User:JWilz12345/FoP global statuses

Freedom of Panorama statuses internationally, in 197 countries.
  • All 197 countries as per [1]. Non-commercial FoP (e.g. Azerbaijan, Cabo Verde, Morocco, South Korea, and Uzbekistan), incidental FoP (e.g. Cambodia, Luxembourg, and Zambia), and FoP for traditional mass media only (e.g. Greece, Lebanon, and UAE) are considered as not OK as these are not suitable for Wikimedia Commons. "Partial" denotes FoP is for architecture only but not other types of public artistic works.
  • "YES" designation also includes countries with full FoP for 3D public space works (e.g. buildings and sculptural monuments) but limited or no FoP for most 2D public space works (e.g. murals and church/mosque/temple frescoes), like India and UK.

A more comprehensive table is available at Wikimedia Commons: c:Commons:Freedom of panorama/table.


Out of 197 countries...

  • 109 have no FoP (55.33%), and
  • 88 have some-form of Commons-compatible FoP (44.67%).

Out of those 88 countries...

  • 80 have adequate FoP*, and
  • 8 have partial FoP, for architecture only: Denmark, Finland, Japan, Malawi, Norway, Russia, Taiwan, United States

Note: * - accounts for 40.6% of all 197 countries. Percentage calculated using this online percentage calculator.

Freedom of panorama statuses
Country FoP status Note/s 1 Note/s 2
Afghanistan no
Albania yes
Algeria yes
Andorra no
Angola yes
Antigua and Barbuda yes
Argentina[note 1] no
Armenia yes
Australia yes ESEAP
Austria yes EU
Azerbaijan no
Bahamas yes
Bahrain no
Bangladesh no
Barbados yes
Belarus no
Belgium yes EU
Belize yes
Benin no OAPI
Bhutan no
Bolivia yes
Bosnia and Hercegovina no
Botswana no
Brazil yes
Brunei yes ASEAN ESEAP
Bulgaria no EU
Burkina Faso no OAPI
Burundi no
Cabo Verde no
Cambodia no ASEAN ESEAP
Cameroon no OAPI
Canada yes
Central African Republic no OAPI
Chad no OAPI
Chile yes
China yes ESEAP
Colombia yes
Comoros no OAPI
Congo-Brazzaville (R.) no OAPI
Congo-Kinshasa (D.R.) no
Costa Rica no
Côte d'Ivoire no OAPI
Croatia yes EU
Cuba yes
Cyprus yes EU
Czech Republic yes EU
Denmark partial EU
Djibouti no
Dominica no
Dominican Republic yes
East Timor / Timor-Leste yes ESEAP
Ecuador no
Egypt yes
El Salvador yes
Equatorial Guinea no OAPI
Eritrea no
Estonia no EU
Eswatini no
Ethiopia no
Fiji yes ESEAP
Finland partial EU
France no EU
Gabon yes OAPI
Gambia no
Georgia no
Germany yes EU
Ghana no
Greece no EU
Grenada yes
Guatemala no
Guinea no OAPI
Guinea-Bissau yes OAPI
Guyana yes
Haiti no
Honduras no
Hungary yes EU
Iceland no
India yes
Indonesia no ASEAN ESEAP
Iran no
Iraq no
Ireland yes EU
Israel yes
Italy no EU
Jamaica yes
Japan partial ESEAP
Jordan no
Kazakhstan no
Kenya yes
Kiribati no ESEAP
Korea, North (DPRK) yes
Korea, South (ROK) no ESEAP
Kosovo yes
Kuwait no
Kyrgyzstan no
Latvia no EU
Lebanon no
Lesotho no
Liberia no
Libya no
Liechtenstein yes
Lithuania no EU
Luxembourg no EU
Madagascar no
Malawi partial
Malaysia yes ASEAN ESEAP
Maldives no
Mali no OAPI
Malta yes EU
Marshall Islands[note 2] yes ESEAP
Mauritania yes OAPI
Mauritius no
Mexico yes
Micronesia (FS) no ESEAP
Moldova yes
Monaco no
Mongolia yes ESEAP
Montenegro no
Morocco no
Mozambique no
Myanmar / Burma no ASEAN ESEAP
Namibia no
Nauru no ESEAP
Nepal no
Netherlands yes EU
New Zealand yes ESEAP
Nicaragua no
Niger no OAPI
Nigeria no
North Macedonia yes
Norway partial
Oman no
Pakistan yes
Palau no ESEAP
Palestine yes
Panama yes
Papua New Guinea no ESEAP
Paraguay yes
Peru yes
Philippines no ASEAN ESEAP
Poland yes EU
Portugal yes EU
Qatar no
Romania no EU
Russian Federation partial
Rwanda no
Saint Kitts and Nevis yes
Saint Lucia yes
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines yes
Samoa (Western) no ESEAP
San Marino no
São Tomé e Príncipe yes
Saudi Arabia no
Senegal no OAPI
Serbia yes
Seychelles no
Sierra Leone no
Singapore yes ASEAN ESEAP
Slovakia yes EU
Slovenia no EU
Solomon Islands yes ESEAP
Somalia no
South Africa no
South Sudan no
Spain yes EU
Sri Lanka no
Sudan no
Suriname yes
Sweden yes EU
Switzerland yes
Syria no
Taiwan partial ESEAP
Tajikistan no
Tanzania no
Thailand yes ASEAN ESEAP
Togo no OAPI
Tonga no ESEAP
Trinidad and Tobago yes
Tunisia yes
Türkiye yes
Turkmenistan no
Tuvalu yes ESEAP
Uganda yes
Ukraine no
United Arab Emirates (UAE) no
United Kingdom (UK) yes
United States of America (USA) partial
Uruguay yes
Uzbekistan no
Vanuatu no ESEAP
Vatican City[note 3] no
Venezuela yes
Vietnam no ASEAN ESEAP
Yemen no
Zambia no
Zimbabwe yes
Note/s 1 remarks
  • ASEAN – country is a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations
  • EU – country is a member of the European Union organization.
  • OAPI – country is a member of Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle. The Bangui Agreement[2] that governs it provides a non-commercial FoP at Annex VII, Part I, Article 16; it is unsure if there is an effect in that provision's conflict with unrestricted FoP legal rights of 3 of the 17 member states: Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, and Mauritania.
Note/s 2 remarks
  • ESEAP – country is in a Wikimedia region known as ESEAP (ESEAP Hub)
  1. On Wikimedia Commons, Argentina is considered to have a de facto FoP for architecture, based on a perspective of an Argentine lawyer about permissible photographic reproductions of buildings (brought in a July 2010 discussion). However, it was put into question in two discussions (from December 2022, from September 2023), especially regarding the actual context of the Argentine lawyer's perspective, if that extends to commercial distributions of images or not. Also, contrary to a claim in the 2010 discussion that Argentina follows customary law in copyright, a Harvard article states that the country follows civil law system following the European system. See also c:Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Argentina#Freedom of panorama. On top of that, tells of a proposal in 2017 to add more limitations/exceptions for the Argentine copyright law (Law No. 11.723), one of which would have been a freedom of panorama provision. Instead, most of the suggested exceptions were abolished, and the only surviving exception to be passed concerns free uses of works for persons with disabilities (PWDs), as proven by the resulting amendment law, Law No. 27.588 of November 11, 2020, on Amendments to Law No. 11.723 (WIPO copy).
  2. They have no copyright law.
  3. Church decrees govern papal works, but works of art and architecture are governed by Italian copyright law. Italy has no FoP so Vatican City has no FoP too. Refer to c:Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Vatican City#Freedom of panorama.