User:Jayanta (CIS-A2K)/workplan2019-20
Most of my work plan in the coming year will be continue. And all is about the category of Content enrichment and Leadership development.
Advance Indic Wikisource Consultation
edit Brief description: Advance Consultation programme for Indic Wikisource with core active member from each Indic Wikisource. The first Consultation held in Kolkata around Nov 2018. From this program we have got some exceptional output from Indic Wikisource community. After one year we would like to know the feedback/growth potential of this project specif to Indic languages.
What part of this program will remain the same and why? The main structure and consutation of the programm will remain the same.
What part of this program will change and why? Earlier this programme was focused on the need assessment for Indic Wikisource Community. But we feel that most of the Indic Wikisource community not at per compare to International Wikisource community (en,fr or It) as per content quality and statics .
- Around 20+ paricipant fron different language sub-domain as direct target.
- Around 50 Wikipedian/Wiki-librarian will be trained after consultation and proofread 1000 pages on Wikisource.
Language domain specific Workshop
editWhen?: One per month in each language, Where?:Capital city in Language state. Number of participants: 10+ in each language |
Odia Wikisource Workshop
edit What? To create Awareness about Wikisource to Odia Wikipedian.
Why? sub-domain created 2013, but not so much developments in content relative to other Indic Language Wikisource. Even Odia language PDF scan books not available in web world so much.So they need gear-up workshop. They have 8th place according to content out of 11 Indic Wikisource community after 5 years birth of Odia Wikisource. Compare to Punjabi Wikisource, sub-domain created in 2017 and they have 6th place
How? Its already planning a workshop existing Wikipedian be a Wiki-libraian.
Quality content at Panjabi Wikisource
edit What?after sub domain created in 2017 , the remarkable grouwth show in Punjabi Wikisource after conducted the Punjabi Wikisource workshop in Paliala.
Why?They have 6th place according to content out of 11 Indic Wikisource community after 1 years birth of Punjabi Wikisource.But its need quality contend and future vision.
How? Advance level Wikisource training to a Punjabi Wiki-libraian.
Marathi Wikisource workshop
edit What?After sub domain created in 2012 , not a remarkable growth shown in Marathi Wikisource.
Why?They have 11th place according to content out of 11 Indic Wikisource community after 7 years birth of Marathi Wikisource.Marathi Wikisource is at Bottom of the table.
How? Two/three days Residential Workshop Program for Marathi and Gujatati wikisource at Mumbai in June-July 2019.We need one boost-up workshop with community build.
Assamese Wikisource Workshop
edit What? Sub domain was created 2011. One of the endangered Wikisource was Assamese before November 2018, but after IWCC2018, User:Gitartha.bordoloi lead the community and its revided. There was no active users and no recent-change activities in last one year.
Why?They have 10th place according to content out of 11 Indic Wikisource community after 8 years birth of Assamese Wikisource.
How? I have community revive program for Assamese Wikisource in coming month. Planning a Workshop program and contact inactive user from this community. Go for outreach at Guwahati, Assam on April/May 2019. Here is the stats here.
Malayalam Wikisource Workshop
edit What? Sub domain was created 2006. One of the endangered Wikisource was Malayalam before November 2018, but after IWCC2018, its revived. There was no active users and no recent-change activities in last one year. But in last month they have imported 30,000+ pages from another project.
Why?They have 2nd place according to content out of 11 Indic Wikisource community after 13 years birth of Malayalam Wikisource. The content quality is doubtful because all content generated by BOT and all the content not proofread by the volunteers in Wikisource-way.
How? Planning a Workshop program and community revive program of inactive user from this community. So I need separate workshop/consultation for Malayalam Community and it will do on August 2019. Here is the stats here
Sanskrit Wikisource Workshop
edit What? Sub domain was created 2011. One of the endangered Wikisource was Sanskrit before November 2018, but after IWCC2018, its revived.
Why?They have 7th place according to content out of 11 Indic Wikisource community after 8 years birth of Sanskrit Wikisource.It have a huge potential and literary resource around the world. We have about ([]=languageSorter%3A%22Sanskrit%22) 67,127 + scan book available of Sanskrit language at Internet Archive. But lack of awareness and volunteer, the project is at below the statistical table in Wikimedia.
How?We have done one workshop at Sankrit Bharati Bengaluru on January 2019. But I am Planning a Workshop program and community revive program of inactive user from this community. So I need separate workshop/consultation for Sanskrit Community and it will do on September 2019. Here is the stats here
Tamil Wikisource Workshop
edit What? Sub domain was created 2007. Always was among the top 4 Indic Wikisource.There are no participant in IWCC2018.
Why?They have 3rd place according to content out of 11 Indic Wikisource community after 11 years birth of Tamil Wikisource.It have a huge potential and literary resource around the world.
How? We have planed one workshop at Chennai on May/June 2019. Here is the stats here
Kannada Wikisource Workshop
edit What? Sub domain was created 2009. After IWCC2018 some activities shown in this domain.
Why?They have 9th place according to content out of 11 Indic Wikisource community after 8 years birth of Kannada Wikisource. It have a huge potential and literary resource around the world.They have 7000+ books in Internet Archive ( There a 21000+ pages without supported by scan page. its leads bad effect of venerability and authenticity of Wikisource stats.
How?We have done one workshop at Sankrit Bharati Bengaluru on January 2019 and one of Kannada Wikisource user present. We have planed one workshop at Bengaluru on August 2019 specific for Kannada language. Here is the stats here
Hindi Wikisource Workshop
edit What? Sub domain will be created in the coming month April/May 2019. After 10 year long gap the Wikimedia Language committee have approved the Hindi language Wikisource. There are one participant in IWCC2018 Hindi Wikisource. After IWCC2018 the Hindi Wikisource starts a momentum . I have personally attended and conducted a hands-on workshop at Hindi Wikisamenlan Kolkata in 2019.
Why?It have a huge potential and literary resource in India and have to work in different city community in future, because the language cover a big geographical area.
How? We will plan the workshop as per community need in future year.
Bengali Wikisoource
edit What? Sub domain was created 2007. Always was among the top 4 Indic Wikisource.There are 2 participant in IWCC2018.
Why?They have 3rd place according to content out of 11 Indic Wikisource community after 11 years birth of Bengali Wikisource. It have a huge potential and literary resource around the world.
How? We have planed one workshop at Durgapur or any district Headquarter on May/June 2019. Here is the stats here
Gujarati Wikisource Workshop
edit What? Sub domain was created 2012. Always was among the top 4 Indic Wikisource.There are one participant in IWCC2018.
Why?They have 3rd place according to content out of 11 Indic Wikisource community after 7 years birth of Gujarati Wikisource.It have a huge potential and literary resource around the world. We have conducted one workshop and meetup at Ahmedabad Feb 2019. For follow up we will do another advance skill building workshop at Ahmedabad.
How? We have planed one workshop at Ahmedabad on Dec 2019. Here is the stats here
Targets each language workshop:
- Around 10-12 participants per workshop, in which 10% women are ensured
Mediawiki Wikisource Hackathon
editWhen?: January 2020 Where?:All India level Number of participants: 8 ( including 1/2 international coder) |
What? There are plenty number of Wikisource fabricator task unattended.
Why? Although Katharine Maher speech about Wikisource in GLAM wiki conference at Tel Aviv, Israel, all Wikisource community feel neglected. All focus is only Wikipedia. So the bug not shorted out or fixed last 5 years.
How? Will conduct Wikisource speific bug fix Hackathon in January 2020.
Workshop for Newbies/Wikipedian of Wikisource
editWhen?: full year, Where?:All India level Number of participants: One Wikipedian from each language. |
What? It is easy to convert an Wikipedian to Wiki-Liberian
Why? There are lack of awareness about Wikisource among the Wikipedian
How? Need a awareness program in social media channel and take videos about Wikisource.
Indic Wikisource Helpdesk
editWhen?: full year, Where?:All India level Number of participants: As community needed |
What? Sometimes a complex page layout found in some books which is very un-usual.
Why? For a complex page layout, sometimes wiki-libraial feel un comfortable to fix the page and leave the wikisource just for one page.
How? In coming year . I and my CIS team/ and my personal volunteer space , will continue the support at Indic Wikisource Helpdesk for Wiki-librarian.
GLAM Partnerships development
editWhen?: full year, Where?:All India level Number of participants: 5 |
What? GLAM Partnerships development in different institution
Why? To enrich the content of all Indic Wikisource
How? SCAN the old books from different institute.
- NDLI Colloboration
- Collaboration with RKMVU Central Library
- Collaboration with WBUG.