User:RichMorin/mw hitcounter

Stores an ID for every time any article is visited. Depending on $wgHitcounterUpdateFreq, this table is periodically cleared. The page_counter column in the page table is updated for all of the articles that have been visited.

Inter-table Relationships

  • hc_id - hit counter ID ( page.page_id)

MySQL Table Description

mysql> desc mw_hitcounter;
| Field | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| hc_id | int(10) unsigned |      |     | 0       |       |
1 row in set

Annotated Table Creation Code

-- Stores an ID for every time any article is visited;
-- depending on $wgHitcounterUpdateFreq, it is
-- periodically cleared and the page_counter column
-- in the page table updated for the all articles
-- that have been visited.

CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/hitcounter (

  hc_id               integer        unsigned     NOT NULL