Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
 * Forces left-to-right layout and editing on RTL wikis.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:pathoschild/forceltr.js]]

 * Ajax sysop
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:pathoschild/ajaxsysop.js]]

 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <nowiki>
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*** Various from enwiki
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winc('User:Voice of All/Specialadmin/monobook.js'); // More admin stuff

*** Override cross-site Ajax security, and reduce IE security settings
// For FF/NS, go enable, see ""
// Basically, enable "signed.applets.codebase_principal_support" in about:config
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*** customized confirm text; block anons only purge tab
$(function Dfn_js_con() {
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*** "A bunch of stuff that starts with function"
// <nowiki>
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		f.wpSummary.value = "Welcome to our free Encyclopedia!";
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		f.wpSummary.value = "Welcome to our free Encyclopedia!";
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		f.wpSummary.value = "Welcome to our free Encyclopedia!";

function testn(number) {
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function povn() {
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	var varticle = '';
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function warningn() {
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	if (document.title.split(' - ')[0].split('.').length == 4) {
		IPnote = "''If this is an [[w:IP address|IP address]], and it is shared by multiple users, ignore this warning if you did not make any [[Wikipedia:vandalism|unconstructive]] edits.'' ";
	var varticle = '';
	if (location.href.indexOf('&vanarticle=') != -1) {
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	t.value +="==" + "Regarding edits made during {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTDAY}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}" + varticle + "==" + "\n" + "{{subst:" + "bv" + "}} " + IPnote + "~" + "~" + "~" + "~";
	f.wpSummary.value = "User notice:" + " bv";

function revertsn() {
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	if (document.title.split(' - ')[0].split('.').length == 4) {
		IPnoteR = "''If this is an [[w:IP address|IP address]], and it is shared by multiple users, ignore this warning, but aviod making any [[Wikipedia:revert|reverts]] within 24 hours of this warning in order to avoid any confusion.'' ";
	var article = prompt("Enter the page name where the 3RR violation occured:");
	articleh = article.replace(/ /g, '_');
	var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;
	if (t.value.length > 0)
		t.value += '\n';
	t.value +="==" + "Regarding reversions" + "[" + articleh + "&action=history] " + "made on {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTDAY}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}} to " + "[[" + article + "]]" + "==" + "\n" + "{{subst:" + "3rr" + "}} " + IPnoteR + "~" + "~" + "~" + "~";
	f.wpSummary.value = "User notice:" + " 3rr";

function finalwn() {
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	var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;
	if (t.value.length > 0)
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	t.value += ":{{subst:" + "test4" + "}} ~" + "~" + "~" + "~";
	f.wpSummary.value = "User notice:" + " final warning";

function blockn() {
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	t.value += ":{{subst:" + "test5" + "}} ~" + "~" + "~" + "~";
	f.wpSummary.value = "User notice:" + " temporary block";

function rrblockn() {
	username_a = document.URL.match(/:.*:(.*)/);
	var article = prompt("Enter the page name where the 3RR violation occured:");
	articleh = article.replace(/ /g, '_');
	var well = prompt("Warning is already in context (*y* or *n*)?");
	var time = prompt("Enter the duration of the block (in hours)");
	var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;
	if (t.value.length > 0)
		t.value += '\r';
	t.value += '<div style="background-color: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid red; padding: 3px;">' + '\n';
	if (well == 'y' || well == 'yes') {
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	else if (well == 'n' || well == 'no') {
		t.value += "==" + "Regarding reversions" + "[" + articleh + "&action=history] " + "made on {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTDAY}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}} to " + "[[" + article + "]]" + "==" + "\n" + "{{subst:" + "3rr3" + "}} The duration of the [" + username + " block] is " + time + " hours. ~" + "~" + "~" + "~" + "</div>";
	else {
		prompt("Error, enter *y* or *n*.");
	f.wpSummary.value = "User notice:" + " temporary 3RR block";

function testbl() {
	var IPnote = '';
	if (document.title.split(' - ')[0].split('.').length == 4) {
		IPnote = "''If this is an [[w:IP address|IP address]], and it is shared by multiple users, ignore this warning if you did not make any [[Wikipedia:vandalism|unconstructive]] edits.'' ";
	var varticle = '';
	if (location.href.indexOf('&vanarticle=') != -1) {
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	if (t.value.length > 0)
		t.value += '\n';
	t.value +="==" + "Regarding edits made during {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTDAY}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}" + varticle + "==" + "\n" + "{{subst:" + "test2a}} " + IPnote + "~" + "~" + "~" + "~";
	f.wpSummary.value = "User notice:" + " test2a";

function spam(type) {
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	else if (type == 2)
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	var IPnote = '';
	if (document.title.split(' - ')[0].split('.').length == 4) {
		IPnote = "''If this is an [[w:IP address|IP address]], and it is shared by multiple users, ignore this warning if you did not make any [[Wikipedia:vandalism|unconstructive]] edits.'' ";
	var varticle = '';
	if (location.href.indexOf('&vanarticle=') != -1) {
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	f.wpSummary.value = "User notice: " + temp;

function rrwarn() {
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	if (t.value.length > 0)
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	t.value = t.value.replace(/\(Result:\)/,'(Result: user warned)');
	f.wpSummary.value = "Response: user warned";

function rrblock() {
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	var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;
	if (t.value.length > 0)
		t.value += '\n';
	t.value +="*I have blocked the user for " + number + " hours per [[WP:3RR]]. " + "~" + "~" + "~" + "~";
	t.value = t.value.replace(/\(Result:\)/,'(Result: ' + number + ' hours)');
	f.wpSummary.value = "Response: user blocked";

function rrnoblock() {
	var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;
	if (t.value.length > 0)
		t.value += '\n';
	t.value +="*The user has not yet violated [[WP:3RR]] because there are not yet four reverts within 24 hours nor is there any severely disruptive behavior. However, I have warned the user for nearly breaching [[WP:3RR]]. " + "~" + "~" + "~" + "~";
	t.value = t.value.replace(/\(Result:\)/,'(Result: no violation)');
	f.wpSummary.value = "Response: no violation";
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*** Tab manipulation
*** from <>
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//more tabs
$(function add_testn_tabs() {
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//### Add generic tab ###
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//### Add tab as menu ###
function addlimenu(tabs, name, id) {
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// appends msg to the currently-editted page, sets the summary to summ,
// and marks or unmarks the Watch this page checkbox according to watch.
function edit_summary_watch(msg, summ, watch) {
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	t.value += msg;
	f.wpSummary.value = summ;
	f.wpWatchthis.checked = watch;

$(function formDefaults() {
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	/* get current and fill */
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*** Other things
//mw.loader.load('//'); //Quick and dirty RC filtering script by pathos
