Talk:Brazil Program/Reports/wep2012-general
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Latest comment: 12 years ago by Ezalvarenga in topic Quesitoning a sustainable growth of ambassadors with limited resources
Draft of the milestones
edit- 2nd school term: One successful case that estimulated WMF to start the Wikipedia Education Program in Brazil (apparently, no much conection with the Catalyst Program analysis)
- June-July: global dev efforts announced to the most active Brazilian community (in São Paulo) in the mid of the year and a consultant position was announced
- October: again a global dev visit with a bit more analysis of PT WP and the same job positions announced
- December: a contractor, who was part of the community, was hired to start a small education pilot working partial time (20h/week) with the support of a manager in SF
edit1st school term
edit- December-January: recruiting professors using the contractor network
- January-February: a lot of work to try to organize the messed up pages related to the program and centralize them (a lot of work done with the community, which also involves a lot of support of volunteers from Portugal)
- February: recruiting ambassadors together with the community (we could not fill all the slots and we loose some in the last moment)
- February-July: started with 4 to 5 planned professors, ended with 3 actually working with WMF. 1 successful case, one so so and one bad. Other individual initiatives appeared.
- May: decision to expand the program in the second scholl term (WEP director and managers) through an open call
- June: open call for one month to select about 15 professors (strike on several universities obliged changes on the planned schedule)
- July: Notification to selected professors (10 of them not affected by the strike and most near São Paulo)
2nd school term
edit- August: Workshop in São Paulo with 7 professors WMF was going to work with (2 selected didn't reply)
- August-December: worked with 15 professors, most of them affected by the strike. Only 6 out of 7 not affected by the strike have participated of the program until the end of the semester, althought some of them are still working with the articles review.
- September: Workshop in Rio de Janeiro with 5 professors from the city (3 selected by the open call). Other professors we gave online instructions or smaller workshops. Workshops in Porto Alegre.
- October: Workshop in Curitiba with one selected professor and one online instruction
- November: Workshop in Vitória with 2 selected professors
editNormal schedule (finished or review process):
- Alessandra: good articles (~10, but most still to be reviewed)
- Iara: good articles (~10, but half still to under construction)
- Regina: good articles (~15, but withought professor review)
- Rubens: articles lacking some formating (~15, already reviewed)
- Felipe: average to good articles (~6, reviewed offline)
- Sandra: small contributions (~6, no review)
- Heloisa (informed to be participating at the very end): bad experience, but didn't follow our advice
Strike (still runing):
- Leni: great ivolvement with the wiki
- Rafael: great involvement with the wiki
- Viktor: seems to have a good knowlegde about wiki and is trying first in a different wiki platform, then he will migrate to Wikipedia
- Ricardo: good involvement with the wiki
- Edivaldo: good involvement with the wiki
- Camillo: he was already an wikipedian and seems to be dealing well with our recommendations
- Juliana: great involvement with the wiki
- Aureo: lost his ambassadors, but willing to collaborate with Leni and Yuri
- José Otávio: unknow
editSugestões da Oona
editO que está ocorrendo no Brasil?
- 15 professores trabalhando no programa com métodos de trabalho distintos, a maioria preocupada em melhorar conteúdo
- professores preocupados em explicar o que é a Wikipédia e a cultura da colaboração
- alguns professores estão mais envolvidos no wiki
- seminários e workshops desenvolvidos pelos próprios professores
- metodologia de recrutamento
- treinamento
- guias sobre o programa (professores, estudantes e embaixadores)
Prinpais aprendizados:
- Alto grau de dependência da WMF (professores e embaixadores)
- Reconhecimento (certificados e posts de blog)
- reunião via hangout entre professores
- Introdução
- motivação dos professores
editQuesitoning a sustainable growth of ambassadors with limited resources
editMy opinion is "There is not enough online and campus ambassadors and a sustainable growth is not possible yet, if possible". --Ezalvarenga (talk) 14:56, 21 January 2013 (UTC)