User:Yair rand/Petition scan.js

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// This is more of a "follow these instructions in the console" then a script to run, sorry about that.
// Also, this is a bit more thwacking the API than is probably good practice.

// Run this from the edit screen of the page with the user links.
allusers = [ Set(wpTextbox1.value.match(/\[\[User:[^\|\]]+(?=[\|\]])/g).map(x=>x.substr(7).trim()))]
  .filter(x=>!x.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/)) // Rm IPs.
  .filter(x=>!x.match(/\//)) // Users, not user subpages
  .map(x=>x.replace(''', "'" ) ); // whyyy

// Run this, then wait for the results to show up in the console before running the rest.
Promise.all( => (new mw.Api()).get({
  return x => {
    var q = x.query.globaluserinfo, e = q.editcount, g = q.groups, m = q.merged, r = q.registration;
    var lrights = x => x.groups || [] ).flat();
    var mWiki = m.reduce( ( m, c ) => m.editcount < c.editcount ? c : m, { editcount: 0 } ).wiki;
    var registration = [ r, x => x.registration )].sort()[ 0 ];
    return { ggroups: g, registration, mWiki, lrights, editcount: e };
  } );
}).then( x => console.log( window.d = x ) )

// Afterwards, running each of these in the console will output the relevant data:

// Home wiki stats
Object.entries(>x.mWiki).reduce((w,d)=>(d&&(w[d]=(w[d]||0)+1),w),{})).map(x=>x.join('=')).sort().join('; ')

// Count rights

// Global rights

// Rights instances:
['sysop','interface-admin','rollbacker','bureaucrat','checkuser','oversight'].forEach(g=>console.log('instances: ',g,>x.lrights.filter(x=>x===g)).flat().length))

// Total edit count:

// Median registration>x.registration).sort()[d.length>>1]

// Edit count quartiles