User:Tony1/Comparison of affiliation models
- Name: Wikimedia User Groups
- Name: Wikimedia Thematic Organization
- Name: Wikimedia National or Sub-national Chapter
- Mission: Variable within the overall mission of supporting and promoting the Wikimedia projects
- Mission: To support and promote the Wikimedia projects in general with regards to a specified thematic field or focus area. They aim to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally.
- Mission: To support and promote the Wikimedia projects in general with regards to a specified geographical region or country. Like the Wikimedia Foundation, they aim to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally. (From Wikimedia chapters)
- Territorial range: Variable; assumed to be mostly regional, but could work across national boundaries
- Territorial range: Variable; national, sub-national, across nations, global
- Territorial range: National or sub-national
- Incorporation: Any – Wikimedia groups can be incorporated or not as they see fit
- Incorporation: Legally registered. Can be registered where they see fit if operating in more than one country.
- Incorporation: Legally registered. Pursuing non-profit status where available.
- Minimum rights:
- Simplified access to grants
- Basic use of the Wikimedia trademarks for promotion and organization of projects and events
- Minimum rights:
- WM trademark use for most purposes within focus, including fundraising and publicity.
- Recognition as representatives of the movement within area of focus.
- A voice in the selection of two Foundation trustees every two years
- Minimum rights:
- WM trademark use for most purposes within country of operation, including fundraising and publicity
- Recognition as representatives of the movement within country of operation
- A voice in the selection of two Foundation trustees every two years
- Participation in annual decision-making conference of all chapters
- Simplified access to grants
- Minimum duties:
- Active work
- Transparent reporting
- Good cooperation with other entities
- Minimum duties:
- Active work
- Publishing an annual report as per Reporting Requirements
- Fulfilling movement-wide accountability standards
- Focus on our global mission
- Development of a sustainable, independent regional non-profit
- Within their focus area: support of community projects, fundraising coordination, grant and partnership development[1], oversight of PR and media; representing the Wikimedia movement and its interests at public events and in government discussions
- Minimum duties:
- Active work
- Publishing an annual report as per Reporting Requirements
- Fulfilling movement-wide accountability standards
- Support our common global goals with local means
- Development of a sustainable, independent regional non-profit
- Within their geography: support of community projects, fundraising coordination, grant and partnership development[1], oversight of PR and media; representing the Wikimedia movement and its interests at public events and in government discussions
- Trademark use: Basic standard use; more extensive usage possible case-by-case, on permission from WMF
- Trademark use: For most purposes within thematic area of focus, including fundraising and publicity, via agreement with the WMF
- Trademark use: For most purposes within geography, including fundraising and publicity, via agreement with the WMF.
- Origin of funds: Case-by-case WMF/Chapter grants possible or dedicated chapter grants if they exist
- Origin of funds: Multiple. Independent fundraising (outside Wikimedia); fundraising agreements with chapters (chapters could provide an option to mark donations for a them); WMF grants; chapter grants; member fees
- Origin of funds: Multiple. Fundraising agreements with WMF, WMF grants, member fees, donations, external grants
- Relationship with overlapping entities: While entities are not in a hierarchy, they need to agree how to coexist in a geography to streamline their communication and avoid duplicate work. Wikimedia groups/associations would be expected to ask other entities for support more than vice-versa.
- Relationship with overlapping entities: Entities in a country are not in a hierarchy, but need to agree how to co-exist in a geography to streamline their communication and avoid duplicate work.
- Relationship with overlapping entities: Wikimedia chapters are expected to play a coordinating role within their respective geographies, and this is a distinctive role they play among Wikimedia organizations. Entities in a country are not in a hierarchy, but need to agree how to co-exist in a geography to streamline their communication and avoid duplicate work.
- Board and membership: Open membership
- Board and membership: Elected board with individuals willing to publicly disclose identity, a majority of whom are wikimedians. Open membership.
- Board and membership: Elected board with individuals willing to publicly disclose identity, a majority of whom are wikimedians. Open membership.
- Transparency and communication: Full info about organizers (for case-by-case grants and trademark usage)
- Transparency and communication:Full info about organizers and supporters; see reporting requirements
- Transparency and communication: Full info about organizers and supporters; see reporting requirements
- Capacity to sign agreements with third parties: Can help with informal negotiations, or minor agreements such as hosting or support for a local event, but WMF or chapter if they exist would sign partnership agreements
- Capacity to sign agreements with third parties: Yes, in country of operation
- Capacity to sign agreements with third parties: Yes, overseen by WMF if on global level
- Recognition from: Affiliations Committee, with support from staff: staff will process the original requests, and submit recs to the Committee for approval. [WMF staff would be available to handle any such requests; chapters can also where chapters want to handle this within their geography]
- Recognition from: WMF Board of Trustees, with recommendations from the Affiliations Committee
- Recognition from: WMF Board of Trustees, with recommendations from the Affiliations Committee
- Minimum requirements for recognition: A very lightweight process, intended for hundreds of groups and consisting of:
- Listing a group's information in a public place
- Confirmation of the contact person's identity
- A clear definition of their focus, motivation and time period for which recognition is requested
- Plans for offline work? (to distinguish these from online wikiProjects)
- Minimum requirements for recognition:
- Viability
- A critical mass of active participants - at least 20 people
- Members originating from the Wikimedia community (not all of them, but at least the majority), and accepted by the relevant thematic community
- Trustworthiness:
- A non-profit, with a mission supporting all WMF projects (possibly as part of a general support for free knowledge or free culture as the stated aim) in all languages. (If there is a very good reason, an exception might be made).
- A history of good work within the movement
- Openness (see Board and membership, above)
- Minimum requirements for recognition:
- Viability
- A critical mass of active participants - at least 20 people
- Members originating from the Wikimedia community (not all of them, but at least the majority), and accepted by the relevant local community
- Trustworthiness:
- A non-profit with a mission supporting all WMF projects (possibly as part of a general support for free knowledge or free culture as the stated aim) in all languages. (If there is a very good reason, an exception might be made, but don't know of any among the current chapters).
- A history of good work within the movement
- Openness (see Board and membership, above)
- Recognition document: Public listing on meta; email to contact person; identification of the contact to the WMF.
- Groups could request limited recognition – limited in terms of either time or intent.
- Recognition document: WMF Board resolution (interim), supplanted by an agreement with the WMF
- Recognition document: WMF Board resolution (interim), supplanted by a chapters agreement with the WMF
- Reporting requirements: Regular public updates on wiki page
- Reporting requirements: As per Draft Accountability Standards
- Reporting requirements:
- Looking back:
- The current Chapters Agreement: "8.1. The chapter shall supply a written activity and financial report in English at least once a year to the Foundation, within four months of each chapter year end."
- Draft Accountability Standards
- Looking forward:
- Publish or link to the organization's annual plan.
- Mentoring and support: From chapter, where in existence and only if requested by group
- Mentoring and support: Affiliations Committee until recognition
- Mentoring and support: Affiliations Committee until recognition; Chapters Council after recognition.
- Change of status possible: Yes
- Change of status possible: Yes
- Change of status possible: Yes
- Withdrawal of recognition: Affiliations Committee, if necessary, by unlisting and informing group
- Withdrawal of recognition: WMF Board of Trustees, if necessary
- Withdrawal of recognition: WMF Board of Trustees, if necessary.
- Examples: WikiProject Tree of Life, Wikibooks Translation Team, Semantic MediaWiki Association
- Example: Amical
- Examples: 39 existing chapters
- Other considerations: The existence of associations should make it easier for any group to get started and develop programs.
- Other considerations:
- Optional right: Eligibility for longer-term infrastructure grants; tied to size, capacity and activity.
- Optional right: Receiving in-kind support to build capacity and develop skills; tied to activity and need.
- Other considerations:
- Optional right: Eligibility for direct processing of donations from site-banner fundraisers; tied to experience and capacity, and to the duty of helping support fundraiser messaging, translation, and follow-up. Actively exercised in 2009-2011; limited by Board resolution of March 2012 to four chapters.
- Optional right: Eligibility for longer-term infrastructure grants; tied to size, capacity and activity.
- Optional right: Receiving in-kind support to build capacity and develop skills; tied to activity and need.