User talk:Anthere/archive1

Like every human beiing of this earth, Annika Viktoria Diana was born as a small miracle, happily enough at the same day as the new version of the swedish wikipedia was settled, which was funny. Thanks for asking, :) - :) -:) Dan

Parfois, je me sens lasse, mais lasse...

Coucou ;D Celà m'attriste de te voir lasse. Normal, d'après ma douce moitié à éclipse, je suis une éponge à sentiments :-( Alvaro 19:18 5 Jun 2003 (UTC)

ma moitié semble aller bien ; m'a laissé un msg comme quoi elle serait à Bruxelles tout ce ouiquende. homme-éponge, c'est bien, c'est mal, ça dépend de... euh... du contexte spatio-temporo-émotionnel. Je défends la psycho-diversité et je trouve qu'avoir des hommes-éponges, c'est bien, ainsi que des... euh... hommes étanches (?). Idem pour les femmes. Ugh. ;D 15:20 6 Jun 2003 (UTC) Alvaro

Hum...hum...tu pourras transmettre en anglais, hein?! ;op

Zest dezà du mal avec le franzais, alors l'anglaiche.... :o|

Voilivoilou, zest à propos de ta zuggestion de logo...Zadore l'idée de la tite fourmis que ze trouve mimi en plus. Koike personnellement ze la ferais moins realiste - pô genre cartoon - mais plus stylisée pour quelle soit propre à wikipedia... Car zi on avait une tite fourmis, qui affichée toute zeule, ferait toute zuite penser à Wikipedia (pour les connaisseurs evidemment), tu rezoudrais au passage le fameux debat pour une mascotte ;o)

Pour ton fond, je vais etre naime pô du tout !! :o| Trop sombre, trop de détails, trop fouilli....en petit il fera sale et sera incompréhensible.

Pour etre dans lesprit de wikipedia qui est quand meme une encyclopedie 'vivante' grace aux perpetuelles contributions, on devrait utiliser des couleurs naturelles : le vert (80% de saturation), jaune pastel, et orange (avec tracés noirs pour contraster) devraient bien zaccorder avec ta tite fourmi, non ;o)

Ze zerais bientot en congé :o) Zi tu veux bien, on pourrait potasser zà à deux ? Zai deja attrapé un coup de foudre pour - mimi la fourmi - !!! :op

Oliezekat 02:26 21 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Z'adorerai Oliz

Ze zerais bientot en congés; mais z'aurais du temps zette semaine. Ze suis pas une graphiste, ze voulais zuste mettre ensemble l'idée d'une personne du (le livre) et une mascotte pour lancer le concept (la fourmi). Z'aime bcp la fourmiz ! On voit ça ce soir...commence avec le bouquin alors (j'avais envisagé de le redessiner en virant la tete et en mettant soit le design mis sur les sondes (mais c'est sans doute trop complexe pour un logo) soit un dessin de modèle d'atome empilés. L'auteur initial du bouquin dit l'avoir en high res egalement. Aplus

Indique moà, ou envoie moà à une image en HiRes de la tite mimi pour que je lui fasse un ti lifting ;o)
Sinon, regarde la suggestion 2... Meme si elle exprime pô tout, c'est la seule qui ressemble à un logo !!! :o|
Pour le fond, je te laisse potasser, mais il fô pô s'accrocher à l'image d'un bouquin, ecriture, crayon, etc.
Un logo doit conceptualiser, et non pô représenter !!! ;op
Beez, Oliezekat 23:53 21 Jul 2003 (UTC)

certes Oliz. Que penses tu de l'aspect conceptuel de ma deuxième proposition alors . (totalement inspirée type 2 ou type actuel) ?

Hum...pô convaincu, mais on avance : gardons l'idée du titre du site entre crochet zous le zera pô trop dur aux autres wiki pour leurs modifs. Zinon, zette boule bleu, bin.... Zest froid et za minspire rien !!! :o.
Le 5 est pô idiot, mais trop représentatif et trop brouillon :o|
Le 6, trotrop cucu :o))))))))
Les 9 & 10 ne peuvent pô convenir meme si le 9 me plais....pb d'adaptation pour les autres wiki :o(
Et le 8 vient d'attirer mes faveurs...Za fait trés sérieux comme logo... il lui manque pu que la touche 'ludique'...Par contre, je serais pô etonné que cette idée soit deja prize ailleur :o(
Oliezekat 11:35 22 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Felizitations !!!! Tes rentrée dans le jeux là ! :o.

Avant de potasser zur des déclinaisons, cherche encore 2 ou 3 zidées... En les confrontant, tu trouvera zurement kekchoze d'encore plus mieux ! :o)

Pour la 16, ta premiere verzion ma donné une tite idée... Mais fô dabord que ze finisse la tite 'miwiki'... La pov, ze lui ai mis son squelette à nu :o|

En fait, je la fais en dessin vectoriel, et chaque segment est independant pour quon puisse l'articuler... Bref, tu pourras la mettre dans n'importe kelle position !!! :op

...Il me reste les papattes à faire (le plus dur) ; je te montrerais une radiographie du squelette demain ;o))))

Pour la 17, GENIALEUUUUUHHHHHHH, et tas raizon pour ta remarque zur la verzion de plusieur couleur... Zest pô necessaire. Ne connaiterais tu pô les aventures de Kubik par Schuitten par hazard ? :o.

Zi tas le temps de le peaufiner (sinon je pourrais le faire ;o), teste avec les verts du 18 (olive, et gazon pour lombre) pour tes armatures. Tourne la structure pour que les aretes gauche et droite soient (presque) verticales. Et elargi le titre aux memes dimensions que la structure. Et quand 'miwiki' sera prete, on pourra corriger l'ombre portée ;o)

Beez Oliezekat 21:11 23 Jul 2003 (UTC)

NB: le surnom 'miwiki' pour la tite fournmi te rappelle rien ??! ;op

As a prominent and outspoken advocate of the perspective of non-English non-North-American users, I request your review of Wikimedia press release plans. This needs more than translation - it needs a sense of fairness. I have also requested a similar review from User:Maveric149 and User:mirwin, who represent different points of view (vaguely, those of the technology-driven, and of the trusted elder). Please also request help from other non-anglais. Merci.

Zest zurement toà qui a corrigé mon "angliche" sur ma page ? ...Merzi :o)

Je voulais surtout te prévenir que j'ai été présenter Miwiki sur la page : Wikipedia mascot aux cotés de sa môman : "Leaf-cutters ant" ...Il y a peut-etre des fôtes à corriger ;op

Beez, Oliezekat 05:53, 24 Aug 2003 (UTC)

Premier communiqué de presse de Wikimédia

Talk:Reflexions sur la bioethique pensées

Salut Ant !

Pour les organes de presse de Belgique, je t'ai répondu sur User talk:FvdP.

--FvdP 22:11, 28 Aug 2003 (UTC)

I am getting an error from wikipedia right now:

The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL:
The following error was encountered:
  • Zero Sized Reply
iPrism did not receive any data for this request.
Generated 29/Aug/2003:13:10:21 -0400 by (iPrism)

I suspect that this was caused by that following query I made:

I think that maybe the huge numbers I used for days and limit caused wikipedia to crash. I can't be sure if anyone else can load wikipedia right now. However, I know that I can't. I didn't have the problem until I made the above Special:Recentchanges query. There was a long loading time out on all the wikipedia pages I was loading, and then that error message showed up on all of them, and now nothing is loading. Is anyone else having this problem? { MB | マイカル } 17:25, 29 Aug 2003 (UTC)

Naaaaannnn, tas merdé...zest le logo 124 qui a été interverti par le 12 !!!!! Le 119 est seulement un logo de K

Oliezekat 18:06, 4 Sep 2003 (UTC)

j'vois bien qu'il y a un poil dans le potage...mais la je ne comprend pas du tout. je reverte mon truc et tu repares ?

okidoki je deplace aussi les 3 votes qui a eu qd yavait limage du 12 ? :op Oliezekat 18:16, 4 Sep 2003 (UTC)

c est qui les voteux ?
Attend que je corrige, et on leur demande confirmer ;o) Oliezekat 18:20, 4 Sep 2003 (UTC)

corrige d abord. Je regarde et je note

Okie, Hémant, JeanMichel, pit doivent reconsidérer leurs votes. Je met un mot a la ML

je leur met un message direct sur leur Wikipedia...Hemant et JM sont francais, par contre Pit est allemand, et jy comprend rien en allemand...tu pourra me traduire ? :op Oliezekat 18:29, 4 Sep 2003 (UTC)

mon ami, il y a pire, il y a peut etre 20 personnes qui ont voté depuis le remplacement. Et qui aurait pu voter pour le 124...

Voui, zest fort moà ze laime bien ce logo :o(
Zest pô possible qun admin trouve l'IP de 'K' pour voir si zest pô une double identité ?
NB: presque fini le message de Hémant...tu pourras le traduire en allemand (ou anglais) et l'envoyer à Pit direct sur son wiki ? Oliezekat 18:46, 4 Sep 2003 (UTC)

j ai déjà envoyé un mail général sur la mailing liste a ce sujet, ce sera peut etre inutile. Attendons de voir

Note perso, supprimer ultérieurement Image:Pologne.jpg

Zest sur, le logo 124 est accepté ? :o)

be...j en sais rien. Mais pour moi, il l'est.
Tas bien fait, za faizait longtemps quil y avait pô eu un poutch :op ...On va exaucer le voeux de Lenine avec nos poutch en permanence :o)))) Oliezekat 23:31, 5 Sep 2003 (UTC)

Zinon, za minterresse que tas vu le systeme de carte... jai pô trés bien compris ce quils cherchent à mettre au point. Un generateur de carte qui permet de placer les annotations sur une carte existante ? ...enfin explique moà, ou mieux ; fait une tite page en francais pour tous le monde... Za nous serait vachement utile pour tous les zarticles d'histoire. :o)

be again. Je ne suis pas sure du tout. Je ne suis pas cartographe moi :-) Donc, je vas essayer de comprendre. Ce qui est certain est que j ai besoin de cartes pour mes w:ecoregion. Quand a faire une tit page, ben...quand j aurais compris

Enfin, félizitation pour ton logo, beez Oliezekat 22:50, 5 Sep 2003 (UTC)

a toi aussi :-) (eh ! tu m aides pour la suite hein ?)
Voui, mais un peu de repos là :op ...on peut commencer a en discuter demain ? Oliezekat 23:15, 5 Sep 2003 (UTC)
of course :-) Le champagne t es monté a la tete ?
Jaurais pô du mettre les medics pour mon rhume dans le champagne... HIC !!! :op Oliezekat 23:31, 5 Sep 2003 (UTC)

You've (almost) won!


Congratulations, your logo is among the finalists for our International logo contest/Vote instructions. That means that from September 15 until September 25, Wikipedians will be able to vote on the logo. If your logo or one of its variants is the winner in this final voting round, it will become the official Wikipedia logo, and you will receive two prizes: a T-shirt with your logo on it, and 100 Euros/dollars of reward money.

But don't just sit there -- you have until September 15, 20:00 UTC to do the following:

Pick up to 5 versions of your logo and list them on International logo contest/Finalists. You can make minor refinements and optimizations of your logo(s) in accordance with viewer comments, but it should be obvious that the final logo(s) to vote on should not be substantially different from the original one(s) submitted. Talk to viewers to find out what they are missing in your logo and if there are several variants of your submission, pick the ones which you think best meet these concerns.

Please note that I have assigned arbitrary titles to each logo/variant on the finalists page. I encourage you to give your logo a unique title and to edit the page accordingly.

Good luck for the final voting round, and thanks for your participation in the contest!—Eloquence 06:05, 6 Sep 2003 (UTC)

Vote pour le systeme de vote


Jai pô voté car jai rien compris au systeme "average vote" ...sinon, je suis contre les autres.

La methode Condorcet est decrit en francais sur notre wiki, mais pourrais tu expliquer la methode average, ou plutot comment elle va etre appliquée... car c'est çà que je comprend pô :o( Combien de vote par personne ? par logo et ses variantes ? etc.

Si seulement je m'y serais interressé plus tot, jaurais proposé une autre technique :

Chacun peut voter pour 2 ou 3 logos, et pour chaque vote on designe la variante préférée...ce qui me parait plus simple, non ? :op

Oliezekat 08:57, 7 Sep 2003 (UTC)

hum. Il y a un pb la Olie, c'est que j'ai déclaré me retirer totalement du système de coopération international pour une durée indéterminée. Voir w:User talk:Fantasy pour un exemple de ce que je veux dire. Je transfert néanmoins ta question sur la page de vote en question. Ant

Press release


Editing on the meta version of the press release has effectively stopped. Please finalize your version of the press release. We may be distributing them as early as Monday the 29th. --maveric149 22 Sep 2003

FR Fundraising page


Here you go: Mobilisation de fonds. Wiki links will not work when it is displayed on, so it needs to stay in HTML. Expansion is needed more than translation. --Maveric149 22:56, 20 Oct 2003 (UTC)

You might want to comment on this WikiEN-l post. --Maveric149 02:27, 4 Nov 2003 (UTC)

I guess we don't need to block, he seems to have left on his own. - Hephaestos 05:42, 11 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Please stop subverting the hard ban on 142.177. If you have a problem with the ban then take it up with Jimbo. Also please stop pretending it does not apply here. See: [1] Notice the use of "everywhere." Got it? --Maveric149 06:27, 26 Nov 2003 (UTC)

  • his edits are fair game for instant reversion does not mean edits must be deleted
  • No policy in that sense has ever been layed out on meta
  • Several users support (and practice) restoring edits by banned users, when the author name disappear
  • You are currently deleting articles created under my user name.

Anthere 06:32, 26 Nov 2003 (UTC)

They are the exact same articles posted by 142.177! Thus you are doing three things: 1) you are making the ban irrelevant and 2) you are illegally removing the credit for text you did not write and worst of all 3) you are implying that it is OK to do the things that 142.177 did to get banned. "Everywhere" includes meta so I will keep on deleting the articles. --mav

I will respond again, and restore again later. I have no time now. ant

If you restore then I'm going to suggest that you be de-sysoped from meta. --mav
You may of course. You may also suggest that no one has any right to disagree with you. You may also consider the impact on international relationships and happenings on meta. Anthere
First part done.[2] And please don't pretend that I made-up the ban. The ban exists, that is a fact. You are the one who is trying to deny its validity. --mav

Why don't you too take a breath and look at things more calmly. Mav, I don't think Anthere cares too much about the banned user, I think she was just trying to preserve those links. I suggest the content be moved somewhere else as the information might be useful. Also, the issue seems to be more about general policy and not about the banned user. Just because the user is banned does not mean that his/her contributions are not useful by default (in general). Dori 07:07, 26 Nov 2003 (UTC)

If we accept the edits by a banned user then there is no point in having a ban. The banned user is rewarded for doing something that, by policy, should not be doing. Thus making the policy pointless along with basic standards of conduct - which 142.177 has consistently broken. --mav
You're not accepting his edits. You are choosing what information to keep. There is a difference in that the choice has moved from the banned user, to the editors. It makes no sense to delete without consideration. Say a hard banned user wrote about a legitimate subject. His article gets deleted by default. Along comes another editor and writes about the same article. Should his edits be deleted as well? This way a banned user could theoretically block progress simply by writing about legitimate subjects. Like I said, there is no need to restore the exact article created. Just take the links, create a new article, and put the links and information there. It does not seem like a big deal to me. Let's look at this logically. Dori 07:25, 26 Nov 2003 (UTC)
In your scenario a new article is created independent of the one created by the banned user. So the new article is not the same article, nor is it comparable to what Anthere did (which was recreate the exact article after being prompted to do so by a chain of events started by a banned user). Thus the banned user still is able to evoke change that he or she wants. Logically then the ban is useless. --mav

They are the exact same articles posted by 142.177

I can change them if you give me time. I am also sure Juxo, who has been contributing to meta several times, will agree the article on consumerium.

1) you are making the ban irrelevant

somehow true I admit. But what I want to do, as Dori says, is this : if we delete bad stuff (aggressive, irrelevant, vandalism, and if we keep the good stuff, we will only keep in meta the good things, and we will teach people only to post the good things
Your intentions are noble but you are still subverting the ban. You are tying to impose your own views by fiat instead of working within the system. Some users simply are not worth the effort to "delete the bad, keep the good". --mav

and 2) you are illegally removing the credit for text you did not write and worst of all

that is a very bad comment. First I am precisely removing the bad authorship, as many editors recommant doing in such a case, and second I indicate in the comment box I am not the original author. Hence I am absolutely not doing anything illegal
Wrong. Read the author credit areas of the GNU Free Documentation License. --mav

3) you are implying that it is OK to do the things that 142.177 did to get banned.

no. I am not at all; were he to put some bad stuff on your page, I will remove them myself if you wish so.
Slap on the wrist. Then he is still able to get what he wants into meta and is able to continue acting badly since "you will clean up after him". Sorry but this isn't Sunday school. --mav

"Everywhere" includes meta so I will keep on deleting the articles. --mav

Everywhere does not mean that everybody agrees all must be deleted. So, I will restore them, as I think they are relevant on meta. I regret you keep refusing to listen to other people opinion.
Jimbo is the person who authorizes bans. Are you questioning his authority to do so? I regret you keep refusing to listen to the wishes of Jimbo. --mav

Editor legal rights is a better title than its previous one, but it still reads as though it an attack on Jimbo for saying it and Morwen for quoting it. Is it necessary to suggest such ideas are stupid? Angela 18:11, 17 Dec 2003 (UTC)

I made the move from the previous editor first. Then I edited it partly. I added my own comments and questions then. I thought it better to separate initially what was from me, and what was from another. I may edit the move text even more if you wish. But in the new version, I stripped name reference, and derogatory terms my best. Is it enough ?
Thanks ant. It's much better now. I didn't mean to be so hasty. I thought you were leaving it like that. Angela 18:56, 17 Dec 2003 (UTC)
Sure not Angel :-) But now, I leave it rest.

Wikipedia as a community


Thanks to your encouragement, I made another assault on Wikipedia as a community. --Evan 16:43, 19 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Comme j'ai été sensible à ce que Anthere 1re se prononce contre mon bannissement, c'est bien la seule signature cohérente : avec Ellisllk administrateur le sectarisme est entré dans le tabernacle de fr.wikipédia, donc j'étais banni qu'ils le veuillent ou non, qu'ils le veuillent ou non !
Impossible que le comprenne des administrateurs qui n'ont au cœur que l'ingratitude et la traîtrise. Mais beaucoup se lasseront car pour un tel wiki il faut avoir un cœur » pur.

Je pense que tu auras vu mon message chez Hemmer.
Ils sont si fins ces Judas linuxiens qu'ils penseront que je suis témoin de Jéhovah ! Je les connais bien ces linuxiens aux beaux principes, très bien !

Ainsi, « ils » la feront leur fr.insipédia !

Je fais mon vi(de)kipédia, j'ai retrouvé miraculeusement quelques mots (que je garderai sur mon pc :-)). Quelques réponses :
Alors, il y ceux qui se taisent, il y a les cris qui ne viennent jamais, cette fois j'ai crié et tu m'as écouté, trouve ici toute ma gratitude ; il y a ceux qui ne crient plus parce qu'ils sont lassés et puis il y a tellement de sourds à tous les sommets...
Il est de lendemains qui déchantent.
Les cris de novembre, ma « fuite », peut-être un seul mot pour me retenir ? Pour moi, regrets ; mais quand bien même, pouvait-il advenir une autre situation que celle, lamentable, actuelle de fr.wikipédia ?

Une hantise.
Laisser seule... mais dans le fond lui ai-je été « utile » ? Je ne suis pas sûr.
En août, oui je ne serais pas resté si tu n'avais pas été là, pourtant cette première phrase adressée pour m'engueuler; je ne regrette pas d'être resté, non, à la réserve ci-dessus près.
T'avoir fait réfléchir, je ne t'ai jamais répondu je pense que cela allait de soi, crois-tu qui tu ne m'ait rien apporté ? :-)
Non, je ne suis pas si compliqué, dans la vie réelle je suis comme les chiens : je suis bien partout ! Je suis facile à vivre !

Ne garde que quelques mots de moi, ceux où je termine en te disant que le temps passe vite, tu sais, avec ceux qui précédaient, alors pour ton « sacerdoce », à toi de voir, je suis moins inquiet qu'il y a un mois...
Ne change pas trop, ne soit pas trop dure.

Liberté. Eslios. Eslios 09:33, 25 Feb 2004 (UTC)

David Cannon


Hi Anthere. Thank you for clarifying matter of the abuse charges being brought against you by Stuart Little. All along, I thought I could see through the accusations that Stuart Little was bringing against you, and I respect you for being so upfront. It is a simple and unfortunate reality that any administrator who dares to put problem users (I won't refer to particular persons) in their place will get accused of "abusing" his or her powers. I'm sorry this has happened to you, Anthere. I will continue to stand by your candidacy. Just hang in there and take care. Davidcannon 14:14, 27 Mar 2004 (UTC)

I thank you David :-)



Ok, Anthere, I'll set up a local Goings-on page on the bulgarian wikipedia and I'll give my best to update it frequently, :-). --Borislav 20:57, 27 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Great ! Anthere 06:23, 28 Mar 2004 (UTC)~

It's a good idea. At the Arabic Wikipedia we'll try and keep some news going on our Society page. But it won't do inter-Wiki coordination much good unless translated... --User:مصطفى 09:35, 28 Mar 2004 (UTC)

On et:, we have the same page for Village pump, Announcements and Embassy [3]. It has no big traffic, and has not been archived here. We lack people to keep and update more pages. We'll try to put important news there. Andres 10:22, 28 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Goings-on page created at eu. I've linked it from the rest of the goings-on pages (m, ar, bg, es, en and fr) except Aktuelt, I don´t know how they say basque :( Willy 03:08, 30 Mar 2004 (UTC) I´ll try to maintain the page updated... ¡ops! ¿more work? :(((((

Anthere- thanks for the call for participation. On Japanese Wikipedia, Embassy is the place to report any news from outside Japanese Wikipedia (including mailing lists and meta). I am writing most of the contents so far. (About votes, major announcements, added features, server changes, etc.)
For issues within the sites, we use Village Pump, our own BBS, and a page titled "Important issues." So, currently, I am not even sure which one to interwiki, or if we should combine them into one, or do nothing. I will ask about it on Embassy page. It is very interesting to see other wikipedias responding to your proposal, though. Tomos 03:01, 1 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Bonjur Anthére, Thanks for popularizing goings-on but I don't think I'll create that on hu: due to the lack of possibility for its updates. I do not have the time to do it, and I don't think we have permanent editors to handle it, and maybe it's not even important for the rest 3 editors to have that. :) If you have a contributor who intends to keep it updated, contact me if you want, but naturally you don't need me to create the page. --grin 15:54, 6 Apr 2004 (UTC)

thanks for answering Grin. I understand :-) In this case, just put a link to the meta one then ? And help updating it from time to time :-) Cheers :-) Anthere 16:51, 6 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Thanks for the goings on notice on sq, but I am afraid I am the only active contributor there (and not that active anyway), so there is no need for a goings-on lest I start speaking to myself :) Dori | Talk 17:04, 11 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Bonsoir ant. Thanks for all the help setting up the 'el' page. We still don't have an Embassy though. is that bad? can we set it up? thanks, el:User:Gkastel 21:58, 11 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Well, I've closed up the DNA Vote (see en:Talk:DNA/vote#Voting_results)

Amd it seems you've found a temporary way to keep your Wikistress lower by focusing on infrastructure over here. Je pense que c'est une bonne solution pour cet moment. Et souviens que je toi tiens à la lumière ;-) -- BCorr|Брайен 03:55, 29 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Going ons


Dear Fuzheado,

I was not upset. I was disappointed. Because I feel I am constantly trying to fight for a little more clarity for non english speaking wikipedias. I am well aware there is a constant trend of belittleling meta, to put everything on en. And in thus doing, not only preventing relevant inforamtion to reach us (because relevant information is lost in the english information that we do not need), but besides resulting in forcing english rules on us. For example, on meta, the page about sysop is just a redirection to the en page. That makes it appear as if the definition of the rules appplying to sysop on meta and everywhere are the rules applying on en. Which is untrue. Each time a page here is just a redirect to en, that is a reduction of our diversity, and a negation of our right for difference.

I know quite well that meta ongoings page will be updated by no one but me. And likely, if I go away for a couple of week, it will be transformed to a redirect page to en. Thus putting us in the dark again, and forcing us to look through what interest us. I know I have little move, I just hope that I am given a chance to try at least before this page is just removed. Anthere 18:16, 29 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Anthere, here is the link to the ant colony article:

Enjoy! Fuzheado 01:54, 1 Apr 2004 (UTC)

thanks a lot Fuz :-)



I 'd be gland to have an other admin in greek wikipedia. I agree Gkastel be an admin.(Forgive me if i made any grammar or spellong mistakes). // Leonariso 19:20, 31 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Bon travail


Bon travail à l'Acceuil ici! -- BCorr|Брайен 13:57, 1 Apr 2004 (UTC)

thanks as well; still work to do :-) Anthere

Thanks for taking care of those deletions. I was beginning to worry no one else went to that page. :) Angela 14:16, 4 Apr 2004 (UTC)

N'oublie jamais que nous croyons en toi! -- B

Je pense que j'ai parlé trop tôt. Presque tout le monde... :(
presque oui :-((



Bonsoir Ant,

au sujet du bot de Borislav, il pourrait peut-être pour le moment faire la demande sur Requests for permissions; en attendant que le stewardnessity soit en place? C'est un tout petit wiki (<1000 articles) et Borislav sont les 1er et 3e éditeurs les plus actifs, le bot utilisé est celui de Rob (comme Hahsar, Ryo et Orthogaffe (un peu)). -- Looxix 18:11, 5 Apr 2004 (UTC)



Je suis un peu débordé en ce moment (entre autres je prépare une présentation de la vikipedio au congrès d'espéranto à La Roche-sur-Yon samedi prochain ) pour suivre de près ce qu'il se passe autour du statut de stewart, mais dès que j'ai cinq minutes, je mets le nez là-dedans. A + ArnoLagrange 06:14, 6 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Oups ! je crois qu'en faisant un test de la page de gestion des droits je me suis supprimé les droits de sysop. Peux-tu me les rétablir, STP. ArnoLagrange 04:40, 7 Apr 2004 (UTC)
so typical. J'ai fait pareil la première fois. J'y retourne :-) Anthere 04:48, 7 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Hi, I don't think it is a good idea to remove votes. Probably the people voting just didn't realise they were not logged in, and there is nothing on the page to say they are not allowed to vote anyway. I've put them back, but separated them from the logged in users votes, so if these people wonder where their votes have gone, they will see and be able to log in and change their sig. Angela 17:50, 8 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Actually, someone moved them all back so they're not in separate sections now. I don't suppose it matters too much anyway so I didn't want to revert. I'll leave it to you to do if you want to. Angela 02:33, 9 Apr 2004 (UTC)
uh, no. No big deal. Well...the point is that till now, in such votes only loggued in user, with a meta account were allowed to vote. And that is part of a discussion on fr... :-) But you are right, moving them at the bottom is a good idea. Anthere 04:16, 9 Apr 2004 (UTC)
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