User:Ruhubelent/Dispute with trWP

Turkish Wikipedia's admins have blocked me for no reason - what can be done?


I have asked all of them to point out the reason they have blocked me for. None have pointed out a reason for why they have done so. Here are my block history:

  • @Vikiçizer: blocked me on the 14th of June, 2018. I asked "Why?" but never responded or specified a reason or any action of mine that would need to be blocked. If needed I can share the links of the edits I asked him/her for reasons.
  • @Sakhalinio: blocked me on the 1st of July, 2018. I asked him/her on his meta page, we discussed many things but never pointed out or specified a reason for my block.
  • @Superyetkin: blocked me on the 12th of July, 2018. I was alleged of using a sock-puppet account. I asked the sock-puppet account I was accused of using, never pointed out a sockpuppet account.

If needed, I can scan the history and share the links of all the edits through which I asked the questions. The main part is: Can something be done with this mob-rule community? --Ruhubelent (talk) 21:02, 4 April 2019 (UTC)

UPDATE: During the conversations with @Sakhalinio:, he conceded that the content I was objecting to was a wrong content, he partially amended it. I then asked why am I blocked then instead of the ones who edit-warred me for that wrong content? He did not specify any reason or did not say anything about that. I am asking again, why was I blocked instead of the one who edit-warred me for the content he has partially amended? --Ruhubelent (talk) 10:07, 6 April 2019 (UTC)

UPDATE 2: This issue is far more important than it seems to be because this issue demonstrates Turkish Wikipedia has become a mob-rule dictatorship. Someone edit-warrs me there, I get blocked instead of him. When I call official to supervise the event they block me instead of supervising the event. The same user attempted to edit-warr me on the same topic on but he immediately quitted after I reported him. There were some patrols who tried to supervise the conflict but all of them ignore to answer the main point upon which the user edit-wars me for. My own deduction is they are afraid of getting blocked, if need be I can show the links of those conversations as well. Is there a way to fight this mob rule dictatorship community? --Ruhubelent (talk) 10:20, 6 April 2019 (UTC)

  Comment trWP is a self-managing community. Previously others have started a Request for comment to put forward a point of of view with what they consider the background to a problem.  — billinghurst sDrewth 10:25, 6 April 2019 (UTC)


  • Another patrol once showed up and evaluated the objections of mine and the statements by that edit-warrior patrol. The objections I raised, which was being prevented, sabotaged and even edit-warred by the edit-warrior, were concluded to be sound and the article was updated according to my objections, albeit with shortages as even that one patrol ignored the main part. But nothing was done to that edit-warrior patrol who kept on edit-warring me using his powers to maintain his own version of the story. Something ought to be done with this mob rule community. The user that edit-warred me talks to the admin and the bureaucrat, who blocked me for no reason, in a friendly and frankly manner which makes me think that is why the two patrols ignored the objection the edit-warrior patrol was sabotaging. In case they act against that edit-warrior patrol they may end up being blocked for no reason, like me and they do know there is no place they can appeal for being blocked due to no reason. --Ruhubelent (talk) 17:49, 7 April 2019 (UTC)


  Comment as per previous complaints about communities, this is not the place for such complaints. Please try to resolve it with local trWP admins on their talk pages if they are willing to have the conversation, or start an RFC  — billinghurst sDrewth 11:20, 10 April 2019 (UTC)

billinghurst, that is pointless. trying to solve that problem with the mob-leader or seeking those mob members to comment of the incident? The Mob leaders just ignore when I asked them, other wikipedians on the other hand ignore the objections or questions I ask. What I deduce is they are afraid of getting blocked. Once an admin (Sakhalinio) were acting like superviser but he did not even ask the edit-warrior patrol to explain his view. He just blocked me. Two other patrols once tried to act as a mediator but when the critical point is asked they both ignored me. Other than the possibility of getting blocked, I can not think of any other reason why that 3 would first try to solve the conflict but then end up ignoring the objections. --Ruhubelent (talk) 17:44, 10 April 2019 (UTC)

@Sakhalinio: and @Vikiçizer: blocked me from due to someone edit-warring me, instead of blocking the edit-warrer or even supervising the conflict. Why? Because that person is their friend, they speak to each other as "abi" which in Turkish means "brother." compared to them talking to users in a diplomatic tone. I asked both @Sakhalinio: and @Vikiçizer: the reason they blocked me for, with neither one pointing out a single violation by me.

@Superyetkin: blocked me from accusing me of sockpuppet account without demonstrating or even alleging a certian additional account I am accused of using. I several times asked @Superyetkin: about the sockpuppet account I am accused of using, no reply so far.

The one that edit-warred me edit-warred me on as well but realizing his 'brothers' do not have power there he quitted instantly once I reported him to the adminboard. The troll explicitly stated he will not allow a change that exposes Birand, explicitly insulted me and all these took place on @Vikiçizer:'s talk page and instead of sanctioning him or even supervising the event @Vikiçizer: blocked me for a week with the intention of muting me.

These .. s made a mob rule community. Unfortunately, it is still a mob-rule dictatorship and there is no way to stop them.

This user has been blocked from the mob rule community Turkish Wikipedia for political agenda the mob rule community was pushing forwrds. Since that mob rule community failed to provide reference for their version of content, they have banned this user instead of discussing the conflict. The mob rule community has blocked this user for political reasons. This user raised objections to their political agenda, they have been unable to discuss it and banned this user. The same edit-war has occured on English Wikipedia as well, they did not appear there after this user's reports as they do not have power there to block whoever opposes them so that they can push forward for their political agenda.

This user has raised the objections so many times, invited several members to discuss the issue only to be ignored; dismissed; insulted and blocked.

This user is proud of being blocked by that mob-rule community.

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tk-N Bu ulanyjynyň öz ene dili Türkmençedir.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
tr-4 Bu kullanıcı anadili gibi Türkçe konuşabilir.
ru-3 Этот участник свободно владеет русским языком.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
uz-2 Bu foydalanuvchi oʻzbek tilini oʻrtacha darajada biladi.
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