Character count:


    • Hello Grants Regional Committee (SAARC) members and Community Resources team members, we have discussed the suggestions and observations and we sincerely thank you for your inputs. The suggestions and feedback definitely help us to plan future activities and workplan. Yes, as you noted Wikisource is a project where we propose to continue to focus this year also. Other than Wikisource, we also propose to concentrate on like-minded institutional partnerships. Continuing from our past work, we would like to take forward digitization work.
However it would have been helpful if some elaboration regarding the way the proposal has been drafted, methods of collection of community input and integration into the plan explained..
Thanks for asking the question. We conduct a set of needs-assessment and survey before preparing the plan, and they take place over the year. There are generally two-types of feedback we seek: a) about specific program/event/activity, b) about over-all program. The feedback often help very much to design individual programs and activities. Some of the feedback and surveys we have conducted in last one year or so are: A2K Request Page Feedback form, Mini Edit-a-thon Feedback Form, International Mother Language Day 2022 edit-a-thon, Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 Feedback form (presenter/moderator), WMWM Logistics-assessment form, Infrastructural Needs of Indian Language Wikisource Communities - Survey Form, Needs assessment of Wikisource Communities for 2022-2023, Proofread-thon Feedback Form. We conducted/supported online sessions such as Stay safe, stay connected (Wikisource session) or Grants Strategy Relaunch 2020–2021 India call. These (or similar) interactions are often very helpful in the process of making a plan. Other than the forms, or events/online sessions, our program persons try to regularly communicate with Wikimedians to know about their project's/community's necessities.
The set of partnerships proposed to be taken up in the upcoming plan is geographically and topically quite diverse, suggesting that the impact of this year's activities will be quite broad. There may be factors complicating the depth in which these partners will engage the Wikimedia communities and projects. It remains to be seen whether the partnerships will turn to be long time partners or event level collaborations.
Thank you for the observation. In the last couple of years because of pandemic-related travel and other restrictions, and also limitation in different institutions' activities, we could not take forward a few institutional partnerships. However, as things are improving this year, we are hopeful that we can take forward some of the partnerships. Before starting partnership activities we try to put considerable effort to shape and design the partnership structure. We will continue to attempt to establish long-time partnership relationships.
CIS-A2K team provide more information on the risk mitigation strategies. Not only concerning the Covid-19 pandemic but also other institutional and programmatic risks that they have identified.
— COVID-19 pandemic is a different scenario and we'll continue to follow Wikimedia Foundation's, central and local health authority's, and the organisations' own guidelines and SoP.
Transition in the team has been a problem for quite sometime. For this reason, we try to depend more on the process than a person. Here "institutional knowledge" plays a very important role. In the upcoming year, we would like to further focus on institutional knowledge documentation and knowledge transfer process.
CIS monitors and attentively follows the legal or regulatory changes those are related to the program. CIS regularly seeks legal advice and communicates with CR team of WMF to provide service following the relevant regulations.
Quarterly interim updates must be provided to the community along with the required progress report to monitor and evaluate the progress.
— Thanks for the comment. We have been submitting an interim/progress report, and a final/impact report. Regular updates are posted in form of Newsletter or different event-specific report. Please let us know if this works.
Details as to how newcomers would be welcomed into the movement, retaining them and ensuring their feeling of safety and inclusion should be elaborated.
—This is really important to welcome and bring newcomers to a project, or the movement in general. In order to ensure retention, we need to be supportive and listening and we need to provide necessary support such as skill-building initiatives. "Assuming good faith" is a Wikimedia guideline we also follow. In many of our programs and activities we work with new Wikimedians, and we'll continue to do so to ensure best participation and retention of new Wikimedians.
CIS-A2K should focus on retention of existing editors with follow up programs and try to understand why they fall inactive and what measures can be taken to ensure their active engagement.
—Thanks for raising this point. When we talk about "retention of existing editors" possibly we are talking about "sustainability" also. Post COVID-19, this is possibly a very important area to work on. There are several factors such as socio-economic condition of an emerging country, lack of social security etc, which make the editor retention topic different, and possibly difficult also here (you might have a look at this post as an example). We are very interested to collectively work on this area (both in our programmatic and volunteer capacity), and we'll continue to work on planning programs (and followup programs) to improve editor retention.
GRC would like to understand if the strategic partnerships are being built on observations by the CIS team or if there has been an intent to collaborate expressed on behalf of institutions as well? Eg: ‘...“ During visits to some of these institutions, we realised the need for urgent digitization of old books, documents and artefacts as they are in a state of decay.”
The short study on the GLAM mapping and digitisation project with Public library was shared with several institutions which do not have significant online display of content. We have been sharing the opportunities for involvement in Wikimedia projects such as thematic WikiProjects on Commons, campaigns like WLM & 1lib1ref with potential GLAM institutions regularly. As a result of these consistent communications, many organisations have expressed interest, invited us to collaborate with them in the past 2-3 years. Therefore the initiatives are from both sides.
‘...potential partners would be identified through mapping exercises’ The mapping exercise will be time / resource intensive. Such mappings already exist: from IIT Bombay, from IGNCA, from Abhilekh Patal. Is there a plan to use existing data?
— Thanks for sharing the links. We would do desk survey and online interviews, not the physical mapping. In this we will definitely use the previous works and database.
CIS should try and build a community for Wikivoyage project and host a national level activity for identifying contributors to the project
— Thanks for this suggestion. In the past we have had Wikivoyage sessions at different programs such as TTT2020, Wikimedia Wikimeet India. We can continue to support Wikivoyage plans and initiative as per the community need.
Would like to see learnings from the partnerships vertical of the CIS-A2K engagement. Partnerships provide an opportunity for learning and these lessons should be shared with the wiki community as well. Holding partnership clinics across communities, conferences or open dialogues would be helpful.
— We'll put additional effort in process and learning documentation this year. Partnership clinics is an interesting idea and we'll try this this year. Thanks for the suggestion.
A closer evaluation of activities such as TTT and Wikimedia Wikimeet should be taken into consideration before planning the next iterations. Topics such as effective follow-up, identifying the right level of engagement for the participants, curating the content for the participants, identifying both big and small opportunities to contribute should be integrated into the design of the event.
— We generally conduct detailed evaluation before conducting another iteration of a large-scale program like Train-the-Trainer or Wikimeet. We'll ensure to continue to do closer evaluation of activities as the GRC suggested.
We once again thank the Grants Regional Committee (SAARC) for their suggestions and inputs. We'll be happy to discuss further or provide addition information, if needed. Thanks, on behalf of CIS-A2K. --Tito (CIS-A2K) (talk) 11:43, 8 May 2022 (UTC)

Centre for Internet and Society has received funds from Privacy International, International Labour Organization, Omidyar Network, Internet Society, Wikimedia Foundation, Mozilla Corporation et cetera.

Registered non-governmental organization, with Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act license, a 501(c)(3) organization tax-exemption.

The Wikimedia usernames are:

O. Please state the title of your proposal. This will also be a title for the Meta-Wiki page. (help) 200 character limit

Annual Plan of CIS-A2K

S1. If you have answered regional or international, please write the country names and any other information that is useful for understanding your proposal. (optional) 500 character limit.

Official website and social networking service:

T. If you would like, please share any websites or social media accounts that your group or organization has. (optional) (help) 500 character limit.

What is the overall vision of your organization and how does this proposal contribute to this? If relevant, how does this proposal connect to past work and learning? 4000 characters limit. Required


The Centre for Internet and Society
ReportsA2K reports
(or read the organisation's annual reports, newsletters)
E-mail addressprogram

The Centre for Internet and Society (or "CIS") is a registered non-profit research organisation based in India that undertakes interdisciplinary research on the internet and digital technologies from policy and academic perspectives. The work comprises several thematic areas including accessibility for persons with disabilities, openness, internet governance, telecommunication reform, intellectual property rights, cybersecurity and research on social, material and cultural aspects of the internet. Through its various initiatives, the work at CIS seeks to inform contemporary discourse and regulatory practices related to the internet, technology, and society in India, and elsewhere. The official website of the organisation may be seen at Annual reports of the organisation may be seen at

Access to Knowledge (or "A2K") is a program, that supports and facilitates the work of Wikimedia projects led by and located across Indian language communities. The work of the program was initiated by a financial grant from the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) in 2012, and since then it has been actively involved in building and aiding the growth of the Wikimedia and free knowledge movement in India. For the last few years, we have been working to proactively foster and enhance community skills and capacity, and to create a sustainable program in order to enrich the Indian language content on Wikimedia projects. CIS-A2K's primary objectives are: supporting and facilitating the work of the Indian Wikimedia communities, making more content available to a wider public under a free license, building institutional partnerships, designing and executing projects with community and strengthening the capacities of Wikimedia volunteers, fostering and enabling an appropriate legal and technological ecosystem to enable better content creation and open access. Please see CIS-A2K/Reports and CIS-A2K/Reports/Newsletter.

We will align with Wikimedia Movement Strategy implementation and conduct/support events and activities to implement the strategy recommendations. This year we will continue to work on Wikisource as a focused project. We will further focus on institutional partnerships. In the last few years, we have successfully worked on several institutional collaborations in Maharashtra and Karnataka. Other than these states, this year we are going to work in states such as Arunachal Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal etc. We will continue to focus on online events, knowledge and learning dissemination. We are reducing our over-all budget by around 30%. In the last couple of years because of the COVID 19 pandemic, we could not conduct several in-person events despite planning the same. This year we have spent quite sometime to prepare the budget keeping in mind these developing circumstances and potential contingencies. As a non-profit we will work in a cost-effective way, without compromising on the quality of work and the safety of the team and community members. We will also continue to work on leadership and skill development initiatives over this year.

What is the change that you are trying to bring about and why is this important. Required Subquestions that may help answer this. What are the main challenges you are trying to solve? How has the importance of this change been assessed? 4000 character limit. Required

  Working areas

Various Wiki-events conducted in the past

A2K is submitting the annual plan for the program year 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023. In this program year, we would continue our support and service towards the Wikimedia and the free knowledge movement in India. We will build on our past work in areas such as partnership building, Wikisource, leadership-building activities etc. We would also like to work on new plans and initiatives in areas such as Wikimedia strategy and movement governance, which have emerged as areas of increased relevance and importance.

  •   Wikisource: In the last few years we have seen considerable growth in Wikisource in India. We would like to continue making efforts to strengthen the Wikisource projects. We will proactively work with Indian Wikisource communities to identify areas of a new engagement, as well as provide support..
  •   Partnership: A2K will continue collaboration with institutional partners who share our vision on Wikimedia and the free knowledge movement, in order to improve and expand Wikimedia-related content and facilitate wider outreach of projects. GLAM institutions especially during the pandemic genuinely felt the need for a digital presence in the knowledge repositories with them. Such knowledge repositories need to be made available through open access platforms online in order to enhance their utility. During visits to some of these institutions, we realised the need for urgent digitization of old books, documents and artifacts as they are in a state of decay. Small institutions also require technical support in cataloging and archiving in digital formats. A2K endeavors to collaborate with different stakeholders in the GLAM sector to design and implement customized projects as per the need and situation on the ground.
  •   General support: A2K will continue providing general service and support to the movement in India. A2K request page will continue to be functional this year also. The request page is a portal for Indian Wikimedians where they can ask for support towards activities and events in their respective communities or specific Wiki-projects.
  •   Online engagement: In the last couple of years, we have been focusing on online/ events like Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021, Stay safe, stay connected, Grants Strategy Relaunch 2020–2021 India call. This year we will continue to develop our efforts in this area. We will further work towards capacity building to enhance the quality of online events and the knowledge dissemination.
  •   Leadership development: A2K is committed to enhance leadership skills among Indic Wikimedians so that they can further improve the movement in India and strengthen the communities. We have consistently worked to enhance leadership skills among Indian Wikimedia community members through a different programs such as Train-the-Trainer or Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021. This year also we propose to conduct/support activities to enhance leadership skills.
  •   Skill-development Activities: It is very important to conduct/support skill-development activities to ensure quality content creation and more effective Wiki-involvement. In the past we have conducted events like MediaWiki training, copyright training workshop, Advanced Wikidata training etc. This year also we will arrange skill building activities and programs on Wikimedia Commons, Wikisource, Wikidata as per the needs of the communities.

Describe your main approaches or strategies to achieve these changes and why you think they will be effective. 3000 character limit. Required.


The programs will be designed based on the needs of the community and with their inputs. We do understand that different communities require different types of support and we will be careful to design our events as per the communities' requirements. There are also programs where we have past experience and we will leverage the same while planning such events and build on our earlier work.

  • We will be in continuous communication with the Wikisource language communities. We will continue our regular interaction with the communities on Indic Wikisource Helpdesk, Telegram (and other) platforms. Events such as Wikisource proofread-a-thon will be followed by detailed analysis. For the workshops and other skill development activities the topics will be prepared after needs-assessment and capacity mapping.
  • The GLAM institutions, especially during the pandemic felt the need for digitisation of their knowledge repositories. We also realised the need for digitization of old books, documents and artifacts as they are decaying, in order to develop effective strategies for preservation and outreach. A2K endeavors to collaborate with these stakeholders to design and implement customized projects to address these concerns. The potential partners would be identified through mapping exercises. According to the nature and extent of content, appropriate methods will be adopted for these exercises.
  • There is a need to make valuable reference value works on important topics, freely accessible and searchable. Online readers prefer to read recent content, which is relevant to present times and which suits their interests. To achieve this, re-licensing drives are the need of an hour. To digitise re-licensed and public domain content, partnerships with organisations ready to set-up digitisation centres will be developed in at least three states of India.
  • We will continue to conduct content creation events. However we will gradually reduce our direct involvement in activities like edit-a-thons; rather we would like to involve the community members in organising such events, and as a movement steward we will support the environment in which community members can lead such activities.
  • We will continue to explore the area of online training and workshops. It is still a relatively new pedagogic model. Exploring this avenue was necessitated by logistical reasons and unforeseen circumstances (pandemic), however the model has advantages such as easy access, reducing the carbon footprint and logistical expenses. We will conduct and support brief online calls and meetings such as Stay safe, stay connected and we will also conduct larger events such as Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021. The topics will be decided based on overall movement priority.
  • The organisations working on thematic areas such as gender, water, science & technology for long time are reservoirs of reliable and accurate information. Moreover their connect with the grassroots and diverse communities brings multi fold perspectives to these knowledge resources. To enhance the diversity, quality and reliability of content on Wikimedia projects, meaningful & mutually beneficial partnerships with like-minded organisations are planned. Through this, new volunteers with diverse skills and backgrounds would also get inducted in the movement.

What are the activities you will be developing and delivering as part of these approaches or strategies? 5000 character limit. Required


Some of the projects, programs and events we want to conduct in the upcoming program year are:

Please see more books.
  • Wikisource: We will continue to support Indian language Wikisource projects and the Wikisource communities in India.
    • We will conduct and support various Wikisource content creation activities. For the last two years we have been conducting a national-level proofread-a-thon twice a year; so far five iterations have been conducted. We would continue the national event, and we will also support language-specific proofread-a-thons.
    • We would also conduct and support regional and language-specific proofread-a-thons or on-Wiki content creation initiatives.
    • We wish to conduct regional Wikisource skill development workshops. We will conduct at least two in-person workshops. The workshops are to be planned based on community inputs.
    • We would also continue our work around Wikisource tools. We are working along with Tamil Wikimedians to create a Wikisource Android application. The work was started in late 2021, and will continue in this program year. The work is expected to be completed before December 2022.
    • We will continue networking to increase awareness about Wikisource, and free knowledge in general. We will work with institutions, authors, publishers etc. to bring more free content on Wikimedia.
  • Partnership: We have been putting effort to connect and work with like-minded partners, and we would like to further focus.
    • We will continue our collaboration with Kashibai Gawand Museum and we will a Wikimedian in Residence (WiR) program .
    • Ongoing WikiProject in Arunachal with RIWATCH in collaboration with West Bengal Wikimedians will be developed further.
    • We will work with Kala Ashram to document museum and archive of arts & crafts.
    • We would replicate the process of re-licensing executed in Maharashtra to other states of India. Tutorials and promotional material will be developed in various languages.
    • We will continue collaboration with 175 year old Pune Nagar Vachan Mandir library which aims to bring more than 1,000 PD books on Wikimedia projects.
    • We will continue partnerships with Tarun Bharat Sangh (TBS) and other organisations under Project Jalbodh to build a water-related knowledge repository.
    • We will strengthen and expand our partnership with Vigyan Ashram to implement a module on 'Digital skills and knowledge creation' in 10 rural schools. With Vigyan Ashram, we have planned OER development on scientific concepts and various hands-on skills.
    • We would develop WikiProject Birds with Birdsong and other organisations.
  • Content creation: Creation of high-quality content has been a top priority of CIS-A2K's work-plan and strategy. We will conduct and support a series of Wiki-events which will help to produce high quality content in different Indic Wikimedia projects. Other than Wikisource proofread-a-thon and content relicensing:
    • We will continue the Mini edit-a-thon series. We will conduct at least three mini edit-a-thons in the year. This year we will involve the community members more in organising responsibilities.
    • We will conduct or support at least two photo walk events in India.
    • We will continue and further improve the Resource Exchange Program which has been helpful for Indic Wikimedians to create and improve Wikimedia content, and Wikipedia articles.
  • Leadership development: The Wikimedia movement has been able to grow and sustain due to excellent community leaders and their leadership. We would like to continue working on conducting/supporting activities to enhance leadership skills.
    • CIS-A2K request page will continue to be functional for a variety of requests, including support for organising events, logistical support, non-financial requests..
    • Train-the-trainer is a workshop to groom leadership skills among Indian Wikimedia community members. Post-pandemic we would like to conduct an iteration. The topics and the content will align with the Wikimedia movement strategy and other important movement topics.
    • We will continue supporting city-based or theme-specific meetups or events..

5.1 If yes, provide a brief overview of Year 2 and Year 3 of the proposed plan and how this relates to the current proposal and your strategic plan? Required 3000 character limit.

Not applicable

Please include a timeline (operational calendar) for your proposal. (help) This is to show how you hope to develop your work over the course of the funding period. It can be in semesters, quarters, or months, depending on what makes more sense for the work you are delivering. Here, you need to identify the various milestones in their project in order to break each task under a unique work plan showcasing the operational calendar. If needed, you can also upload a timeline document below

Our annual plan will be divided into four quarters, July–September, October–December, January–March and April–June. An interim or progress report will be published after the second quarter (to be published on or around 30 January, within 30 days of the second quarter). A final annual program report (or impact report) is to be prepared by 30 September (within 90 days after the fourth quarter). While the interim report will have interim expense details, a more detailed financial report of the entire fund with an audit report signed by professional auditors will be submitted along with the impact report.

Do you have the team that is needed to implement this proposal? 3000 character limit. Required.

Please see CIS-A2K/Team. The Access to Knowledge team will be the executor of the proposal. Here is an expected outline structure of the team in the upcoming year. There might be changes in the team because of transition or other reasons. Candidates with similar experiences will be appointed in such a scenario. In the upcoming program year, all full-time positions will have an exclusive contract with the organisation.

Program Manager: In the proposed program year, the plan is to be lead by a Program Manager. The program manager is advised and supported by the CIS Board, executive director, and senior staff (a team of senior staff members leading and managing projects across various other programmes at CIS). Currently User:Tito (CIS-A2K) presently holds this position. He has 10 years experience in the Wikimedia movement

Senior Program Officer: The Senior Program officer will be leading the partnership vertical of the plan. He will also play a crucial role in planning, decision-making, and other meta work such as report-writing, and mentoring new team members etc. User:Subodh (CIS-A2K) presently holds the position of Senior Program Officer. He has vast experience of working with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in different parts of India, especially in rural areas. He has been associated with the Wikimedia movement for more than eight years and has been a CIS-A2K member for five years now.

Program Officer (Wikisource): Wikisource is a focused project of CIS-A2K in which we work to support and strengthen the Wikisource communities in India. The Wikisource plan is lead by a Program Officer. At present User:Jayanta (CIS-A2K) holds this position. Jayanta is one of the most prolific Wikisource contributors in India, working with several communities for almost a decade now. He is a Bangla Wikisource administrator in his volunteer capacity. He has been working with CIS since mid-2018.

Program Officer (Community support): We have a program person in the team who works directly with the community to conduct/support events and other initiatives and activities. The request page logistics, and general support verticals are taken care of by the Program Officer. At present User:Nitesh (CIS-A2K) holds this position. Nitesh is a regular contributor to Wikipedia and other projects. She has successfully completed 100wikidays several times, and is the first woman Wikimedian globally to complete 1000wikidays.

Finance officer: The finance officer manages all the finance-related activities of the program (payment, billing, advance process, and settlement, accounting, auditing, reporting etc.). Currently User:Medini (CIS-A2K) is working as the Finance Officer of the program. Medini has over 15 years of experience of working in the finance sector. She has been working with the CIS finance department for over a decade now.

Program Advisor: The Program Advisor works with the Program Manager, Senior Program Officer, and program officers, providing advice and suggestions on different aspects. This is a part-time position. Currently User:Bodhisattwa (CIS-A2K) holds this position. In his volunteer capacity Bodhisattwa is very active on Wikisource, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons.

8.1. In a few sentences, explain how your work is specifically addressing this content gap (or Knowledge inequity) to ensure a greater representation of knowledge. 1000 character limit. Optional (recommended).

A2K's work and initiatives across various states brings in content on diverse geographies. We are engaging educational, social & research organisations to expand their user base in order to reach out to people with multi-faceted backgrounds. We are building reliable content with thematic partners engaged at the grassroots, on relevant and timely topics like science, environment, gender etc. The web content on topics like natural calamities, laws, public schemes, river pollution, social movements, conflicts etc. in regional languages is accessed and utilised by a wider public as it is more easily available through open access platforms like Wikimedia. Through collaborations with institutions, we are undertaking efforts to reach communities in remote areas, environmentally sensitive areas, indigenous groups with traditional knowledge, culturally rich societies and institutions to collect and represent their knowledge on Wikimedia. We are designing customised approaches to build sustainable partnerships.

What are your strategies for engaging participants, particularly those that currently are non-Wikimedia? If you stated that you were seeking to address a gap in “contributions”, what approaches and specific investments are you making to reach underrepresented groups. Also please describe your strategies to retain participants after your proposal is implemented. 2500 character limit. Required

We believe in engaging and strengthening underrepresented groups directly in free knowledge creation along with enriching content. Our strategy is to develop long term partnerships with community based reliable institutions and nurture their members as Wikimedians working on different projects. Some of the previous work includes - program with Vigyan Ashram, Lek Ladaki Abhiyan, Pune Nagar Vachan Mandir library, Tarun Bharat Sangh and RIWATCH.

We have also achieved success in relicensing valuable content on Wikimedia and preserving the same for access to larger society. The content generation is being integrated with academic assignments in educational institutions. If we integrate the content creation in such a way within the internal processes of organisations, the knowledge creation becomes a stand alone feature and thus sustainability is achieved.

The grass-root organisations working in rural and remote areas often face challenges like - lack of infrastructure, access to expert manpower and communication. We would facilitate the process to overcome these challenges by networking with appropriate agencies in the sector. These include government and private sector collaborations.

To demystify the process and importance of web-based free knowledge creation, we would design and produce effective community movement resources (CMRs) in simple local languages. These CMRs include booklets, small videos, tutorials, motivational content and alike.

Once the in-house capacity is built, our emphasis is on networking with like minded institutions for qualitative and sustainable content generation. We also have been able to develop a positive outlook of the organisations towards Wiki contribution as a mutually beneficial activity as they are also empowering society through knowledge and action. In the last three years many organisations have relicensed training material, books, videos and encyclopedias on Wikimedia Commons.

In what ways are you actively seeking to contribute towards creating a safer, supportive, more equitable environment for participants and promoting the UCOC and Friendly Space Policy, and/or equivalent local policies and processes? 2000 characters limit Required

CIS-A2K will follow Friendly space policies in our programs and the events. We will actively contribute towards creating a friendly, supportive Wiki-environment. We will co-ordinate with and learn from the Wikimedia Foundation to ensure that our attempts are aligned with the global best practices.

A2K will try to maintain a constant healthy dialogue between the active Wikimedians through various engagements. We will also facilitate the supplementary inputs in the form of expert sessions like we did during the pandemic on important topics related to mental health.

The concepts, background and aspects of implementation related to UCOC on the ground are best understood when conveyed in the respective local languages with appropriate case studies in local context. We have realised the need of such resources for effective execution. We will work with the communities and subject experts (women's studies, sociology, behavioral sciences etc.) to develop such resources, and a better understanding of aspects related to community health, conflict resolution, gender sensitivity and related factors in creating inclusive and productive working environments for a diverse community. The training modules based on these resources will be used in community events.



Please tell us about these connections online and offline and how you have let Wikimedia communities know about this proposal. Use this space to describe the processes you carried out to make the community more involved in devising this proposal. If you had any on-wiki community discussions around the proposals you can also mention these or add these links. Required 1000 character limit.

Throughout the year A2K communicates with Wikimedians during different Wiki-events and activities. Some of program-specific surveys: A2K Request Page Feedback form, Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 Feedback form, Infrastructural Needs of Indian Language Wikisource Communities - Survey Form, Needs assessment of Wikisource Communities for 2022-2023, Proofread-thon Feedback Form. After submission of the proposal, we will share it on the mailing list, and through our monthly newsletter.



14.1 Please describe these partnerships and what motivates the potential partner to be part of the proposal and how they add value to your work. Indicate sharing of resources from these partners (in-kind support, grants, donations, payments). These partnerships can include different types of contributions such as funding, logistics, advocacy, mobilisation, communication, etc. Required 3000 character limit

Institutional partnerships

All the existing partners and potential partners collaborate with us in organising the programs and running the projects mentioned below.

  • We will continue to work on and expand the project with, RIWATCH in Arunachal Pradesh. The expansion of activities is planned with Rajiv Gandhi University and the government of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • The process has started with Kashibai Gawand Museum at Satara which holds rare historical artifacts like coins, weapons, utensils etc. and we plan to collaborate with them.
  • We are also in partnership with Kala Ashram organisation at Adilabad. The project will be designed to document the museum collections and its archive of arts & crafts.
  • A2K would replicate the process of relicensing executed in Maharashtra in other states of India in a systematic manner.
  • The ongoing project in collaboration with 175 year old Pune Nagar Vachan Mandir library aims to bring more than 1000 public domain books on Wikimedia projects. We have developed partnerships with Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics to digitise valuable material from the British era in the form of books, reports, documents etc. Similar partnerships will be developed in at least three states.
  • In collaboration with various organisations in the water sector, A2K has started Project Jalbodh to build a water related knowledge repository. The partnerships with Tarun Bharat Sangh (TBS) and other organisations will be strengthened to develop the project in asystematic manner. This project will be replicated in three other states.
  • Several activities are being conducted with Vigyan Ashram based in rural area of Maharashtra in the science and technology sector. The organisation runs a course entitled 'Introduction to Basic Technology (IBT)' in more than 100 schools in three states. The module on 'Digital skills and knowledge creation' will be designed and implemented in 10 IBT schools.
  • The documentation of birds in Sangli district has started with Birdsong, a group of enthusiasts active in birding and nature conservation. This WikiProject Birds will be continued.
  • A2K has been working with Lek Ladki Abhiyan and Jnana Prabodhini consistently for the last four years on various projects to increase the gender-related content and women's participation.

How do you hope to sustain or expand the work carried out in this proposal after the grant? Describe your proposal for scaling the impact and continuing the work if applicable. 1500 character limit. Optional (recommended).

CIS-A2K has been actively working to strengthen and support the Wikimedia movement in India since 2012. We have been submitting annual plans over these years and the plans are supported and funded by Wikimedia Foundation. So, this has been a service and program without an interruption. This has given us a wonderful opportunity to a) work on programs which takes more than a year to complete, b) continue from a point where we conclude in a year, and plan followup activities, and iterations.

After the completion of the program year, we would re-assess the program's (and its different component's) strength, weakness, opportunity, strength and we would like to continue from the point where we will conclude this year. Some of the areas we expect to continue to work on after this grant are activities related to partnership building, general support to the community and skill-building activities.

What kind of risks do you anticipate and how would you mitigate these? This can include factors such as external/contextual issues that may affect implementation, as well as internal issues, such as governance/leadership changes. 3000 character limit. Optional (recommended).

There may be risks which we can not anticipate. However these are some of external/contextual factors that may affect implementation:

  • COVID-19 pandemic: The pandemic will continue to be a potential risk. Although from our past experience, we have learnt to plan programs with backup or alternative plans, several of our events (specially in-person programs) might get affected if the pandemic continues.

What do you hope to learn from your work in this fund proposal? Describe the main things you would like to learn if you have created the change that you wanted and that your strategies worked? You can describe these in the form of Learning Questions. The data you collect should help answer these questions. required 3000 character limit

We believe that our work this year will continue to be a learning experience as well. Some of the areas where we believe our learning will grow after the completion of this year's program are:

  • Sustainability: We are working on providing more professional support towards sustainability of different Wikimedia user groups (affiliates) and communities. Owing to various developments related to regulatory compliance, including the implementation of recent FCRA amendments in 2020, we are continuously learning how to best serve the communities, in keeping with all these updated rules and regulations. We hope that we will have a much better understanding of scope and feasibility of the different types of work we would like to undertake, by the end of the year.
  • Wikimedian in Residence: This year, A2K proposes to work on multiple projects involving Wikimedians in residence (WiR). So far, we have not explored this component as much, but we anticipate that our work will result in a comprehensive documented process of our attempt in setting up a WiR initiative.
  • Learning and storytelling: We are focusing on learning and knowledge sharing and we will continue to work on projects like Academy. We expect that our storytelling skills will improve further.
  • Post-pandemic event organising and collaboration: In-person events were not being conducted for a couple of years. Once the movement resumes in-person events (not only workshops, but this also includes GLAM activities, partnerships, education program etc.) these will have a new a set of protocols and guidelines. This will be a new learning area for us as well.
  • Topics of concern & impact: We will work closely with communities on concerns related to various social and environmental issues. Dissemination of knowledge to bring about change in the society is our common goal. We would like to learn about the impact of free knowledge created, its applications and the perceptions of people who have benefited by the same.
  • Wiki editing, academics and personality: We have been working with students to generate content on Wikimedia projects. This process contributes to improvement in academic performance as well as personality development as per the feedback we have received. We would like to study this aspect and document the learnings.
  • Partnerships and synergy: We are building partnerships with various stakeholders who share our vision of free knowledge. We experience that their core competence is adding value to the movement. A common cross-learning platform for all these partners would be useful to achieve the collective impact of Wikimedia movement. We aim to explore this synergy and share the learnings with the larger movement.



21.1 If for some reason your proposal will not measure these core metrics please provide an explanation. If needed, you can also use this space to make any additional comments or observations about these core metrics. 1000 character limit

What tools would you use to measure each metric selected? Please refer to the guide for a list of tools. You can also write that you are not sure and need support. Required 2000 character limit We'll use a set of tools hosted at WMFLabs or Toolforge.

  • We'll use Programs and Events dashboard for managing program in general and for metric like number of participants.
  • We'll use WMF quarry labs to obtain newly registered users. A sample can be seen here.
  • We'll use Event metrics to create new program page and add the relevant data such as event date, list of participants and Wikiprojects.
  • To calculate the number of Wikipedia pages created or edited we use WMF quarry labs & Event metrics
  • To calculate the number of folios proofread, validated or created by a user on Wikisource, we are using Indic-wscontest tool, this tool was developed by IndicTechCom based on the needs and requirements of the Indic Wikisource community.
  • GLAMorous: This tool will help us to obtain the number of images uploaded during an event if the images are added in a category and also it gives data of usage on Wikipedia articles.
  • Petscan: This tool helps us to determine the number of media files uploaded during a Photowalk/photo contest if a dedicated category is created and media life are linked to that.
  • We'll also use tools like Hashtag, Montage, ISA, Wiki Loves tool wherever needed.