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/* Inspiré de :fr:Utilisateur:Jmfayard/monobook.js */
function addLoadEvent(func)
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", func, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", func);
function CategoriesAGauche() {
var catlinks = document.getElementById("catlinks");
if (!catlinks) { return; }
var categories = catlinks.getElementsByTagName("a") ;
var h5_cats = document.createElement( "h5" );
var text = document.createTextNode( "Categories" ) ;
h5_cats.appendChild( text ) ;
var div_cats = document.createElement( "div" );
div_cats.setAttribute( "class", "pBody" );
var ul = document.createElement( "ul" );
var a_debut = 1 ; // evitons le lien Categories:
for (var i = a_debut ; i < categories.length ; i++ ) {
var a = categories[i] ;
var li = document.createElement( "li" ) ;
li.appendChild( a.cloneNode(1) ) ;
ul.appendChild( li );
div_cats.appendChild( ul ) ;
var portlet = document.createElement( "div" ) ;
portlet.setAttribute( "class", "portlet" );
portlet.setAttribute( "id", "p-cat" ) ;
portlet.appendChild( h5_cats ) ;
portlet.appendChild( div_cats ) ;
//document.getElementById("column-one").insertBefore( document.getElementById("p-search"), portlet ) ;
//document.getElementById("column-one").appendChild( portlet ) ;
div_ptb = document.getElementById( "p-tb" );
document.getElementById("column-one").insertBefore( portlet, div_ptb)
addLoadEvent( CategoriesAGauche ) ;
function Polletfa()
var a = document.getElementById("p-cactions");
if (a)
b = a.getElementsByTagName("ul");
if(b.length > 0)
b[0].innerHTML = b[0].innerHTML
+ '<li id="ca-nstab-user">'
+ '<a href="">'
+ '(fr)</a>'
+ '<a href="">'
+ '(de)</a>'
+ '<a href="">'
+ '(en)</a>'
+ '<a href="">'
+ '(meta)</a>'
+ '<a href="">'
+ '(commons)</a>'
+ '<a href="">'
+ '(incubator)</a>'
+ '</li>'