User:Simon Villeneuve/Wikimania2017


Matériel pour la présentation How to create a good school project on Wikipedia, donnée le 11 août 2017 de 12h à 12h30 au Centre Sheraton de Montréal.

Plan de la présentation

  • Introduction
  • Projects I've done
  • Facts
  • School book
  • Discussions



Y a-t-il activité plus intéressante pour quelqu'un en éducation que de participer à la plus grande synthèse du savoir de l'histoire humaine ?

Créer un projet pédagogique visant à construire Wikipédia est une difficile, mais qui en vaut la peine. En effet, il est difficile d'imaginer une activité scolaire étant plus signifiante que de participer à la synthèse du savoir humain.

Projets pédagogiques

  • I have try school projects in 7 differents courses (2 in university and 5 in cegep)
    • Astronomy
    • Astrophysics
    • History of sciences
    • Evolution of the planet
    • Electromagnetism for metallurgy
    • Strengh of materials
    • Mecanics
Statistics of the university and cegep schools projects (2008-2017)
N[1] Creations[2] Articles[3] Results[4]
337 441 175 23 B (little more than good start), 104 BD (good start), 314 stubs
127 files on Commons,
117 articles on Wikinews
2 books and 8 articles on Wikisource
1 article on the Wiktionary



1- Bigger is the wiki, harder it is to create and sustain a school project on it

2- One time = easy. Year after year = hard

  • Clean the place at the end everytime
A short stub is better...
...than a article needing cleanup. Why ? Cause Wikipedians usually don't recycle. They start the article all over again and crush the old version with the new one.

3- Volunteers vs. conscripts = night and day

  • like for every schoolwork, whatever the precision of the instructions given, there's always, always, students who didn't get a clue of what they must do or how they can do it. You can reduce this with step by step descriptions, but you can't eliminate it all.
  • students botch. You must revise all their contributions done in mainspace.
  • Make them work in subpages of useraccount or projects. When the work is too bad, you can let it there without correction.

4- Many wikipedians hate schools projects

  • Eventualism vs. immediatism
  • Treat knowledge as it is finite or infinite
In games without frontiers
War without tears







Notes et références

  1. Number of students.
  2. Number of articles created.
  3. Number of articles on which the students have work more than a month.
  4. Progress evaluated from the French scale of evaluation.