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About me


I studied law between 1999-2004. Since 1997, I'm developing online contents projects. I was the founder, chief editor, and technical contact of hardware-technology website 'Mapocho Valley', well-known in usenet chilean groups and gamers bulletin boards, developing a hardware price guide that offered information that powered purchase options of many hardware enthusiasts who created the website I am a GNU/Linux user since 2002, being beta and development tester, and documentation translator of Redhat and Fedora distributions. Since May 2005 I've participated in several conferences in Chile and Argentina, giving keynotes and leading workshops and BoFs about open content and the use of wikipedia and mediwiki content. I've contributed in free software and open content educational projects Gleducar (Argentina) and Educalibre (Chile), like sysop in their wikis, and as consultant about wikimedia project contents.

Since March 2003 I've contributed in spanish Wikipedia, and since November 2004 in Wikimedia Commons. I'm sysop and bureaucrat in Spanish wikipedia since April 2003 and Wikipedia Press Team member since January 2006. I'm de-facto spanish wikipedia press contact since Wikimania 2005, appearing in radio, newspapers and online news sites interviews in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Spain, talking about Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects. I'm developing projects for making a CD/DVD version of spanish wikipedia, wikireaders, and online courses about MediaWiki and Wikipedia, wikimedia projects in schools and how to become a wikipedian.