Emergency Bot873 shutoff button
Administrators: Use this button if Bot873 is malfunctioning (direct link)Non-administrators can report a malfunctioning bot to Requests for help from a sysop or bureaucrat.
editBot873 | |
Bot873 (Talk · Contribs) | |
(I never sleep) | |
Operator | Operator873 |
Author | Operator873 |
Approved? | Yes |
Flagged? | Yes |
Edit rate | Manually directed edits |
Edit period/s | As directed |
Programming language/s | Python Built on Sopel IRC bot |
Source code published? | CabalBot source |
Emergency shutoff-compliant? | Yes |
Bot873 (formerly known as GlobalSysBot on IRC in #wikimedia-gsconnect and internal channels) was designed by Operator873 to facilitate and expedite Global Sysop activities on GS wikis. The users who are authorized to cause the bot to make on-wiki edits are bot admins, Global Sysops and Stewards.
A more up-to-date command list can be found here.
Global Sysop CSD Helper
editThere is no limit to the number of wikis Bot873 can check and report to you; however, care should be utilized as the response to your talk page may be extensive.
Query a single wiki and report to IRC
editThis is an IRC only response. The bot will provide links to the pages tagged for Speedy Deletion within the #wikimedia-gs channel.
!onirc wiki
This command is limited to one project to manage channel flooding. The name command is also available (ie - Bot873, onirc project
Add new GS wiki
editThe database containing projects is far from complete and I need your help adding to it. If Bot873 reports it does not know a project, a user may:
!addwiki <abrev> https://full.path.to/w/api.php <Category:For speedy deletion requests>
Ensure you provide the correct abreviation for the project and the api url is correct. Additionally, the category must include the category namespace (for English languages, Category:).
If a new wiki was added incorrectly, or if the bot throws an error, notify Operator873 as the info can be rewritten easily.
Selective Recent Change Reporter (Watcher)
editBot873 is able to digest events from EventStream and report changes to selected pages chosen by endUsers. The bot can also be set to ping the requester when reporting changes to those pages. Below are the commands.
Add or Remove a page from Watcher
editThe syntax should always begin with !watch. Following the command, Add/add/+ or Del/del/- to indicate adding or removing a page from being watched. Then the project in short format (ie enwiki, wikidata, eswiktionary, ptwikibooks, etc) followed by the name of the page. Spaces can be handled with either spaces or underscores.
Example Recent Change report:
<+GlobalSysBot> Wikipedia:Sandbox on somewiki was edited by Someone https://somewiki.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=658246
!watch add simplewiki Wikipedia:Vandalism in progress
The above command would result in Bot873 reporting changes in the channel the command was used in.
!watch del simplewiki Wikipedia:Vandalism in progress
The above command would result in Bot873 removing the indicated page from the list.
Setting pings
editBot873 is also able to say your IRC nick, known as pinging, when the page is edited. In order for this to function correctly, the nick wanting to be pinged should add the page via the above commands. Once the page is added to the Watcher, they should:
!watch ping on enwiki Some Article
The above code would tell the bot to ping the nick when reporting page changes. Multiple nicks cannot be pinged for the same page edit. Example of the ping:
<+GlobalSysBot> YourNick: Wikipedia:Sandbox on somewiki was edited by Someone https://somewiki.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=658246
To disable the pings use:
!watch ping off enwiki Some Article
There are additional commands that exist, but are currently not available to end Users.
Global Watcher
editIt was recognized that vandalism occasionally occurs on some users' talk pages on small wikis where it may not be noticed. With Global Watch, the title of the page is specified along with its namespace
. The bot will then report changes, globally, to a page with the title specified in the correct namespace. Example: Changes to User talk:Operator873
as well as changes to Plé úsáideora:Operator873
. While the example uses talk space 3 (user talk), any namespace can be specified. The bot also includes a very basic, non-exhaustive quick namespace reference.
General command scheme
edit!globalwatch <action> <namespaceID> <target>
Add a globally watched page
edit!globalwatch add 0 Main Page
Delete a globally watched page
edit!globalwatch del 3 Operator873
Add a ping for edits
edit!globalwatch ping on 14 2007 British television series debuts
Remove a ping for edits
edit!globalwatch ping off 4 Conflict of Interest
Global Sysop Feed
editGlobalSysBot reports a feed of Global Sysop action to #wikimedia-gs-internalconnect similar to steward actions reported by StewardBot. This enhances transparency and oversight of GS actions by fellow GSes. When deleting many pages or affecting significant changes that will cause the bot to flood the channel, a GS should hush the bot.
Interrupt the feed
editTo stop the bot from reporting changes:
The person ordering the hush and the time stamp it was ordered will be stored.
Resume the feed
editTo restore log reporting:
Admin Commands
editThe following several commands are available to selected bot admins for maintaining the bot and configuring user information.
Add a new Global Sysop or GS IRC Nick
edit!addmember <IRCnick> <WP account>
This command will associate an IRC nick with a wikimedia account. This will tell the bot the nick and account are attached to each other, and that the IRC nick is authorized to use the bot. Furthermore, their log actions will be reported to #wikimedia-gs-internalconnect
Delete a Global Sysop
edit!removemember <WP account>
This command will purge all IRC nicks associated with the provided account along with the account itself from the database. This effectively removes access to the bot and tells the bot not to report their logged actions.
Show connection to IRC Nick
edit!idnick <IRCnick>
Shows the WP account associated with the provided nick, along with any other associated IRC nicks.
Check a GS wiki data
edit!idwiki <project>
Query the database and return the WMF abbreviation, API url, and CSD category for the provided project. This is useful for verifying the information is correct or incorrect prior to executing a rewrite.
Re-write a GS wiki data
edit!rewrite <project> <apiURL> <CSD Cat>
Rewrite the database row for the provided project. This is extremely useful in correcting typos in the API urls which were obtained from wikidata during the bot build.