in the city
No Images of Bielefeld, as a place by that name does not exist[3]
De buren
Memorial stone of Maastricht treaty
Groningen attracts german tourists, access by Schienenersatzverkehr, a significant bridge has been destroyed by a Binnenschiff
On the Art of Programming
editThe following is a small snippet of the Stereoskopie software.
private d e(s z, s t, d c) {
int a = 0, e = 0, i, y = z.l();
for ( i = 0; i < y; ) if ( z.c(i++) == g ) a++; else break;
for ( i = y; i > 0; ) if ( z.c(--i) == g ) e++; else break;
if ( a == e && ( a == c.i || c.i < 0 ) && z.s(a,y-e).t().e(t) ) {
if ( c.i == -2 ) { c.i = a; c.b = true; } else c.b = !c.b; }
else if ( c.b && a <= c.i ) c.b = false;
return c;
Disclaimer and References
edit- ↑ Ebner-Eschenbach: Durch wieviel Kompliziertheit
- ↑ Süddeutsche Zeitung, Nr. 164, Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2017, Politik, HF2, Seite 5, Straffreiheit für knutschende Teenies, Kommission fordert Reformen im Sexualstrafrecht. Auch ein erst vor einem Jahr neu gefasster Paragraf sei nicht zeitgermäß, Wolfgang Janisch: "Nach der Kölner Silvester-Nacht kam der Anti-Mob-Paragraf. Taugt nichts sagen Experten"
- ↑ As a news paper recently pointed out: Wolfsburg doesn't exist either