User:Tjane Hartenstein (WMDE)/Sandboxmid2015



Metrics Tabellen

  • dieses Ding ist allerdings als Vorlage sehr starr und nicht veränderbar:
Metric Achieved outcome Explanation
1. # of active editors involved
2. # of new editors
3. # of individuals involved
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects

  • besser fahren wir mit selbst erstellten Tabellen:

Metric Achieved outcome Explanation Explanation
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (gut)
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (middel)
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (schlecht)





Volunteer Support Program










40 Prozent heller

80 Prozent heller



20 Prozent heller

40 Prozent heller

80 Prozent heller



20 Prozent heller

40 Prozent heller

80 Prozent heller



20 Prozent heller

40 Prozent heller

80 Prozent heller

A GLAM partners perspective on the give and take of working with Wikipedia
The Wikiproject Verzetskranten is a project to systematically and uniformly describe all (approx. 1200) Dutch underground newspaper titles from World War 2 on Wikipedia and Wikidata. For users of the Dutch Wikipedia it will mean that many new articles about illegal WW2 newspapers will become available, expanding the current 18 articles to over 1200 by the end of 2015.
The project brings together previously unconnected sources about the Dutch resistance press during WW2 and makes the aggregated and semantically enriched data available for open reuse. Although the primary focus will be on Wikipedia and Wikidata, the data will also be available for other initiatives such as DBpedia, Delpher (the Dutch national aggregator for historic newspapers, books and magazines) as well as data visualization purposes.
Olaf Janssen, at Wikimedia Nederland Conference 2014

The initiator of the project, the national library of the Netherlands (KB), works together with Wikipedians, respresentatives of the Dutch DBpedia and the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies to minimize barriers between disparate data suppliers. This collaboration creates a new information chain across cultural heritage institutions and Wikipedians.
For the KB the added value of this collaboration is not only about making WW2-content more findable and reusable, but also about learning to understand and harness the power, potential and reputation of the Wikimedia-ecosystem as a platform to bring together GLAMs and volunteers across the Netherlands. In this sense the Wikiproject Verzetskranten can be regarded as a feasibility study for exposing other collections (than WW2-newspapers) on Wikipedia in future."
Olaf Jansen, National Library of the Netherlands



Learning Materials

Learning Pattern Sharing relevant information with the Wikimedia movement

Learning Material Wiki Dialogues


Wikidata users

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Thanks Wikidata, you are awesome!

— Benutzer sowieso, via Twitter

Thanks Wikidata, you are awesome!

Thanks Wikidata, you are awesome!

— Benutzer sowieso, via Twitter


Financial Information

APG expenses Q1 expenditures Q2 expenditures Q3 expenditures Q4 expenditures
cost unit line item nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs Cumulative Cumulative in USD Percentage spent do date Explanation of variances from plan
Volunteer Support
213 Volunteer Support 37.393 € 18.205 € 31.968 € 20.789 € 108.355 €
214 Development 90 € 1.684 € 11.866 € 1.990 € 15.629 €
215 Community Events 0 € 0 € 73 € 90 € 163 €
216 Large Community Projects 8.091 € 70 € 2.320 € 69 € 10.550 €
217 Local Community spaces active 8.813 € 225 € 8.355 € 0 € 17.393 €
218 Local Community spaces development 730 € 0 € 1.831 € 283 € 2.844 € 154.935 €
Software Development
219-221 Info Camp/Ent Con/Game Jam 0 € 6.312 € 292 € 11.387 € 17.991 €
222 Communication Networks 0 € 1.641 € 1.734 € 3.437 € 6.812 €
223 Communication Communities 258 € 4.152 € 1.501 € 5.657 € 11.568 €
224 technical requests 0 € 14.717 € 0 € 24.922 € 39.639 €
55100 Wikidata 4.101 € 117.632 € 14.633 € 111.741 € 248.107 €
Total 59.476 € 164.638 € 74.573 € 180.366 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 479.053 €
Non APG expenses Q1 expenditures Q2 expenditures Q3 expenditures Q4 expenditures
cost unit line item nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs Cumulative Cumulative in USD Percentage spent do date Explanation of variances from plan
132 Wikimedia Conference 1.317 € 10.024 € 72.877 € 18.736 € 102.953 €
201 ABC des Freien Wissens 2.055 € 3.393 € 3.693 € 4.221 € 13.362 €
202 Beratungsmodule 841 € 3.305 € 1.260 € 5.596 € 11.001 €
203 Bündnis Freie Bildung 763 € 5.094 € 214 € 0 € 6.071 €
204 Coding da Vinci 20.000 € 6.332 € 1.790 € 6.343 € 34.465 €
205 Tools for Volunteers 0 € 222 € 0 € 0 € 222 €
206 Glam on Tour 4.772 € 2.707 € 811 € 1.466 € 9.756 €
207 Development of Materials 19 € 3.556 € 8.333 € 1.997 € 13.906 €
208 Open Science Project 300 € 8.469 € 630 € 6.929 € 16.328 €
209 Monsters of Law 91 € 707 € 125 € 1.650 € 2.573 €
210 OER Project 221 € 15.829 € 455 € 0 € 16.505 €
211 WikiCon 0 € 1.845 € 1.312 € 1.018 € 4.175 €
212 EU-Lobbying 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 €
226 Free Knowledge Advocacy Group 7.312 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 7.312 €
227 Mapping OER 0 € 0 € 8.858 € 37.746 € 46.604 €
Total 37.691 € 61.482 € 100.358 € 85.702 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 285.233 €
Administrative and Program Support Cost Q1 expenditures Q2 expenditures Q3 expenditures Q4 expenditures
cost unit line item nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs Cumulative Cumulative in USD Percentage spent do date Explanation of variances from plan
Office of the CEO 34.301 € 73.009 € 18.337 € 79.181 € 204.827 € Neubesetzung Vorstand // Governance Review
Finance, Office, IT and HR 137.793 € 67.429 € 162.122 € 77.861 € 445.205 €
Event Management 1.141 € 14.740 € 4.605 € 13.252 € 33.738 €
Event Management 1.141 € 14.740 € 4.605 € 13.252 € 33.738 €
Program Support
Communication 24.098 € 43.444 € 36.362 € 39.411 € 143.314 €
Partnerships und Development 2.900 € 42.051 € 2.298 € 56.664 € 103.913 €
Total 200.233 € 240.673 € 223.724 € 266.368 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 930.998 €

Q1 expenditures Q2 expenditures Q3 expenditures Q4 expenditures
cost unit line item nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs nonpersonnel-costs personnel-costs Cumulative Cumulative in USD Percentage spent do date Explanation of variances from plan
Donations 2.150.000 € 2.002.590 € 124.499 € 2.127.089 €
APG Grant 840.000 € 840.000 € 840.000 €
Membership fees 1.100.000 € 598.776 € 294.124 € 892.900 €
Contracts (zu klären wg. gebunden/frei) 500.000 € 105.000 € 105.000 €
Carry-over 30.000 € 30.000 € 30.000 €
Grants 100.000 € 42.328 € 42.328 €
Fundraising lump sum 150.000 € 75.000 € 75.000 €
Wikimedia Conference 100.000 € 108.882 € 108.882 €
Total 4970000 € 3.588.694 € 0 € 527.505 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 105.000 € 0 € 4.221.199 €



Global Metrics Overview


Program 1: Volunteer Support

Volunteer Support
Metric Achieved outcome Explanation Other
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (gut)
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (middel)
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (schlecht)

Program 2: Software Development

Software Development
Metric 06/2015 12/2014 01-06/2015
editors (1+/ 30 days) 15,074 13,344 +13%
active editors (5+/ 30 days) 6005 5377 +12%
very active editors (100+/ 30 days) 915 800 +14%
new active editors (10th edit threshold, 01-05/2015) 3689
Metric 06/2015 12/2014 01-06/2015
[h pages] 18,284,555 16,871,369 +8%
items 17,880,164 16,668,610 +7
items with referenced statements 10,017,235 8,423,002 +19%
Special:Statistics edits 227,708,671 182,571,317 +25%
statements (total) 65,993,797 53,020,002 +24%
statements referenced to Wikipedia 20,135,242 18,692,336 +8%
statements statements referenced to other sources 11,677,032 8,010,042 +46%

Program 3: Institutions

Volunteer Support
Metric Achieved outcome Explanation Other
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (gut)
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (middel)
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (schlecht)
Volunteer Support
Metric Achieved outcome Explanation Other
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (gut)
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (middel)
Text Text Text farbige Zusatzspalte (schlecht)

Program stories




Program Story 1: Supporting Volunteers


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Success Story: Local hubs and local groups
The Wikiproject Verzetskranten is a project to systematically and uniformly describe all (approx. 1200) Dutch underground newspaper titles from World War 2 on Wikipedia and Wikidata. For users of the Dutch Wikipedia it will mean that many new articles about illegal WW2 newspapers will become available, expanding the current 18 articles to over 1200 by the end of 2015.
The project brings together previously unconnected sources about the Dutch resistance press during WW2 and makes the aggregated and semantically enriched data available for open reuse. Although the primary focus will be on Wikipedia and Wikidata, the data will also be available for other initiatives such as DBpedia, Delpher (the Dutch national aggregator for historic newspapers, books and magazines) as well as data visualization purposes.
Olaf Janssen, at Wikimedia Nederland Conference 2014

The initiator of the project, the national library of the Netherlands (KB), works together with Wikipedians, respresentatives of the Dutch DBpedia and the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies to minimize barriers between disparate data suppliers. This collaboration creates a new information chain across cultural heritage institutions and Wikipedians.
For the KB the added value of this collaboration is not only about making WW2-content more findable and reusable, but also about learning to understand and harness the power, potential and reputation of the Wikimedia-ecosystem as a platform to bring together GLAMs and volunteers across the Netherlands. In this sense the Wikiproject Verzetskranten can be regarded as a feasibility study for exposing other collections (than WW2-newspapers) on Wikipedia in future."
Olaf Jansen, National Library of the Netherlands

Other Success Stories

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Target Table
Target Progress (at end of Q2) Projected (end of year)/ Next steps/ Comments
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Text Text Text

Program Story 2: Software Development


Program Story 3: Institutions


Program Story 4: Legal and Social Framework


Wikimedia Deutschland’s Work for the global movement
