Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
Gadget for displaying popups for pages of yr local (or another specified
in Ignatus.homewiki) wiki in another wikis.

NB: May be not compatible with [[mw:Extension:Popups]] which code was
partially used here (from
and other parts of code).

// Initializing Ignatus object
if(typeof Ignatus != 'object')Ignatus={homewiki:null};
// Getting home wiki

var api = new mw.Api();

if(!Ignatus.homewiki)api.get( {
   action: 'query',
   meta: 'globaluserinfo'
} ).done( function ( re ) { Ignatus.homewiki = re.query.globaluserinfo.home } );

// We must work if it's Wikipedia, not the homewiki
// (set local Ignatus.homewiki='xxwiki' in [[xx:Special:myPage/common.js]]
// if you don't want it also in xxwiki)

if( (mw.config.get('wgDBname') != Ignatus.homewiki)
&& (mw.config.get('wgNoticeProject') == 'wikipedia') )
( function ( $, mw ) {
   var scrolled=false, cache={}, apipath=(/^(.+)wik/.exec(Ignatus.homewiki)[1]||'ru')+'';
   var openTimer, currentLink, currentRequest;
   var shower = $('<div>');// the "popup"
   // Waiting function
   var wait = function ( ms ) {
       var deferred, promise, timeout;
       deferred = $.Deferred();
       timeout = setTimeout( function () {
       }, ms );
       promise = deferred.promise( { abort: function () {
           clearTimeout( timeout );
       } } );
       return promise;
   //Creates a new "popup"
   var createPopup = function ( re, href ) {
   //Opens a popup from cache
   var openPopup = function(link,event){
   //Gets the extraction. I won't load an image since it's often stupid.
   var init = function(link){
   	   var href = link.attr( 'href' ),
           title = link.attr( 'title' ),//If remove titles, attr→data
           deferred = $.Deferred();
       if ( !title ) {
           return deferred.reject().promise();
   	   currentRequest = $.ajax( {
           url: apipath,
           data:{ action: 'query',
                  prop: 'extracts',
                  redirects: 'true',
                  exintro: 'true',
           		  exsentences: 2,
           		  explaintext: 'true',
           		  titles: title,
           		  format: 'json'
           error: deferred.reject,
           success: function ( re ) {
	           currentRequest = undefined;
	           if (
	               !re.query ||
	               !re.query.pages ||
	               !re.query.pages[ re.query.pageids[ 0 ] ].extract ||
	               re.query.pages[ re.query.pageids[ 0 ] ].extract === ''
	           ) {
	           cache[ href ] = createPopup( re, href );//There can be sth more complicated, but here just text
       } );
   // rendering function. Instead of popup, currently positions element in a rectangle on the left
   var render=function(link, event){
   	   // Ignore if its meant to call a function
       // TODO: Remove this when adding reference popups
       if ( link.attr( 'href' ) === '#' ) {
       currentLink = link;
       if ( cache[ link.attr( 'href' ) ] ) {
           openTimer = wait( 500 )//POPUP_DELAY
               .done( function () {
                   openPopup( link, event );
               } );
       } else {
           // TODO: check for link type and call correct renderer
           var cachePopup = init(link);
           openTimer = wait( 50 )//API_DELAY
               .done( function () {
                   openTimer = wait( 450 );//POPUP_DELAY - API_DELAY
                   $.when( openTimer, cachePopup ).done( function () {
                       openPopup( link, event );
                   } );
               } );
   $( document ).ready( function () {
   	mw.hook( 'wikipage.content').add( function ( $content ) {
        // Select elements for creating popups (local hrefs out of specific classes)
        var elements = $content
        .find( 'a[href][title]:not(.extiw, .image, .new, .internal, .external, .oo-ui-buttonedElement-button)' )
        .filter( function () {
            return ( this.href.replace(/^https?:\/\//,'//') ===
            ( mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + mw.util.getUrl( this.title ) ).replace(/^https?:\/\//,'//') );
        } );
        // Here could come tooltip remover like mw.popups.removeTooltips, but I don't want
        // Setting popup show event for the links
        elements.on( 'mouseenter focus', function ( event ) {
           if ( scrolled ) {
           render( $( this ), event );
       } );
    } );//function mw.hook
    //TODO: add scrollkeeper
   } );//function document.ready
}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );