Proposed plans with various partners

GLAM programs

Idea/ What?

CIS-A2K will continue to build partnerships with GLAM institutes and carry forward the ongoing projects.

What are main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?

The GLAM institutions especially during pandemic genuinely felt the digital presence of the knowledge repositories with them. The knowledge is to be connected with the free platforms on the web if utility is to be enhanced. During the visits we realized the need of urgent digitization of old books, documents and artifacts as they are decaying. The small institutions also require technical support in cataloging and archiving in digital formats. CIS-A2K endeavors to collaborate with different stakeholders in GLAM sector to design and implement customized projects as per the need and situation on ground.

Previous work

CIS-A2K conducted a small research study on GLAM mapping in Maharashtra. The outcomes were used to design strategies for collaboration. We have also ongoing project with organisation, RIWATCH in Arunachal Pradesh. Some exploration process has been started with groups in North East India to document endangered languages.

Strategies and activities to achieve

The potential partners would be identified through mapping exercises in different regions. According to the nature and extent of content, appropriate methodology will be adopted. The engagements could be placing Wikimedian in Residence, conducting series of edit-a-thos or training the staff of the organisation.

The ongoing WikiProject in Arunachal with RIWATCH will be continued. The expansion of activities is planned with Rajiv Gandhi University and State government of Arunachal Pradesh. Similar GLAM projects are being explored in other North East states with local organisations.

The process has been started with Kashibai Gawand Museum which holds rare historical artifacts like coins, weapons, domestic utensils etc. The preliminary visits were made to document museum on Wikimedia Commons. The project will be completed with pacing WiR in the museum.

We are also in collaboration process with Kala Ashram organisation at Adilabad. The project will be designed to document museum and archive of arts & crafts. The institute has also shown interest in relicensing of literature by founder Ravindra Sharma.

Relicensing and digitisation

Idea/ What?

CIS-A2K would replicate the process of relicensing executed in Maharashtra to other states of India in a systematic manner. The tutorials and promotional material will be developed in various languages for mass awareness among literary communities.

What are main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?

Due to various limitations, the reference value books are not printed in large quantity. Very few books are reprinted. Therefore, there is a need to make such reference value works freely accessible and searchable. The readers on web prefer to read recent content relevant to present times which suits their interests. For this one can not wait for the expiry of copyright of works as per the law of the land. Hence, taking awareness and re-licensing drives are the need of an hour for every language community.

Previous work

To connect the resources with libraries with Wikimedia movement, CIS-A2K has been working with various libraries on digitisation, content enrichment campaigns and relicensing movement. Due to consistent efforts, relicensing movement has gained momentum in Maharashtra. The ongoing project in collaboration with 175 year old Pune Nagar Vachan Mandir library aims to bring more than 1000 PD books on Wikimedia projects.

Strategies and activities to achieve

With Pune Nagar Vachan Mandir we have planned activities like, digitisation of PD books, Wikidata books project and relicensing campaign. We have developed partnership with Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics to digitise valuable material from British era in the form of books, reports, documents etc. Similar partnerships with libraries and organisations ready to set-up digitisation centres will be developed in at least three states of India.

Thematic partnerships with organisations

Idea/ What?

CIS-A2K continues to build thematic partnerships with organisations dedicated to different sectors and have already accumulated knowledge over the years. These partnerships would be mutually beneficial as they would bring reliable and verifiable content on Wikimedia projects and at the same time utilise the wisdom and experience of these institutions for the larger good of the society across the web.

What are main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?

The organisations working on thematic areas such as gender, water, science & technology for long time are reservoirs of reliable and accurate information. Moreover their connect with the grassroots and diverse communities brings multifold aspects to this knowledge sources. To enhance the diversity, quality and reliability of content on Wikimedia projects, the meaningful partnerships with these organisations are important. The orientation of their volunteers towards open knowledge platforms is also a need of an hour. They are also exploring innovative ways to reach out to the people through online platforms. Hence, the partnerships are mutually beneficial. Through this program new volunteers having various skills and background are also getting inducted in the movement.

Previous work

In collaboration with various organisations in water sector, CIS-A2K has started Project Jalbodh to build water related knowledge repository. In science and appropriate technology sector the activities are being conducted with Vigyan Ashram based in rural area of Maharashtra. We are trying to involve citizen science forums also to contribute on Wikimedia projects. The documentation of birds in Sangli district has been started with Birdsong, group of enthusiasts active in birding and nature conservation.

Strategies and activities to achieve

The partnerships with Tarun Bharat Sangh (TBS) and other organisations will be strengthened to develop Jalbodh project in systematic manner. Similar organisations in 3 more states of India will be collaborated in this project. Focused project on 'Documenting river basins on Wiki' and relicensing activity will be carried out with TBS. We have organised pilot campaign on Wikimedia Commons to document rivers in Pune district with Rotary Water Olympiad team. This concept of River Photo documentation will be replicated in three other states.

Vigyan Ashram, Pabal is long term partner active in various roles. The content enrichment, skill training and digitisation are major activities of Wiki Cell developed at Vigyan Ashram. Through this cell, rural youth is being involved in Wikimedia projects. The organisation runs Introduction to Basic Technology (IBT) course in 100+ schools in three states. The module on 'Digital skills and knowledge creation' will be designed and implemented in 10 IBT schools. This will bring diversity and inclusivity on Wikimedia projects. With Vigyan Ashram, we have planned OER development on Scientific concepts and various hands-on Skills. The digitisation set up will be upgraded.

We have started WikiProject Birds with citizens and members of Birdsong organisation in Sangli district of Maharashtra. This will be continued and networking with other organisations in the sector will be done.

Bridging gender gap and content enrichment

Idea/ What?

Partnering with gender based organisations to enrich the gender related on Wikimedia projects as well as women's participation in the process.

What are main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?

BGG is identified as focus area in the movement. Specific and consistent efforts are required to achieve the growth in women's participation. The organisation working for the same cause in social sector can play a catalytic role in this journey. The identification of topics for impact have been already done by these organisations and further they are looking for effective, sustainable ways to disseminate reliable knowledge. The capacity building of these groups in open knowledge sector would bring the expected change in effective manner.

Previous work

CIS-A2K has been working with Lek Ladki Abhiyan and Jnana Prabodhini organisations consistently for the last four years on various projects to increase the gender content and women's participation on Wikimedia projects.

Strategies and activities to achieve

The proposed activities with Lek Ladki Abhiyan include Digitisation & relicensing, building Women's digital archive, BGG programs and Photo documentation campaigns. The documentation of women's struggles will be done with various organisations in India. With Jnana Prabodhini, the continuation of activities for Women's group, such as Lingua Libre, Lexemes, Wikisource, Audio books is proposed. The innovative project include Rural culture documentation and Women's Digital skills center.

Partnerships with educational institutes

Idea/ What?

CIS-A2K would continue to work with educational institutes to involve students and scholars in content enrichment. We will also develop various methodologies to integrate the reliable knowledge creation and documentation processes with academics.

What are main challenges you are trying to solve and your proposed solution?

In this internet era of information explosion, the students as well as educational institutes need to be acquainted with reliable and verifiable knowledge sources. If this community is involved in such knowledge creation, the process and outcomes would benefit all the stakeholders. The academic assignments could be very well integrated with this program. CIS-A2K has experience of working with many institutions on this principle over the last 8 years.

Previous work

CIS-A2K has long time partnerships with Christ University, PAH Solapur University. We have also been working with Goa University. We have been engaging students in various Wikimedia programs across Maharashtra and other states. For the ongoing history project, we have collaborated with H. V. Desai college in Pune.

Strategies and activities to achieve

The work with PAH Solapur University would focus on Integration of academics with free knowledge creation. The GLAM projects with students are also proposed. The partnership with Goa University will be revived. The Thematic project on Goa Liberation Struggle has been conceptualised. The library department is also interested in Relicensing & Digitisation of books from Goa. The ongoing Maharashtra history project with H. V. Desai College would be continued. The Wiki assignments to the students will be designed.

Galleries for proposal
