User:John Cummings/publication guide

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A simple guide to
reusing media from
Wikimedia Commons


This simple guide will take you through the process of using the images, sound and video clips on Wikimedia Commons free of charge for any purpose, including commercially.

All images in this guide are available on Wikimedia Commons, all credits, licenses and sources can be found by clicking on an image. A more in depth guide on reuse of content can be found here.

About Wikimedia Commons

Wikimedia Commons is a media archive that makes over 29 million files of freely licensed and public domain. educational media content available to everyone, in their own language. It acts as a central archive for the various projects of the Wikimedia Foundation including Wikipedia, but is available for anyone to reuse. The repository contains content from both organisations and individuals and is created and maintained by volunteers.

Wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world. Through various projects including Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia strives to bring about a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.


Wikimedia Commons only hosts content that is freely licensed, or is in the public domain. All media files on Wikimedia Commons can be used by anyone for any purpose including commercially and each media file has information about which license it uses. The most common licenses used are created by Creative Commons. To find out more about Creative Commons licenses please go to

Finding content

The simplest way to find images on Wikimedia Commons is to use the search box which is located in the top right of every page. Simply enter the subject you would like to search in the same way as other content libraries e.g Flickr or Youtube. To refine the search to only include images that have been assessed as high quality you can include this phrase after your search term:


e.g to search for high quality images of World Heritage Sites use this phrase:

World Heritage Sites incategory:Featured_pictures_on_Wikimedia_Commons|Quality_images

Wikimedia also runs a number of photography competitions on different themes where many high quality freely licensed images are created, these include; Picture of the Year, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Monuments, Wiki Loves Africa and Picture of the Day.

Reusing content

Clicking on a file within the search results will provide a page similar to the one above, if you see a different kind of page simply click on Open in Media Viewer below the file.

1. Click on the download icon in the bottom right hand corner of the page.

2. Click on Download original file to download the highest resolution version available.

3. Click on You need to attribute the author show me how and copy the text provided, you can chose between Plain (used for printed materials etc) and HTML (for web).

Further information

Commons:Reusing content outside Wikimedia: a more in depth guide on using content.

Creative Commons Search: a tool allowing you to search a range of sources for free content including large media archives like Flickr.

Wikimedia Commons help index: more information on Wikimedia Commons.

Creative Commons, best practices for attribution: Further information on crediting Creative Commons images.