User:Ijon/GLAMify/2015/12/Images from Tzolag Hovsepian's Familiar Faces album hy uk

Below are 3 suggested images from the Commons category Images from Tzolag Hovsepian's Familiar Faces album, some of which may be appropriate to add to the indicated articles on the 'uk' Wikipedia, based on the fact they are used in the equivalent articles on the 'hy' Wikipedia.

They were created by the GLAMify tool.


  1. Ohan_Duryan.JPG ==> Дурян Оган Хачатурович -- already used in Օհան_Դուրյան
  2. Silva_Kaputikyan.JPG ==> Капутікян Сільва Барунаківна -- already used in Սիլվա_Կապուտիկյան
  3. William_Saroyan_2.JPG ==> Вільям Сароян -- already used in Վիլյամ_Սարոյան