User:Juliakamin(cs)/research guide/connections
Social Connections
Social connections in organizational socialization literature
edit- Bauer, T.N. Newcomer adjustment during organizational socialization: a meta-analytic review of antecedents, outcomes, and methods. Journal of applied psychology, 92, 3 (2007), 707 -721. (Nutshell: Proposes a theoretical framework that predicts outcomes of socialization tactics, mediated by three aspects of "adjustment" - role clarity, self-efficacy, and social acceptance. Tests framework via meta-analysis of 70 studies.)
- Saks, A. M., Uggerslev, K. L., & Fassina, N. E. (2007). Socialization tactics and newcomer adjustment: A meta-analytic review and test of a model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 70(3), 413–446. (Nutshell: Tests effectiveness of socialization tactics via meta-analysis.)
- Van Maanen & Schein, 1979. Toward a theory of organizational socialization. (Identifies 6 dimensions of socialization techniques used by organizations.)
- Jones, 1986. Socialization tactics, self-efficacy, and newcomers' adjustments to organizations. (Self-report scale of Maanen & Schein dimensions.)
- Lave & Wenger, 1991. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. (Theoretical work based on practice of apprenticeships.)
Group commitment literature
edit- Allen & Meyer, 1990. The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance, and normative commitment to the organization.
- Prentice et al, 1994. Asymmetries in attachments to groups and to their members: Distinguishing between common-identity and common-bond groups.
- Ren, Kraut & Kiesler, 2007. Applying common identity and bond theory to the design of online communities.
- Utz, 2003. Social identification and interpersonal attraction in MUDs.
- Utz & Sassenberg, 2002. Distributive justice in common-bond and common-identity groups.
- Lott & Lott, 1965. Group cohesiveness as interpersonal attraction: A review of relationships with antecedent and consequent variables.
- Krackhardt & Porter, 1986. The snowball effect: Turnover embedded in communication networks. (Fragility of bond-based groups)
Interacting with newcomers leading to retention
edit- Arguello et al, 2006. Talk to me. (Finding: newcomers more likely to return if receive replies; more so if repliers are active and old-timers, if replies use welcoming and inclusive language, emoticons, "we" language.)
- Burke and Settles, 2011. Plugged in to the community. (Finding: receiving comments from other users associated with greater productivity, more so if used "we" language.)
- Lampe & Johnston, 2005. Follow the (slash) dot. (Finding: users more likely to comment again if first comment rated, positively or negatively.)
- Ducheneaut, N. Socialization in an open source software community: A socio-technical analysis. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 14, 4 (2005), 323-368. (Nutshell: looks at socialization in open source software (OSS) communities and, via ethnography and network analysis, proposes that socialization occurs through identity creation, rights of passage and the creation of social networks.)
- Boreum Choi, Kira Alexander, Robert E. Kraut, and John M. Levine. 2010. Socialization Tactics in Wikipedia and Their Effects. In Proceedings ofthe 2010 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 107–116. (Summary) (Nutshell: Compares 7 socialization tactics used by Wikipedia groups in observational study: invitations to join, welcome messages, requests to work on projects, offers of assistance, positive feedback, constructive criticism, personal-related comments. Finds welcome messages, offers of assistance and constructive feedback are associated with newcomer retention.)
edit- Collins & Miller, 1994. Self-disclosure and liking: A meta-analytic review. (Finding: people like those who self-disclose as well as those they self-disclose to)
Shared goals
edit- Beenen et al, 2004. Using social psychology to motivate contributions to online communities.
- Bryant et al, 2005. Becoming a Wikipedian: Transformation of participation in a collaborative online encyclopedia.
- Gaertner et al, 2000. Reducing intergroup conflict: From superordinate goals to decategorization, recategorization, and mutual differentiation.