User:MCruz (WMF)/Sandbox/Newsletter/2015/2/7/Draft

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Topic 1

  • Title:
  • Opening text (35 words):
  • Intro text (goes before images):
  • Images (3):
  • Descriptive text (250-300 words max):
  • Further reading (links):

Topic 2

  • Title: #1lib1ref: Helping International Librarians Imagine their Contribution to Wikipedia
  • Opening text (35 words): The Wikipedia Library Team ran experiment to figure out if we could use a "macro-microcontribution" campaign to help change the Library worlds' engagement with Wikipedia. We think it worked!
  • Intro text (goes before images): The Wikipedia Library Team ran a social media campaign from January 15-23, asking the libraries world to “Imagine a World where Every Librarian Added One More Reference to Wikipedia.” This engaged librarians all over the world in a conversation about how librarianship can benefit the global audience of Wikipedia. By providing the libraries community targeted messaging with clear calls to actions to make a small edit to Wikipedia, adding a reference, we created a global campaign under the hashtag that continues to spread. If you missed the campaign, or want to explore it more we highly recommend our Storify at:
  • Images (3):
  • Descriptive text (250-300 words max):

Though we are still waiting on statistics to solidify around the reach and impact, we know there were over 1000 tweets using the hashtag, the campaign was viewed in different language at least 15,000 times, there were at least 50 blogs and professional periodicals covering the event, and we engaged at least 500 librarians in at least 1500 additions of references to Wikimedia projects. We think all these numbers are conservative underestimates, and we hope to have better data soon.

Our priority however, was to test a number of programmatic strategies and activities within the Wikimedia community. We plan to do deeper analysis of the following questions, but here are our initial findings:

  • Can we share a different Wikipedia story with librarians en-mass? -- Many librarians are changing their story about Wikipedia as a friend of research, we wanted to see if we can help facilitate that change. Initial outcomes suggest: this was an overwhelming success.
  • Can we pick an aligned audience, and drive participation and leadership for that audience through social media? Does it make sense coming from a centralized program like the Wikipedia Library? The WMF has rarely pushed communications, contribution campaigns or other programmatic activities from its central position in the movement, despite its central position in the movement. We think that this pilot was a success, but more greater community leadership is needed to make it truly a Global event.
  • Can we activate librarians to participate en-mass? We know librarians are aligned with the Wikimedia movement, but we haven’t been very successful at activating them en-mass to run events, contribute to projects, and actively lead efforts. We concluded that We likely can activate librarians, but we need better materials for developing in-person “brownbag or coffee break” events, which were very popular among participants and appear to have motivated a lot of participation.
  • Can we use social media to drive non-trivial participation to the Wikimedia community? We have huge social media clout in the Wikimedia movement, especially with big Twitter handles and Facebook pages that reach millions of people. The evidence so far suggests: that we can use these social media channels to drive participation, but we need to figure out if its possible to make this repeatable.
  • Can we use a social media campaign to activate existing community leaders? And identify new leaders in a program? Our decentralized movement often means that people are willing to lead, but their willingness is hard to recognize outside of their local context. We wanted to test if social media can help identify leaders for TWL and broader library outreach, we think this was mostly a success.

We also had other great outcomes:

  • We beginning to identify a volunteer committee, to run #1lib1ref in the future
  • We are continuing strategic talks with several of the major networks involved in the campaign, including the International Federation of Library Associations.
  • We are going to continue working with newly identified advocates in both affiliates and other language communities to support Wikipedia Library Branches and library campaign outreach like the Catalan Public Library Network: Outreach:GLAM/Case studies/Catalonia's Network of Public Libraries
  • The excitement of the campaign brought some really neat project ideas including: a Wikipedia and Libraries journal, internationalization of tools like Citation Hunt and the Hashtag Referral tool and the possibility of another Wikipedian in Residence at a University, like the one being piloted at WVU.

If you would like to learn more join the libraries mailing list or add yourself to the Books and Bytes distribution list.

  • Further reading (links):

Stay tuned



  • Blog 1:
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  • Learning Day Blog
  • Blog 2:
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Grow the Awesome

  • Tagline: Two giants meet online: UNESCO contributes to Wikimedia projects

John Cummings has been working for the past four months as Wikimedian in Residence at UNESCO funded by a Wikimedia Foundation project and event grant. This is his testimony:

I've been working at UNESCO to help staff understand more about using and contributing to Wikimedia and assisting them in making their content available on Wikimedia Commons. Currently we have upload over 1000 files to Commons covering a wide range of content, including photographs, videos, infographics and illustrations with many more being made available over the coming months.

I created Wikiproject UNESCO which is designed to be accessible for people new to contributing to Wikiedia projects and covers several Wikimedia projects. It is structured around activities including writing, translation and sharing UNESCO media and has clear and simple instructions for all tasks. It has several tools to help people in all langauges improve information on UNESCO programme enscriptions e.g World Heritage Sites and to help navigate and organise sharing of UNESCO media content on Wikimedia projects. The

I'd encourage everyone to share the content that UNESCO has made available on Wikimedia projects to show the value of releasing work under an open license.

I think that Wikimedia has a unique role to play in worldwide education which many organisations are working towards as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. I hope that by working with UNESCO to understand how they can use and contribute to Wikimedia projects it will encourage other intergovernmental organisations to do the same.

Further Reading:

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  • Idea 2
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Learning Pattern Library

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  • Pattern 2
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